Super Black Technology

Chapter 625: King of the Universe (final ending)

After the successful invasion of the Daming Plane, the Earth people were greatly encouraged. [The gate of the mysterious world]

Countries have spent huge sums of money building their own gates, and then tried again and again. Kung fu is worthy of the caring person, and then the Earth people successively found the Great Song plane, the Great plane, the Great Tang plane, the Great Han plane ...

At this time, the alien Azeroth continent was invaded by a large enemy.

Countless days ago, the demon burned the flames and came to earth.

Humans, orcs, elves, dragons, goblins ... all races suffered heavy casualties, and all lines of defense had collapsed.

In this despair, the leaders of all ethnic groups gathered in Stormwind Castle to talk to Professor Valentin, the son of fate. Hope he can save Azeroth.

Facing the pleadings of the crowd, Professor Valentin, who has been secret for 10 years, finally revealed his true origins.

"I come from another universe: Earth, my mother family is a very powerful human race, not only has countless star battleships, but also a peerless great god. [Eternal Dragon Emperor] His name is Aike ! "

Encouraged by the leaders of the various ethnic groups who received this information, they subsequently established an altar and begged the goddess of the moon to come to earth.

The Goddess of the Moon is coming!

Taking the soul of Professor Valentin as the coordinate, the goddess of the moon paid all her divine power and finally built a super-large magic array connected to the solar system.

The Azeroth continent sent three representatives into the magic circle with Professor Valentine, and teleported to the moon in the ninth universe solar system.

As soon as the crowd arrived on the moon, they were discovered by Clos, the light sphere monitoring the entire solar system.

Subsequently, the heads of state came to negotiate with representatives of the Azeroth continent.

After a friendly negotiation, Earth civilization decided to rescue the Azeroth continent. [Xuanjie Gate] The condition is: lease the land of Azeroth.

This condition will be referred to as the "Azeroth Continental Lease Act".

And representatives of various races from different time and space planes have also put forward their own conditions, that is, the great human **** Aike, the Earth ’s human master, must marry Miss Gianna, the noblewoman of Stormwind.

In the case of Ike's embarrassment, the heads of state agreed to help Ike.

Subsequently, the Earth Terran Union issued a war mobilization order to gather the Daming plane, the Great Song plane, the Great Tang plane, and the Great Han plane ... to send troops to the Azeroth continent.

At that moment, countless battleships covered the star field. Hundreds of millions of fighter mechas spread over the sky, covering the entire sky of Azeroth.

Destroy the Burning Legion of countless planes, ushering the most terrible enemy ...

This battle shocked thousands of worlds!

Subsequently, the fourth largest super technology was launched, and under the leadership of Ike, humans began to battle the multiverse.


The seventh universe. Protoss of the Protoss Empire. Inside the brilliant crystal palace.

A handsome and handsome blond man walked into the palace: "Master, I want to go out and see the wonderful world outside."

Hearing this, a noble lady in frosty frowned.

"Did you tell your father? Did you tell your sister Anne?"

"Master Father has gone to the Third Universe, my sister doesn't know where to go? Mom, I just went out to see, or come back soon! My father also shuttled here from the Ninth Universe when he was a kid, so I only knew my mother!"

At this point, Sophie rolled her eyes and glared at her son.

"Okay! Then you go, remember to be safe!"

"Thank you mother! 'Dante' retires!"

With joy, the blond man left the Crystal Palace.

At the moment the man had just left the palace, Sophie's eyes appeared in endless light and shadow.

Seeing him, Sophie was very surprised ~ ~ Get up quickly: "Master Ike!"

Guangying smiled and hugged his wife: "Sophie, I've said it many times, call me Ike! We're already husband and wife, what do adults say?"

Sophie blushed and quickly shifted the topic: "My son wants to go out and travel, I'm afraid ..."

"Relax, Dante will be fine!"


Aike nodded heavily, who would dare mess with Lao Tzu's son?

"Ma'am, let's go! Let's go to the Fourth Universe! The demonic civilization of the Fourth Universe has surrendered, come with me to receive the site!"

Sophie smiled and said, "Yes, Lord Ike!"

Ike: "..."

Secretly, why does my wife call me "Master"?


Thousands of years later, Ike's name resounds throughout the multiverse.

Known as the supreme master of the universe!

(End of book!)

Statement 1: Super Black Technology is a very beautiful self-cultivation novel created by Yuemo Xiaowu. The plots are intertwined, ups and downs, exciting, and evocative; the portrayal of the characters makes us see them as we hear them. . The comments made by the book friends on this book do not imply that Biquge endorses or supports this view of the readers. Our position is limited to disseminating more information of interest to the readers. Biquge reminds you: like this book, please "recommend" after reading the last chapter, remember to "bookmark"

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