The appearance of the disciples of the miscellaneous service department naturally aroused Qin fan's recollection. It was only a year since the beginning. Most of them were familiar faces, but it didn't matter too much if it wasn't too early.

"Can't continue, already want to reach the limit of the body, this Jedi can only wait to come again next time."

After thinking for a moment, Qin fan's brow tightened and thought of it there.

It's not that his perseverance is not strong enough, but that he has a feeling for his body. During this period of time, his crazy potential has reached the limit that his body can bear.

100000 Jin!

Looking up at a small hill 100 meters away, if you're right, this huge rock weighs at least several million jin, which is not what he can stand today.

Shaking his head hard, a piece of jade fell down. It was the sound transmission stone that had been asked to give him before. Instilling a aura into it, he naturally understood what he meant.

Sure enough, not long after, in the blink of an eye, he asked and appeared directly in front of Qin fan, looking at him with great interest.

Now in his heart, Qin fan didn't know how precious he was, so he didn't dare to be careless for fear of any accident.

"Boy, how did you feel in the last month? Half a year has passed. Are you confident?"

At the same time, he raised his right hand and put a aura on Qin fan's shoulder to explore his body. The more he explored, the more frightened he was. The whole person was shocked.

I always knew that Qin fan's body was abnormal, but I didn't really understand that even if it was a fierce beast, the cub would never reach Qin fan's level.

"Blood with golden light Turn to special blood, boy, what kind of monster are you? "

Suddenly, inadvertently, he found the secret in Qin fan's blood and asked him to take a step back. He was shocked and subconsciously blurted out.

If only his physical strength shocked him, then his blood with a touch of gold can directly frighten him to death.

"I don't know why. I feel so powerful when I was young." Qin fan pretended to scratch his head, and his dark skin is not symmetrical, looking up, "master, what is the special blood?"

There is a touch of pride in his heart. This is a scene he deliberately let Wen Wen see. Only the more powerful his talent is, the more resources he will receive.

This time, I have thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to expose the secret in my blood, of course, only a small part.

If you let him know that Qin fan is transforming towards the true dragon blood, you must be scared to death, because the things involved are too far-reaching.

"The special blood has been handed down for a long time. You'd better know little about it. Don't let people touch your body in the future. Do you hear me?"

Asked standing in place, face uncertain, do not know what is thinking in the heart.

"Alas, should canglongmen continue to stay? Once the secret in your body is exposed, what will happen then?"

Asked his face with a tangle, he and Qin fan are not the same, in canglongmen for so long, know a lot of shady secret.

Once the special blood grows up, it will be a giant. This is a sure thing, as long as there is no accident.

At the same time, there are a group of people who want to kill these special people completely, and they are not willing to grow up at any cost.

The reason why yuliuyun can exist in such a high profile is that he has a family with yuliu behind him. Otherwise, how dare he expose his secret easily.


Qin fan a Leng, eyes have a shock, can't say is what feeling.

In his heart, he has regarded the dragon gate as an amulet, even as a place to stay here. Today, he suddenly heard this saying from his mouth.

Heart is not afraid that it is false, even if there is a system of how, only their own strength of Qi training period, can not turn the world.

"Canglongmen is not as simple as you think. Everything has a special degree. It's better not to be so powerful in the future."

Asked the eyes to show vigilance, subconsciously looked in the direction of the sky surveillance, patted Qin fan on the shoulder, meaningful opening way.

With Qin fan's cleverness, he didn't need to explain more. He knew the meaning of the question instantly.

There was no way to accept it for a moment. After all, it was canglongmen. There was a real dragon blood in his body, and there were countless ties between them.

"Canglongmen has been handed down from ancient times, and it is only in recent years that the censor appeared. No one can tell the secret of the ancient times."

He asked and shook his head. It is said that Canglong gate has an outer gate and an inner gate, and all the seven peaks are disciples of the outer gate. Only true disciples of the inner gate are qualified to enter the core.

Now the inner gate of Canglong gate has completely disappeared, and Qifeng has set up its own door. It is absolutely hard for ordinary people to understand the secret.

"Old man, what should we do next? We still have half a year."

He nodded thoughtfully, the system is powerful, the secret of hiding blood is not a problem.He was asked to find out because he took the initiative to show it, otherwise he would not see the discovery at all.

What he didn't feel was that there was a faint ripple in Qin fan's body, which disturbed time and void and cut off the detective of the inspector.

System oath will not help him, but naturally will not let Qin fan exposed to the threat.

"There are still half a year left, and the practice has lost its effect. I suggest you leave canglongmen and come back after half a year. As for what you want to do in the half a year, you can do it yourself"

raise your hand and knock on the jade pendant on your waist. There is a rhythmic sound of knocking. After thinking for a moment, you ask Qin fan.

It's not that he doesn't want Qin fan to stay in canglongmen, but he doesn't know how to continue. Qin fan's talent is so powerful that he has reached the limit he knows.

If it goes on, there will be no change. It's just a waste of time.

"In the first half of the year, the body reaches the acme, and in the second half of the year, Qi cultivation can't be put down. Only then can we be truly invincible at the same level!" Asked to continue to Qin fan exhort Road, in the plan has care.

Having been with Qin fan for such a long time, I have already regarded him as my real disciple.

"Master, there is one thing I don't know whether to ask or not."

Who knows at this time, Qin fan tightly stares at the body that asks a way, the opening of a word says, the voice has a touch of coldness.

Heart trembles, how I wish I had just seen a scene is false, but I can't control the mood I want to know.

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