There was a roar of uneasiness from the fierce beast under him. Something was coming.


Qin fan reaches out his hand to touch the little Xiaoyue silver wolf under his body. His brow is slightly wrinkled. He doesn't know what happened.

Just for a moment, Xiaoyue silver wolf had a tyrannical atmosphere, as if he had met a natural enemy.

"What's the difference?"

Qin fan whispered there. The feeling of fierce animals was much stronger than that of people.

Yesterday, he had carried out a comprehensive survey of these areas. There were no fierce animals nearby. It was very barren and not suitable for survival.

He didn't continue to think about other things and stayed where he was, waiting for the enemy to come.

The ferocious beast under his body is more violent, and his limbs are constantly beating on the ground. If Qin fan were not here, there would be a riot.

Time is very fast, the sun three poles, a burst of vibration, a piece of dust from the wind, a group of people appeared at the end of the horizon.

It's mighty. There are fierce beasts under everyone. It's extremely powerful. What's more prominent is that there is a fierce beast in the center, which is at least ten meters long. At this time, it's in a sealed state.

"Prepare for war!"

The soldiers of the meteorite Empire instantly entered the state of preparing for war. One of them held a dragon gun and stopped.

A sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. "Who should I be? I didn't expect that it was the emperor who was killed before. Was it hard to be a group of scum

Holding a dark green bead, you can explore the enemy within five kilometers. For a moment, you find that the person with the highest accomplishments can only breathe in the middle of jiedan.

Relax down, there are three jiedan Da Yuanman friars, strong pressure.

Qin fan led the way, and the crowd stood behind him, confronting the crowd. He held the magic weapon tightly in his hand, and sweat came out.

"Who's in charge? Tell your steward to come out and talk."

Zhao Feng, as the leader of this meteorite Dynasty, had a smooth journey and met no danger.

The friars of Yuanying were all limited and fell into ecstasy completely.

Qin fan did not speak, step by step toward the front.

His eyes narrowed slightly. Looking around, he was surprised. "I didn't expect that this time the meteorite emperor used the escort material as an excuse to get so many big guys."

There is a strange face, the first time to see supplies ferocious beast.

There is a flash of light in my eyes. It's not bad. There must be some conspiracy. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Looking at Qin fan coming out, he fell into a strange atmosphere on the opposite side. "The emperor's fall and the emperor's decline have come to such a stage. Let a little guy who only has the foundation period serve as the chieftain?"

"Little fart boy, come down quickly. I think you are only sixteen or seventeen years old. Ha ha, if you call dad, you don't mind leaving a whole body!"

People on the opposite side let go completely, and there came a burst of satire.

They have experienced many battles, with several lives in their hands, and their eyes are even more fierce. When they sweep past, they suddenly find that they are a group of soldiers, not a complete army.

Not to mention that the leader is just a young man who has the strength to build the foundation, but also let them have fun.

"Ha ha, I'm not afraid to say it too early. Can't I end it then?"

Qin fan didn't get angry. He said with a quiet smile on his face.

It has been nearly three years since I came to Nanhuang, and I have reached the age of 18. According to the earth, I have just come of age.

But the people behind him were not so relaxed. Their palms were sweating and they were ready to fight at any time.

He didn't disclose it to anyone.

Looking at Qin fan, the eyes of the people on the other side were cold, and it was useless to say more, "brothers, take out the guys and kill these local chickens and dogs, then you can enjoy the glory and wealth all your life!"

There is no exaggeration. After the completion of this mission, we can get a lot of rewards.

In addition, all the way to corruption and bribery, can be used for a lifetime, think of here, people's hearts are more fiery, a command will attack!

Qin fan is not as relaxed as many people think. He looks at the fierce beast behind him. Every one of them has the strength of jiedan period, and some of them have entered the Yuanying period.

"It seems that it has been sealed. It only retains the most basic ability. Even the physical force in the body has been completely sealed."

There are too many mists in this matter.

At this time, Qin fan suddenly a stagger, eyes round Deng, with unbelievable.

[the host will find a powerful beast to devour in three days, otherwise, the system is qualified to kill you directly]

in his mind, the cold voice of the system is constantly echoing..

The blood of the real dragon in the body vibrates, and a breath of greed emerges.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't understand the existence of the true dragon's blood, but it was used endlessly.


At this time, a roar rang out from his side, instantly revived.

All the people gathered around him, cold eyes, ready to fight at any time, the soldiers of the meteorite imperial city have rushed to their direction, only a few hundred meters away."Take it easy, brothers. Just think it's a holiday. Don't be so nervous. See? This group of friends will be coming soon. Say hello to them. "

Qin fan smiles and looks like an old God stick. He doesn't seem to see the enemy coming.

Everyone feels crazy. I don't know whether Qin fan is confident or has been scared.

The man with a scar on his chest, named Li Da, began to change his face. "Chief commander, brothers respect you, but I can't let them die. If you don't give any more orders, then brothers will be buried here for nothing!"

He is suffering, watching the enemy approaching, but Qin fan is indifferent.

The power of charge is very strong. Standing on the ground, there is a great chance to be trampled to pieces.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of Starfall imperial city looked even more strange, and a burst of hearty laughter came out, "brothers, do you see that? This boy has been scared silly. Give it to me and kill him directly! "

Zhao Feng takes the lead, holding a mace in his hand, and strides towards Qin fan. He has already seen the victory waving.

I didn't expect that the opponent I met this time didn't even have a brain. A charge would scare him.

Facing the restless voice of the people around, Qin fan could only shake his hand, "be ready for battle, wait for them to come and pick up the equipment directly!"

It's OK not to speak, but as soon as they open their mouth, they almost fall to the ground.

There is clear discipline in the army. Without orders, the soldiers can't move without permission.

I can already feel the evil spirit of the soldiers in the opposite meteorite Imperial City whistling in their ears. In a few breaths, I will step over them.

The fierce animal's body was originally stronger than that of the ordinary friars. I was afraid that everyone would be broken to pieces at that time.

All of a sudden, all of us have accepted our fate. In an instant, it is like fireworks and a huge roar in front of us.



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