"Especially, is it difficult for a Chieftain to have so much wealth in his hand?"

Let Qin fan be stunned, the spirit stone at least a few hundred thousand, has exceeded the limit that a jiedan friar can have.

Touch your nose and look at your storage bag. There is nothing more valuable except a thousand pieces of spirit stone. Duan is a local rich man.

What he didn't know was that Duan really planned to go to a market to buy the secret treasures he needed, and raised 300000 pieces of spirit stones to get Qin fan off the hook.

"There are also seven or eight elixirs that can be used in alchemy. Any one of them can recover instantly."

Looking at the elixir in the storage bag, Qin fan exclaimed that it was incredible.

There is no so-called big medicine, just some common miraculous medicine, but it is still rare. If there is one more miraculous medicine on the battlefield, there will be more hope of survival.

"There's another sword. There's nothing else." Qin fan is not lost, but very excited. These things have definitely attracted people's attention.

Lingshi is already a number for many people. It's a kind of consumable. No one will be too many.

"Ancient sword of time?"

Feeling the wooden sword in his hand, Qin fan blurts out, stares at it tightly and plays with it in his hand. There is a beautiful line of writing on the wooden sword.

I didn't expect to have such a good thing. I didn't have a chance to use it in the battle.

The war took place between lightning and flint, which is why the big medicine in the storage bag has no chance to use.

"It's time to shut up and recollect what happened before, so as to enhance the fighting instinct."

Put the things in the storage bag. Instead of thinking about other things, put your hands on your knees, face the sky with five hearts, hold yuan Shou Yi and start to practice.

Any monk will often look back and recall the battle that happened, which is a way of promotion.

Only in this way can we find out what is insufficient or what needs to be improved.


The meteorite empire.


Inside the tent, there were several people sitting there, one by one looking very cold, playing with jade slips in their hands.

"This time, the incident happened suddenly, but the final result was good. Almost all the soldiers appeared in the emperor's fall were annihilated."

A moment later, the commander in chief, who was sitting on the throne, said that he was subordinate to others, but there was one less.

This time the incident happened suddenly, swept the entire meteorite Dynasty, hastily issued troops.

Powerful as a meteorite Dynasty, it has only seven or eight ten thousand captains.

There was no one above them except the general. In the barracks, one hand covered the sky.

"My Lord, the matter in the paragraph has been investigated clearly. Some soldiers have fled back. He has completely died."

A woman with a venomous scorpion on her forehead, sitting on her right hand side, got up and spoke softly.

No one dares to gasp. The ten thousand commander in front of him is the one who protects the calf. If the thousand commander is killed, he must bear his fierce anger.

"Go on."

Take a deep breath, suppress the anger in your heart, and speak word by word.

At an extraordinary moment, the war has broken out in an all-round way, and the death of the paragraph can be said to be a private matter, and it is absolutely not a big fight.

"I met the other side's new recruits and led by Centurion Lin Feng. According to the escaped soldiers, there was a young Tianjiao who was very powerful. No one knew his name."

The woman in red robe is called black widow. Her strength is extremely strong, and the most terrible thing is that she has a vicious mind.

"Let's talk about this matter first, and then make another plan. You will step up your training of your soldiers, and the real war will break out completely one day."

The vanguard, sitting on the throne, shook his head and did not pursue the passage.

Now there are more important things. We can't make any mistakes in this matter, otherwise we will lose our heads.

In front of him, Wan Fu Chang has the strength of Yuanying.



The Japanese Empire.

From a distance, the military barracks of the Dali Dynasty are endless. There are at least hundreds of thousands of people here, which is known as a million grand division.


The soldiers roared and rushed to the sky. The clouds were scattered in the sky, and the space resounded with their hiss.

"The war broke out completely in the dari Dynasty. Everyone's fate is doomed. We must be dead, but that's where we end up!"

Some people stand on the wall and roar. The soldiers below hold the Dragon spear tightly. They have sharp eyes and are ready to fight.

There were bloodstains on their bodies, and some of them had just been seriously injured, but they were all preparing for the start of the battle.


A roar came out, resounding through the barracks, and the fierce beasts in the surrounding forests were lying on the ground and wailing constantly.

"After the fall of the emperor, it's the turn of the meteorite Dynasty. Do you really think you can escape this disaster?"But the middle-aged man on the wall of the city drew a cold smile from the corner of his mouth.

There was no more to say. All the soldiers were assembled and ready for battle at any time.

This battle can not be delayed any longer. Only by laying the result as quickly as possible can we achieve our goal.

In any case, the first goal of the two dynasties is the fall of the emperor. It can be said that the fall of the emperor is in crisis.

Even more terrifying is that no matter the meteorite dynasty or the Dali Dynasty, there are more religious sects in their own territory ready to move.


Ancient magic tree family.

"Second, in order to save you last time, you should know how much you lost. This time you go to the battlefield, I hope you don't let us chill."

With the outbreak of war, this group is not willing to be lonely.

"Big brother, third brother, I don't think the three dynasties are the real home court. Let's take a longer view..."

The old man who chased Qin fan before is unusual, with a fierce smile.

"What are the three dynasties? No matter how long the history is, it's still a group of ah Dou who can't be helped. In my opinion, it's the most important thing to unite with other sect generals to destroy canglongmen! " The words are not surprising, and the madness in the eyes begins to emerge.

Asked to do so, the hatred in my heart has been condensed, thinking about how to revenge.

After hearing what he said, the other two fell into silence and remained silent for a long time.

"Well, in that case, then take this opportunity to see if canglongmen can be destroyed, but don't worry, you need to make good preparations." Finally, the three looked at each other and disappeared into the void.

Canglongmen is now lonely, but it is still very strong, and no one dares to underestimate it.

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