Qin fan's eyes narrowed slightly, his mind closed, and he felt it in silence. The chance of the war began to appear.

The reason why people have been waiting here is that these two rays of the most original aura, once entered, the previous damage will be completely washed away and the life can be continued. Who knows, the result is contrary to the fact.

Qingyi opens her eyes and looks in the direction of Qin fan, waiting for the holy scene to begin. Even if it's hard to get a chance, it's a blessing to be qualified to watch.

Only a few breaths poured into Qin fan's body and turned into the most original wave.

He poured into his body, began to move towards the Dantian, and finally stayed in the Dantian.

Refining all the aura in the body into liquid is equivalent to stepping into the foundation building period, and the liquid condenses into a small river to form a golden elixir, which is called the golden elixir period.

Qin fan seems to be an outsider, watching this scene in silence, without unnecessary action, one Yin and one Yang, the two most powerful auras spontaneously completed.

"Building foundation can be divided into many kinds, of which two are the most widely used. One is to stride into the building foundation through one's own strength, which is called the most useless building foundation. The second is to rely on the aura of heaven and earth, refine into the body, integrate the only, and cast the strongest foundation."

"It's just a one-sided view of many people. There has been no definite statement about who is strong or weak."

Watching the changes in his body silently, Qin fan looked thoughtful.

Before that, he had been looking for the method of building foundation in the references. In this world, God gave him the opportunity to rise completely and suppress an era!

There is a system in his body, but what can he do? The system has said that it will only provide blood help for him, and everything else depends on his own.

He likes this kind of system very much. If everything depends on the system, what's the significance of self-cultivation.

I saw a black and a white light continuously circulating in the body, interwoven into a complex symbol, with light and shadow emerging above, constantly shaking in the body.

There is desolation in the eyes of everyone around, this opportunity should belong to them, but it was snatched by Qin fan's strong rise in the end..

"It's really ridiculous. One hundred years ago, I was planning this opportunity. It's just a springboard. After that, I was allowed to fish. Unfortunately, I failed. It's sad."

Bai Changqing was lost there, his eyes on his forehead gradually recovered, and the breath of life gradually dissipated.

This is their destiny. If they build a perfect foundation, they can recover naturally. If they don't get this chance, they will be blessed with the power of a hundred years, and their lives will collapse completely.


Qingyi looks at Qin fan with calm in her eyes. She can't tell what it feels like.

At this time did not want to snatch, more is happy for the seventh peak.

"I hope you can guard the seventh peak in the future. The old man put a lot of effort into the seventh peak. Don't let me down." There she shook her head, ready to bury her bones.

A hundred years ago, they had no contact with their family. They were alone. What they were waiting for was this moment. It was the belonging of the strong.

Qin fan's brilliance began to emerge, and his whole strength rose. Two kinds of yin and Yang Qi, black and white, crisscrossed in his body, and he was about to enter the foundation building period!

The moment Qin fan stepped into the foundation building period was the time of death.

No one saw that Qin fan's brow was getting deeper and deeper. He seemed to be watched by a fierce beast. His skin was tense and his hair stood on his head.

All of a sudden, a burning sensation came out of his left hand, "not good!" A burst of exclamation, when there is no time to delay, quickly cover the sleeves to cover the eyes of the people, to prevent the secret from leaking out.

See left hand imprint to upload a burst of special emotion and special induction.


Although I can't see it, I can feel that my left hand is extremely hot. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the whole person's left hand will be completely burned through.

The mark on his hand can prove his identity. I didn't expect that something would change at this time.

Frown, thinking, this matter what gap, mark will never harm him, in this case, should be what happened.

"Is it possible that there is something wrong with the foundation construction, or it can be said that What is the implication of this black and white aura of heaven and earth? "

Qin fan frowned deeper and took a deep breath. The blood of the real dragon in his body began to surge, which forcibly prevented the construction of the foundation.

The tangled color appeared in the eyes. With the stop, the burning sensation of the left hand quickly faded, as if it had never appeared.

Naturally, his intelligence has understood what happened. The change of left hand mark at this critical moment is just to remind him to stop.

This is the chance that these arrogant people have been waiting for for for hundreds of years. How can they give up so easily? They are very tangled in the bottom of their heart and don't know how to choose.


Qin fan is not a man of indecision. He has a decision in his heart.

He moved, a long cry, hands toward Dantian patted in the past, relying on the strength of the powerful incomparable, forced out the body of these two auras."Elder martial sister!"

The distance of several hundred meters suddenly appeared in Qingyi's eyes. Regardless of the others, he stamped his foot back to the center of the altar, put Qingyi in the center, and injected black and white aura into his body.

In the end, he chose to trust his intuition. It's not that these two auras are wrong, it's not suitable for him.

"Qin fan, what are you doing?"

Qingyi had been psychologically prepared, but at this time, she was startled by the sudden change. She suddenly raised her head and yelled at Qin fan.

Where did she have time to respond? The two auras of black and white quickly penetrated into the elixir field and condensed into a complex and incomparable pattern, constantly wandering.

"If you waste this opportunity, it will not be worth the loss." Qin fan stares at Qingyi's eyes and says word by word.

"This aura of heaven and earth was born in heaven and earth. It can only be taken out once. If it is taken out for a second time, it will dissipate in heaven and earth."

Afraid that Qingyi doesn't believe it, Qin fan continues to exhort. As for whether it's true or false, he just wants to appease Qingyi.

If she refuses, these two auras will be wasted.


There is no time to say anything more, sitting on the ground in an instant, trying to break through there.

I never dreamed that this kind of chance would eventually fall on me. I had a special feeling for Qin fan in my heart.

Not to say other times, seize the opportunity to quickly break through the strength is the top priority.

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