There was a faint aura fluctuation on the two bodyguards, and their cultivation reached the level of jiedan.

One of the bodyguards put the jade slips in the center of their eyebrows and felt it.

Living in the courtyard is a big man of the Mu family. His accomplishments are remarkable. He was one of the three ancestors in the early Yuan Dynasty. Their task is to filter out some useless junk information.

"A waste named mubaishi has been discarded. It's really getting worse and worse. All kinds of rubbish are sent here."

A moment later, the guard raised his head, with a touch of irony on his face, not in his heart.

For them, only the lineal children can attract attention, and no collateral will care too much.

It's normal for every big family to be indifferent.

"It's just a little thing. Don't worry about it." Another guard shook his head in a cold voice.

There is a touch of indifference on his face. In the eyes of ordinary people, the king's family is extremely powerful. Only they know that the position of the wooden family is in a precarious situation, and many people are eyeing it.

Just a hundred years ago, the new emperor issued a directive that if anyone could defeat the ancestors of a large family, he would be entitled to inherit all the family's industries.

In this way, the powerful family is in danger. No family dares to slack off. They all work hard like crazy.


Qin fan is sitting in the inn. His wounds are shocking. Fortunately, his blood is very strong and he has recovered.


After three days, Qin fan raised his hand to take out a special powder and knead it constantly.

This is a small item I bought in Fangshi some time ago. It can change my appearance.

It's said that there's no escape for big people, but it's very easy to fool some ordinary people.

"I don't know what happened before. It's time to go out and get some information."

Think of here, push open the door, casually drop a few spirit stone on the table, disappear in the inn.

He has always been cautious. No matter how much he says, he is a son of a family. If he reveals his appearance, it is inevitable that something will happen.

Straight across the two streets, toward the outside of a shop, with a gloomy face, along the way can be seen everywhere wanted.

"I didn't expect that the young master is so worthless, only worth ten thousand pieces of spirit stone, which is too contemptuous, or that the young master of the wooden family is too useless."

Looking at the wanted warrant in front of him, Qin fan coughed with a strange look on his face.

Even without a picture of him, he wrote two sentences, offering a reward of 10000 spirit stones, regardless of life or death.

If you don't continue to stay in the same place, it will change if you are late, and then you turn around and walk towards another street again. This incident has not caused any big disturbance, and still can't be easily exposed.

We must always be vigilant to prevent someone from doing things around us. If such a big thing happens, it is tantamount to being naked in the face of a carpenter.


"Oh, Shhh!"

At this time, not far from Dahuang City, a young man was riding a powerful fierce beast on his crotch, wearing a long robe and carrying a long sword, and his body was very elegant.

He was coming from afar with a touch of indifference and no emotion.

"Dahuangcheng is the first step of my rise. I will rise in a short period of time and establish the supreme prestige!"

The young man in front of him is the man who left his dream home. He calls nine dreams. He is familiar with the road of dreams. He can put people to death in dreams.

After a few days on the road, he has appeared on the edge of the wasteland city. He can't bear the excitement in his heart.

"And the so-called Qin fan comes from canglongmen, isn't he? Then I'll solve you as a grindstone."

After thinking of the advice of my ancestors before I left, a touch of sarcasm appeared in the corner of my mouth, and I didn't put it in my eyes at all.


The other way.

"Ha ha, boy, I let you escape before. This time, you must be suppressed. I didn't expect to be a wanted criminal. Let's see how I can find you out."

I saw a man in black standing in the wasteland City, looking up at the wanted warrant in front of him with an interesting look.

The man in black was the ghost before, who came here after the first World War.

He comes from xuexueshazong, and his skills are very strange. He has fought with Qin fan, so you can know where he is.

Take a deep breath, with a wisp of blood aura constantly beating in the fingertips, and then injected into a mouse body.

In the hands of the mouse is a shiver, the next moment to jump to the ground, in place to turn a few circles, found a position to run up.

"Wait till you die."

Face a joy, Youming quickly disappeared in place, followed the mouse toward the distance.……

Qin fan strolled in the street at random, slightly drooping his head, thinking about how to do next.

"I can't leave here easily. I haven't been here for a long time. If I leave like this, this experience will be meaningless."

Walking while thinking in the heart, there are their own ideas.

All this comes from the hand of the thousand mile rune, with this Rune paper, then it means safe, since this is also afraid of a ghost!

There are birds in the crotch, you must be a man!

She didn't want to let the old guy know that she was beaten back after she went back.

It's better to thoroughly mix up the water. The bigger the trouble is, the more secure it is for him.

"If you get the name of a hundred people chop, then your identity is recognized by the emperor. No one dares to attack me openly. It's another matter secretly."

Turn around, look around, and walk straight in the direction of the arena.

Just as before in canglongmen, the more outstanding the performance is, the safer it will be.

As long as it attracts more people's attention, the place where the wind and cloud gather will become a safe place for him. Once he wants to leave, he can directly use the rune in his hand.

Along the way very quickly, fleeting, indifferent, no one recognized his true colors.

In the waist token constantly input information, looking for the opponent to choose, this time he ignored the Qi training period, in the early days of Building Foundation began to look!

In this way, the registration fee has increased to a thousand spirit stones. After all, the foundation building masters are not as common as the disciples in Qi training period.

It's the same as before. Once you win, you'll get double return.

Soon, the tall arena appeared in front of him. It was hotter than before. There were countless people gathered here. One face was excited.

For many people, the arena is a place of great fame. Once it reaches the level of ten people's chop, it can be famous in a certain range.

If you are lucky enough to be able to kill a hundred people, then I'm sorry, the door of the emperor's fall is open to you at any time. Brothers, I'm very sorry, the update is not stable these two days, and I still have it in the evening. Continue to write! Thank you for "using this number in the future" brother, and other brothers, thank you!

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