
A mountain, towering into the clouds, in the remote hinterland of the southern wilderness, never to the end at a glance, once a mortal passed by, surprised to see the thunder disaster coming, hurried away, called this place the land of Mountain God.

In the world of cultivation, this is a real forbidden area. Yes, it's the ancient holy mountain!

Many ethnic groups live here, and they are also the most terrifying force in the lower world.

On this day, the Taigu holy mountain was shaking, and rumors were everywhere. There were all kinds of color connections all the time, and they were flying, like the visions of heaven and earth.

A monk went to look for the secret treasure. He thought that there was a treasure that could not be born. But he who dares to step into the ancient mountain has no bones.

Taigu holy mountain, many people do not know what it stands for, but capable people and different people are only a small part of it.

The terrifying pure blood creatures and archaic remains, some say, disappeared in the long history of ethnic return.

At this time, a group of old people stood in the clouds, in front of a big tripod across the void, with the roar of heaven and earth, someone came out of it.

At the same time, the whole Taigu holy mountain is shining to block the sky.

Taigu holy mountain is just an ordinary mountain. It is precisely because there are too many ethnic groups living in it. Over time, you can feel the road of heaven and earth and copy the killing array.

"This time the blood moon is approaching, and the coming of the upper heaven pride will surely set off a bloodbath." There is an old man whispering, with expectation in his eyes.

Heroes emerge in troubled times. Only when the waters of the lower world are disturbed can we gain more opportunities.

"Taigu mountain is invincible in the world. Unfortunately, there are still great terrors in the lower world."

Another old man sighed helplessly that Taigu holy mountain was really strong, with all kinds of details. At last, he came back to say that he did not dare to be too rampant, and there were aborigines.

It doesn't mean the aborigines in the secret place, but the more ancient times.

Once there was inheritance here, which made everyone afraid, but it was already a thing of the last era.

A thousand years ago, when the blood moon opened, it ushered in great changes. "Alas, when the blood moon comes, it will open the channel, and there will be big people in the upper world. Will this cage be broken?"

The old man had no choice but to sigh. He was too old to look, and his whole face was packed together.

These are the most famous places in the ancient holy mountain. I know what will happen.

"No one dares to rob and offend the corpse buried under the eastern soil alone, not to mention the existence of more terror in the Central Plains."

There is bitterness on the old man's face. The more powerful he is, the more he knows how terrible the cage is.

Once, these are just legends, no one knows whether it is true or false, they live in that era, this is true!

"Joke, how can Nanhuang be simple? Don't forget that all the famous canglongmen came here." An old man showed indifference at the corner of his mouth.

Any domain in the lower world is extremely terrifying, and no one dares to be presumptuous.

They didn't pay attention to the destruction of canglongmen, just as a joke.

Now how can canglongmen be called canglongmen? It's just an empty shell.

The core lies in the disappearing eighth and ninth peaks, and even the legendary tenth peak!

Qifeng is just the place where the disciples of the office of miscellaneous workers exist, and it can't represent canglongmen.

"In any case, it's just a place of captivity. If you're beaten thoroughly, the real pride will go to the upper bound. It's a real place to fight for supremacy!"

Behind him, a passionate voice came out, and all the people fixed their eyes on it. It was the red dragon Taoist.

He held his breath in a hurry. He was a great man and had few rivals in the lower world.

There was no imagined peace in Taigu holy mountain. There were struggles and expeditions, which were unknown to outsiders.

Blood moon is a channel between the upper world and the lower world by means of terror. It comes to the real body and looks for what it wants.

"That one thing involves too much cause and effect, but it is precisely because of this that people yearn for it!"

An old woman was holding a crutch in her hand. She looked far away and sighed helplessly.

Having set foot on the road of cultivation, naturally, it is the monk's destiny to fight in it.

This time, there are sixty or seventy young Tianjiao coming from the upper world. They are extremely terrifying. The first thing they do is to practice in seclusion.

A group of old people swept away from the young man's face, cold and heartless. Taigu Shenshan left behind at the beginning, and sent a group of young people at the lowest cost.

"In the end of the law era, I'm afraid this is the last time. From now on, the door of the lower world will never be opened, and the land of the cage will be completely suppressed!"

There are so many old people here that they know enough to shock the world.

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