At this time, the frontier wasteland, the star meteorite imperial dynasty, completely had the earthquake.


The old man was so angry that when he waved his hand, a hilltop was directly broken, and his face turned red.

In the depths of the eye, there is a touch of anger to the extreme killing intention is being suppressed, about to completely explode.

"There are nearly fifty ferocious beasts cherished by their blood, a group of buffaloes!"

I feel like I'm going crazy. I cherish so many fierce animals. Where can I find them.

Those soldiers who dare to come back after fleeing have already disappeared without a trace. They only know it through the grapevine.

"Search for everything, search hard, and block the whole battlefield completely. You must get back what you lost this time!"

There was a chill in my heart. This task is very important. These fierce beasts were captured by the three elders.

If this mission fails, not only he but also many people will be involved, involving a very important experiment.

All the people in black were terrified. No one dared to touch the old man's brow and hurried back.

After everyone left, the old man stood alone in the same place, his killing intention in his eyes no longer covered up, "these fierce beasts' pure blood can be infused into the monk's body for fusion, and then they can cast a strong blood. They are still studying, but the source body has disappeared. What can we do?"

Recently, the imperial court of meteorite is engaged in an extremely mysterious fusion. Fortunately, it is found that there is a trace of fusion between the blood of fierce beast and the power of meteorite in the body.

No matter what, this batch of goods has been lost. We must find them as quickly as possible, otherwise we will land on our heads.


At night.

The night is endless, any wind and grass will make the heart a tight, to prevent accidents.

"Distribute it and let the brothers set up camp here. It's not safe at night. We'll go back tomorrow morning."

Under Qin fan's command, all the people stayed here.

Some people wonder why they don't go back all night, but Qin fan has already established his prestige, and everyone will obey.

He declined the good intention of others to heal him and found a place to sit down alone.

It's fast, in the middle of the night.

"It's time."


Qin fan, like a nimble civet cat, flies away in the moonlight when no one notices.

After a long time of incense burning, he appeared in the valley during the day. Looking around, all the fierce beasts before him were still lying there.

"I don't know what the doggies of the meteorite empire are up to, but how can they make you happy..." Qin fan smile, no hesitation, big foot step down in front of the moment.

He took out the bronze cauldron and came to a fierce beast with a calm face.

"It's a blue mirror beast that has disappeared for many years. It's said that the whole cultivation is in the eyes, and you can see through the endless vanity of the world."

A sharp dagger appeared in his right hand, carefully went to the chest of these fierce beasts, and suddenly inserted it.

A few drops of blood flowed out and rolled into the ancient tripod. He just wanted to borrow some blood, but he didn't want to die.

He has a rule. It's a fierce beast, not a human, but there's no grudge between the two sides.

"When you meet a good man like me, just enjoy it. Just borrow a little blood. Brothers, I will help you out when I grow up in the future."

Put the blood from the ancient tripod into the prepared white porcelain vase.

In this way, the blood of all the fierce animals was collected.

At this time, came to the end of the big guy in front, lying on the ground like a hill.

"Brother monkey, don't blame me. Your blood is what I value most. Amitabha, although I said that I can't accompany you all the way to get scriptures, I will save you that day when I have the ability. "

Qin fan's face was strange and he approached carefully. He gritted his teeth and thrust the dagger in his hand. There's golden blood coming out.


A shock, King Kong demon ape huge body shaking up, as if to wake up.

He stepped back in a hurry and looked on coldly. Fortunately, it was just a shock and there was no sign of awakening.

"That's close."

Rao is so knowledgeable that he has to breathe quietly here.

These ferocious beasts are really strong. Most of them are famous killers. Some of them come from the Yao clan, and some from the ferocious clan.

Of course, it's not a pure blooded beast. I don't know how many generations it has passed on, at least it has been brilliant.

In less than half an hour, Qin fan completed this huge project. Dozens of small porcelain vases were lying quietly in the storage bag. Any one of them could be auctioned for a sky high price.

These ferocious beasts are rare, let alone the blood of his heart.

The blood in the fierce beast's body is not worth money. It's just ordinary blood. The most precious blood is heart blood, also called essence blood, which contains their cultivation and strength.Qin fan didn't notice that the huge King Kong demon ape's eyelids were raised, as if watching a clown.

At this time, he sensed that Qin fan was about to leave, and the buzzing voice came out, "boy, our brothers in BaiHushan are also giving you face. Don't you plan to do something?"


He subconsciously stepped back and mechanically turned his head to look at the gorilla in front of him.


Secretly swallowing saliva, did not expect that their small movements were found.

"Before "Who are you?"

Speak in a low voice and get ready for the rune you asked before.

It's a joke. It's a fierce animal in Yuanying period. Once it's provoked, it will die.

"Don't be so nervous, to tell you the truth, now my strength is in a sealed state, and there is no mobile phone meeting."

In front of the gorilla light glance at him, indifferent to the opening way.

Qin fan is still on guard. If he finds something wrong, he will run away immediately.

"Let's make a deal. As long as you save us from here, you will be my friends of BaiHushan. No matter what happens in the future, you can come to us, OK?"

The gorilla said slowly, but what he said made Qin fan's eyes stare.

It never occurred to me that this gorilla wanted to ask him for help.

Beast mountain.

It's not a sect. It's a group of fierce beasts. There are all kinds of fierce beasts in it.

Thinking of this, the mystery in Qin fan's heart is solved, and the meteorite Emperor cuts into the beast mountains, so he can capture so many.

"I'm joking. As you can see, I'm just a little monk in the foundation period. How can I have such ability?"

It's not that he's shirking, it's that there's really no way.

I don't know who sealed them, but they are absolutely powerful.

"I need Your blood. "

King Kong demon ape mouth, Qin fan Leng in there, face has unbelievable.

Don't you see through the secret in your body by this big guy, otherwise you won't make this remark.

Qin fan's eyes narrowed slightly, his right hand clenched Canglong fist, but there was a trace of strength gathering slowly. If necessary, he didn't mind killing the big guy directly, compared with divulging his secret.

The system in the body can be said to be the most secret existence. No matter what you say, you can't expose it.

I've heard too many stories about the white mouse. What's more, he doesn't have a background. Canglongmen is the place where the dragon and tiger live. It's hard to say that he provokes other forces at this time.

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