
All of a sudden, a burst of gloomy laughter suddenly came, and the huge body covered the sky and the sun. Looking at it, jiuyouque went back and forth in a pulse, and the person who came here was the originator of this pulse.

Before the two people did not know where they were, they had to admit that the ancestor of jiuyouque had a terrible momentum. After the suppression of this round of silver moon, the breath was full of fear.

With his arrival, there is a lightning breakthrough speed, toward the direction of Qin fan.

Everything was slow, but it all happened in an instant. An old man was run through by three chains, bent and approached slowly, but he could stride over ten thousand feet in one step. He suddenly raised his head and stared at Qin fan with his cold eyes. "What was a little shrimp? I didn't expect to meet you here. "

It is the third ancestor of the human horse race!

Too many people came this time. With the exposure of his identity, all the people in Nanhuang gathered around him to suppress him.

Jiuwen ancient Buddha frowned. He didn't expect that so many things happened in an instant.

Having been prepared to suppress Qin fan, who would have thought such a change would happen.

"Everyone, this is the person I like in Buddhism." Now, he has to speak.

There are more and more people around. There are seven or eight world experts, and they feel a little bit of pressure.

Holding Xumishan's left hand tightly, there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth. With this divine object in his hand, he would not lose even if he fought.

I can't help sighing that Lao Zu's predictive ability was expected to be used before he left.

"Go away!"

Jiuyouque's old ancestor was grumpy and cold. He slapped and fanned down.

Qin fan's anger rose to the sky. First, he killed his descendants. Today, it is even severed from his inheritance. It has long been a feud.

This slap fan go, block out the sky, wind and thunder shock, let a person scalp numb.

They are all monks of Yuanying Da Yuanman, but from this attack, we can see how terrible the strength of jiuyouque is.

"Too much deception!" Jiuwen ancient Buddha was so angry that he slapped him in the face.


In an instant, they collided with each other, causing bursts of roar, large areas of void collapsed, and the sky rippled, unable to withstand the impact of the two.

Nine you bird look dignified, just a blow, but feel nine asked is not simple.

It comes from the Aboriginal people. It hasn't appeared for a thousand years, and it doesn't know about the lower world.

Jiuwen ancient Buddha also looked solemn. "Pure blood creatures are famous for their bodies. Sure enough, it's not simple."

If we are not baptized by the power of faith, we will suffer a loss.

But he was not afraid. He held the secret treasure of Buddhism in his hand and was calm.

This is the secret treasure that the ancient ancestors brought down from the upper world. It cost a lot of resources at the beginning, so it is of great use.

In the upper bound, there is no more ordinary imitation, but in the lower bound, it can walk horizontally.

Weiyang face has a bitter, did not expect this time will all people to lead over.

Now if you want to continue to escape, it can be said that it is really hard to go to heaven.

Qin fan stood in the same place and did not move. Instead, he calmed down, looked faintly, and shot one by one from everyone's face.

He raised his hand to take out the white jade tripod and hang it on his head. He dropped a wisp of rich aura. The whole person's momentum became more terrifying. "This battle has nothing to do with you." Turn your head and open your mouth to Weiyang.

There is a touch of madness surging in my heart. I want to push myself to the extreme.

"His identity has been exposed. He's right. Tianjiao in the upper world is really the person that all forces in the lower world want to hunt and kill." Weiyang has no choice but to shake his head.

For the people from the upper world, the avenue of the lower world is missing, which can successfully repair the body. But for the forces from the lower world, the people from the upper world are not an opportunity.

Once they are caught, they will be able to fully know the upper world and know the secrets that ordinary people don't know, so as to establish an immortal Dynasty.

"Moreover, the lower world is far more complicated than you think. It is called the place of origin here. According to ancient books, it is the place where big forces used to cultivate their offspring. However, there was an earth shaking war, so it broke the world and everything was broken."

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