
The first peak.

With the return of Qin fan, the whole canglongmen has fallen into an era of national evolution, and the disciples are practicing madly.

Originally, the cultivation atmosphere of canglongmen was to cultivate poisonous insects and encourage the disciples to compete with each other. Only by stepping into the core disciples can they have a lot of resources. Now all this is quietly changing.

I saw the elder with both hands behind him, staring at the distant two elders standing beside him, frowning. I didn't know what I was waiting for.

At this time, a light came out in the distance, and a figure appeared in front of them. With his arrival, the wind and thunder surged, and the roar of the air came out. Looking closely, it was the rain cloud that had disappeared for a year.


After the rain flow cloud appeared, did not dare to hesitate, hastily respectfully bowed his head to open a way.

Looking at the past carefully, the breath in his body becomes more thick. There is a special breath in his body, which can make the wind and cloud change color.

Unfortunately, even with the talent of Yu Liuyun and the awakening of the blood of the ancient Yu family, there is still no way to step into the legendary half step supreme realm.

"There is still a month to go. You can adjust yourself well in this month. After a month, the outer gate competition will start completely. This time is extraordinary. Do well." The elder's eyes were deep and he encouraged him.

Yuliuyun, as the true inheritor of the first peak, naturally has extraordinary strength, otherwise he is not qualified to suppress an era.

"Master, don't worry. I've heard everything before. Let the boy be proud for a period of time, and I'll really know in a month."

There is a touch of hatred in yuliuyun's eyes. He thinks that all this should belong to him, but Qin fan steals the limelight.

For a year, he didn't know how much suffering he had suffered. He struggled between life and death every moment. He fought desperately and fought with fierce animals. He was in perfect condition.

But the half step supreme realm is too illusory for ordinary people to step into.


The second peak.

This peak can be said to be sparse and ordinary. The disciples are not so excellent, but they are better than the ordinary disciples. They are on the ordinary road.

"Practice well, that means you have to face too many enemies."

I saw an old man standing in front of the cave, a faint voice came out.

Inside the cave, there is a young man who is meditating with his knees crossed. There is aura in the air.

The helplessness in the eyes of the elderly is visible to the naked eye, with a trace of loss. No one will understand what direction the future will develop.


The third peak.

I saw a girl dressed in black, sitting there, with the sun, moon and stars in her eyes.

If Qin fan is here, he will find that the woman in front of him is mo Bing, who has disappeared for a long time. He doesn't know why she appears here.

The next moment, the girl opened her eyes, there is a trace of fatigue, "grandfather, I tried my best, but the supreme realm is too illusory, there is no result."

This war can be said to be an outstanding one. Whoever can meet the threshold of half step supremacy first will be able to forge ahead, establish the supreme prestige and gain the attention of the supervising envoys.

In front of him, the old man didn't agree at all, and the smile on his face never disappeared. "It's normal that no one has such qualifications except the seventh peak who once touched the threshold of the supreme."

The half step supreme realm is extremely illusory, which is hard for ordinary people to touch.

This is the reason why Qin fan was once touched but could not be taught. Everyone has taken a different road.

This is even more true for banbu supreme. Each road leads to a different end. No one can be sure whether the road he has taken is right or not.


Mo Bing inadvertently thought of Qin fan's back, a cold hum, angry waving his little pink fist, face with a touch of arrogance.

"Don't let that little bastard touch the top half first, or you will lose face this time." Although she and Qin fan only had a one-sided relationship, but I don't know why, but I deeply remember his back in my heart.

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling, which is hard for ordinary people to understand.


The elder of the third peak didn't know what happened to his precious granddaughter, and his face was full of doubts.

When he fixed his eyes, the smile on Mo Bing's face had disappeared, and nothing happened.


The fourth peak.

I saw a man sitting on the ground, there are all kinds of insects around him, each insect has a poison.

Multicolored mantis, google magic spider, Baihuan snake The toxicity of any insect is enough to kill the disciples in the gas refining period.

"In the past half a year, he has been challenging the limit. He wants to cultivate a body that is not invaded by all kinds of poisons, so as to increase his physical strength. I don't know if he can achieve it."I saw two old men talking in a low voice there. The man in front of me was the fourth peak, tietianjiao Xiaotian. At the beginning of the battle, he fell behind and worked hard for the best.

If he can resist in the past, then he will really establish his reputation in canglongmen, so that everyone dare not underestimate.

"There is still one month left. I hope we can get out of the customs in time."

When the old man raised his hand, there was a border, which shrouded him again. He didn't disturb him. He hadn't woken up for half a year.

There is a large white powder accumulation, has become a hill, consumed countless spirit stone.

All the resources of the fourth peak are piled on him. I don't know what the outcome will be.


The fifth peak.

Half a year ago, Long Yuan tied himself to the mountain. He went through the wind and the sun every day and vowed to build the strongest body. Half a year later, everything was over. At this time, he was sitting at the foot of Tongtian waterfall and wanted to go the way Qin fan had gone.

An old woman with a dragon head crutch, sharp eyes watching him, Longyuan body is very strong, every action has a burst of air roar.

"I don't know how to compare with the boy from the seventh peak. He had been to Tongtian waterfall at the beginning, but no matter how he asked, the old leader just kept silent, but there was no way to compare."

The reason why he came here was to experience Qin fan's cultivation process. He had no choice but to ask if his mouth was too tight to steal it.


The sixth peak.

But which peak is the most passive is the sixth peak. At the beginning, the sixth peak used a lot of despicable means to get rid of the seventh peak, and formed a feud.

That's why when Qin fan left, some people sneaked into the sixth summit to suppress the seventh peak's disciples.

In the end, not only did not succeed, but Qin fan and a group of people completely ransacked here. At this time, the seventh peak became stronger, and the sixth peak became the worst.

"This time, the hope lies in you. I hope you don't let us down."

The old woman stood there, with more resources, ready to fight.

Longyuan's eyes are full of joy. Behind him, there are flames rushing up to the sky, scorching the whole body.


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