Qin fan found Qingyi's eyes, blinked, and his face regained its humble smile. It's self-evident what he thought in his heart, which is all reflected in his face.


Qingyi is full of black lines, and the complex emotion in her heart is diluted instantly. At this time, she returns this expression.

They didn't continue to talk. They stood firm in place and watched the inspector. They didn't know what would happen next.

"You It's good. "

The inspector keeps an eye on Qingyi and keeps an eye on her eyebrow imprint with a trace of satisfaction on her face.

At this time, Qingyi has changed a lot from before. There is a black and white mark on her eyebrow, which is condensed into a flame sign and printed on her forehead. I don't know what it means.

At the same time, there is a huge momentum in her, which is not worth mentioning in front of the censor, but it is absolutely powerful in front of her contemporaries.

"Thank you for monitoring the cultivation a hundred years ago. If not, how could this step have taken place?"

Qingyi doesn't dare to be careless. She shakes in her heart and stands up in a hurry to open her mouth respectfully.

The supervisor has a different status. A hundred years ago, she was not as stable as she is now. Every day, there are many wars. The strength of the supervisor left an indelible impression in her heart.

"This time..."

Notice next to Qin fan, Qingyi face with apology emerge, want to continue to explain.

The supervisor didn't let her open her mouth and interrupted with a wave. "Luck is also a part of strength. Don't think about other things. It belongs to you."

He seems to know everything, but it's true. His strength has already reached this level, and he can see through the reality at a glance.

No matter Qin fan or Qingyi, they all have the strength of the foundation period, but the supervisor is a real warspirit.

There are two big differences in the middle. It doesn't look like much, but it's like a gully that ordinary people can't cross.

"This time, the chance originally belongs to you, and I have my own way, and the seventh peak will be given to you."

Qin fan didn't react very much. He stood up and patted Qingyi on the shoulder, with a deep feeling on his face.

Again, he said, "cough, if you really want to repay me, I don't mind committing myself."

Coupled with the cheap expression on her face, a sense of obscenity is sent out to disperse Qingyi's tangled mood.

"Well, you go down. You don't need to continue to practice below. Go to the top of the seventh peak and practice there."

It's a reward to Qingyi that two items appear in front of her.

Qin fan's eyes began to glow green in an instant. One of them was dragon scale grass, which was different from the one used before. It had a leaf on it and contained more aura.

Another Lingbao is a black horn. With his knowledge, he naturally knows that it is the body left by some powerful fierce beast after molting. It is a great secret treasure.

He also used secret treasures in previous battles. He didn't know how many spoils he had seized. Unfortunately, they were just ordinary items. He had never seen them before. Otherwise, how could he have been defeated all the way.

"Take it up. It belongs to you. Practice well and don't let me down."

Two things appear in Qingyi's hands in an instant. The supervisor doesn't let her speak. With a slight shock, a hurricane appears and disappears. When it reappears, it is already at the seventh peak.

With Qingyi's present state and half step of supreme foundation, it's not a problem to push forward the foundation period. If we practice in time, then we can reach the realm of jiedan period.

There are only the censor and Qin fan left. Qin fan felt his nose and felt embarrassed. "Censor, I don't know what's wrong with calling me here this time."

Qin fan couldn't stand the naked eyes of the supervisor. He pulled his hands toward both sides and tightened his clothes. He asked awkwardly.

There are too many secrets about him, not to mention the special mark on his left hand, but the blood in his body is absolutely frightening.

According to ancient books, there are peerless fierce beasts in heaven and earth, among which the real dragon is famous.

For so many years, the inheritance of blood has long been cut off. He has never heard of the real dragon. However, there are real dragon blood flowing in his body. Once he is found, he will be supervised and treated seriously.

Now, he doesn't know what kind of existence the inspector is or what kind of attitude he has. He will never reveal his secret easily.

"Boy, you know, Qingyi is really strong, but I'm most interested in you. Don't you have anything to say to me?"

The supervisor made Qin fan's stiff face smile more ugly than crying, which made Qin fan's heart hairy.

The strength of the inspector is too strong. There is no secret to hide in front of this old monster.

"Yes, inspector. For example, just now, I was given dozens of dragon scale plants, which can make my disciples practice well, or realize that there are more than a dozen flowers and appreciate their blooming and falling. Isn't it the most wonderful thing in the world?"

Qin fan's face turned black before he finished speaking.Dragon scale grass is not so easy to get, that is, canglongmen is very special to have this kind of thing.

"It's up to you to fight for it, boy. I don't want to say anything to you. Your next task is to go to the emperor's fall Dynasty to practice and strive to reach the jiedan period as soon as possible. This road has been arranged for you."

The censor didn't continue to talk nonsense with Qin fan. He stared into his eyes and talked.

Watching closely, thinking constantly in his heart, Rao is so powerful that he can't see through the secret in Qin fan's body.

I feel that Qin fan's body is extremely powerful, and his blood is rolling. He is constantly shaking in his body. Once it appears, it will shock people all over the world.

"When did the emperor fall?"

Qin fan raised his eyebrows and frowned slightly. He lowered his head and meditated there.

In canglongmen, whatever you say, you have a backstage. If you go to the emperor's fall, you are not familiar with the place of life. God knows what will happen.

Although there are people waiting, but after all, the distance is too far, there will always be accidents, no one can guarantee.

"It's impossible The emperor's fall is the back garden of our canglongmen

Who knows at this time, a light suddenly flashed in Qin fan's heart.

If not, how could he go all the way to the imperial court.

The supervisor is full of black lines. He doesn't know how Qin fan's thinking jumps. "In terms of safety, you can rest assured that there is no need to worry about it." He was too lazy to talk to him, and his plans were disturbed.

He has already opened his mouth, so the danger can be excluded. Qin fan doesn't know what will happen next.

"If you have doubts, what kind of state are you in now?"

Qin fan did not continue to entangle, will be in the heart of the doubt asked out, closely staring at the supervision, no taboo way.

The supervisor is really strong. He looks like an old man in his twilight years. He doesn't have many years to live, but the strength under his body can make everyone panic.

"It's been a hundred years in this realm, and the way ahead It's broken. "

Supervision made the subconscious out of the way, did not expect Qin fan would ask such a question.

If he dared to speak in front of him in the past, he would not pay attention to it, but Qin fan's weight was heavy now.

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