Now his strength has just set foot on the starting point of cultivation, so there is no way to show the spirit of fengyao master thoroughly.

In time, after all the forces in the body are integrated, everything will show up and really appear in the eyes of the living people.

Qin fan felt that his senses had changed after he accepted the succession of the demon seal. This day was no longer like this day, and this place was no longer like this one.


Long tone, will be excited in the heart of the mood to suppress down, face has a strange feeling.

There are too many secrets in him, and he dare not get close to those big people, for fear of divulging his secrets.

He got up slowly, turned his head again and looked in the direction of the North Sea. He hugged his fist and walked far away.


The emperor fell into the imperial city.

The most powerful forces are the four king families and the three heavenly kings, with a total of seven families, which continue to be handed down.

However, no matter who dare not be presumptuous in front of dididizun, in this world of strength, as long as they have strength, they can walk horizontally.

Above the hall, each one was as quiet as a cicada. No one dared to speak. He stood there carefully, but before meeting him, the emperor's face was uncertain.

"Fengyao's pulse He was born There was a broken jade in the emperor's hand. It was shaking there, as if something was attracting him. The next moment, it was completely quiet.

If Qin fan were here, he would find this piece of jade, but it is much smaller than the jade in his hand.

"Your Majesty, the old minister boldly asked, what is this thing, and who is the fengyao ancient pulse?"

An old man with white hair stood up, his brow locked, and his face was puzzled. He didn't know what emperor Zun meant.

There were three military officers on the opposite side. Standing there, they looked at their noses and their hearts. No one chose to speak. They were drowsy.

I don't think much about this kind of thing in the court, let alone say it's none of my business.

"Fengyao comes from ancient times, and its inheritance is very powerful. Once it is successful, then You can seal the sky

Emperor Zun's face had a touch of fear. After all, the name of a person and the shadow of a tree were too strong to seal the demon.

I haven't seen it. All these are recorded in the ancient books of the royal family. I don't know whether they are true or not. They have been handed down from generation to generation.

Did not let the following people continue to be stunned, he took a deep breath, will be agitated in the heart of the mood down.

This matter is not what they should contact, but they didn't control their emotions for a while, so they let the wind out.

"By the way, what happened to the disciple of canglongmen? Did you find any trace of him?"

He turned to ask Weiyang behind him. There was a meaningful flash in his eyes.

He has been following Qin fan for a long time. Now his strength is not enough to rank in the list, but with his talent, people can watch him.

"No, canglongmen is too extraordinary. Our people dare not get close to the past. There is no movement."

Weiyang stands behind and shakes his head. He inadvertently remembers what happened in canglongmen before. "It has been agreed before. The boy should come."

She believes no one can resist the temptation to open the royal secret.

"Sire, is it necessary to include that boy in the seed player under observation?"

Weiyang continued to ask, only to see that she had nine jade cards in her hand, where she kept recording something.

The emperor's heart is very big, a hand has been planning for many years.

"It's just an unimportant chess piece. If I come here, I'll pay attention to it. If I don't find it, I don't need to go deep into it. Recently, I'm going to practice in private. I'll leave the matter of the emperor's fall to you."

Shaking his head stopped Weiyang's action. In the final analysis, Qin fan has not yet grown up.

What happened in canglongmen has been listed as the top secret for a long time. There is no news. He doesn't know that Qin fan has already crossed the supreme realm today!


Starfall, the imperial city.

The origin of this imperial dynasty is mysterious. It is said that no one knows the real life experience of the ancestors who stayed here after the first World War.

A middle-aged man stood on the attic, holding a broken jade in his hand. It was fengyao ancient jade, which was emitting bursts of special breath. Looking far away, he had a deep look on his face.

"The blood month is approaching, the fiend is born, the disputes are constant, the princes are rising together, and the real golden age is coming!"

The middle-aged man finally had no choice but to shake his head and sit down without thinking about other things.


The Japanese Empire.

It is said that the power they cultivate comes from the sun. As long as the sun does not set, they can have a steady stream of power.

On the earth, a middle-aged man is looking at the distance from afar. Behind him, there is a big sun emerging. His practice is very magical, and he can turn the power of the sun into his own power source.Not surprisingly, there was a ring between his fingers. The ring had an aura of seal demon jade. The middle-aged man had a faint smile on his face. He was calm and calm. "When you choose to be born at this time, do you want to plug in the seal demon pulse? In that case, which one is better than the other."

It's really powerful to seal demons. Even the three imperial dynasties didn't make it clear. It's a long time since now. The seal demons suppressed an era in the previous era, and it's completely gone at the beginning of this era.

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