Of course, the core disciples will not show up easily if they don't reach such a ridiculous level. They are all pursuing the ultimate cultivation. Otherwise, once they are sold, the impact will be extremely bad.

The elder guards the mountain peak. Generally speaking, he doesn't interfere with the affairs among the disciples.

Most of the disputes among the disciples come from the office of the servant, the outer gate and the inner gate. In order to find the real disciples, no one will take charge of them.

"Today we admit defeat, but you wait, one day you will regret it."

At the seventh peak, a group of people stood together, clenching their fists tightly. Their eyes were not reconciled. They closed their eyes, and their hands were powerless to hang on both sides.

There are rigid rules for fighting between peaks, and casualties are not allowed, but there is no rule that serious injuries are not allowed.

At that time, I will lie in bed for three or five years. After I recover, everything will be gone. What else can I talk about.

"Haha, we are all martial brothers. How can we be so cruel to you? At most, we just send you back to rest for a period of time. After all, we'd better leave it to the martial brothers to cultivate so hard."

A group of people looked at each other with cruelty in their eyes. A sneer, a shudder in their bones, and a fierce light. They went forward to lay hands on Yin.

They are only the first group of people, and there will be other disciples coming after them. Otherwise, once they are exposed and noticed by other disciples, the gain will not be worth the loss.

As an intruder, being turned to the ground will damage the face of the sixth peak.

"Well! Do you deceive me that there is no one on the seventh peak? "

All of a sudden, a thunderous roar exploded from the rear. In the distance, the sky was full of lightning and thunder, flying sand and rocks, and there were many visions.

Countless spirit animals scurry up, weak spirit animals in this sound suddenly drink down, limp on the ground, mouth spit white wipe, difficult to make effective resistance.

A thin figure appeared in front of the crowd. It was not as tall as expected. Behind it, it seemed that there were chaos ups and downs. The sun and moon around the head, with aura constantly floating, set off its height.

"Elder martial brother!"

Qifeng's disciples were stunned at first and blurted out the next moment with excitement in their eyes.

I thought it was a doomed situation. How could I expect that someone would come to rescue them in such a crisis.

They have heard of Qin fan's reputation. They can be the eldest martial brother of the outer gate in one year after leaving the office. It's the real pride of heaven!

Liufeng's disciples looked at each other. They were wary of each other, but they still pretended to be calm. "Where's the little worm that dares to be reckless in front of us?"

Qin fan had been in seclusion for half a year. At the beginning, he was very young. After half a year's experience, he completely changed. It was not so easy for acquaintances to recognize him.

When he realized that Qin fan had only the strength in the middle of Qi training, he took a long breath. Fortunately, he was just an ordinary disciple.

"Elder martial brother, we must teach them a good lesson. Dare to deceive me. There is no one in Qifeng. We can't swallow this tone"!

"If it's not for these bastards to come over and bully the small, how can such a thing happen? If there is a chance in the future, we must find them, and all of them will step on our feet!"

"Well! Let him understand that my seventh peak is not so easy to provoke! "

A group of disciples stood behind Qin fan and said with indignation. Their eyes were red and their fists were clenched tightly. The anger in their hearts can be imagined.

Just joined the factotum not long ago, there is hope in my heart, not infected by the cruelty of canglongmen.

Qin fan raised his mouth and outlined a faint smile. It's undeniable that Canglong sect's way of cultivating Gu is easy to produce elite disciples. But for a big sect, unity is essential. Once it becomes strong and finally falls apart, what's the use?

I'm very happy to see this scene. Although he knows that his own strength is limited, it's difficult to change the concept of the top decision-makers of canglongmen. What he can do is his own meager power.

"To tell you the truth, the seventh peak will be removed in half a year. A group of you are homeless stray dogs. It's better to get rid of them quickly, so as not to continue to be shameful here!"

There are more than a dozen men and women on the opposite side. They are all Jeweled. How dare they come here without full preparation.

Qin fan is just a clown in their eyes. Since he meets them, he doesn't mind solving them together.

"Ha ha..."

Qin fan glanced at them indifferently. I don't know who gave them courage.

In his eyes, this group of people even mole ants are not as good, mole ants at least have self-knowledge, this group of people are not presumptuous.

The important thing is that the seventh peak has been taken as his base camp, so it's easy to be touched. How can I feel better.

"It's my fault to let you stand in today. It's my shame to let you stand out again."


The voice does not wait to fall, Qin fan right hand pinch fist, fierce toward front bombard but go.If I didn't just find out, I'm afraid that all the dozens of miscellaneous service disciples in front of me are seriously injured and dying.

With Qin fan's hand, his body was covered with electric arcs, and his whole body was full of momentum. At the same time, a faint lotus appeared at his feet. The clouds in the sky were torn to pieces, shaking people's eyes.


The pupil of Liufeng's disciples shrank for a while, and there was no time to resist. Qin fan's attack came immediately.

During one breath, the body was like a broken kite, flying backwards towards the back, coughing up blood, breaking at least three sternum, foaming at the mouth, not to die, but definitely seriously injured.

"Boy, you're so cruel. It's hard to start a full-scale war between the sixth peak and the seventh peak

A man in yellow robe was shocked there, pointing to Qin fan's nose and swearing.

Visible to the naked eye, several people's legs began to tremble. You know, the man who fell and flew out was the leader with the strongest strength. He had the strength to practice Qi greatly. Who knows, he was not even the enemy of a move in front of Qin fan.

Everything goes according to plan. Who would have thought that such a change would happen at this moment.


The disciples of the seventh peak looked at each other and couldn't speak.

They knew that Qin fan's watch was blown up by force when the outer gate was big, but they didn't expect that he was so strong.

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