At this moment, Qin fan raised his eyebrows and turned around. He saw four people coming towards him.

The leader of the team was a woman with a pretty face and a chivalrous spirit, which made her feel good.

The three men behind each have their own characteristics. One of them can be seen as physical training with high muscles. The other two are ordinary. Qin fan feels that this is the real expert in this team.

It's not long for a few of them to enter Yuanying, but they have to be amazing. Such a young man must have great achievements in the future.

"Little brother, I don't know if you want to enter the ancient battlefield to look for opportunities. If so, we can work together." The woman came near and gave Qin fan a smile.

The woman is very handsome. She is wearing a robe made of animal skin and looks valiant. It's very different from a lady of a family.

On the contrary, the figure is more plump, not very old but fully developed, which makes people daydream.

Qin fan a burst of snigger, behind the three men greedy eyes undisguised, bad intentions.

"No need." Qin fan shook his hand and didn't answer. He was used to going on the road alone.

There was a touch of thoughtfulness on his face. He looked behind him inadvertently. It was a muddy water, and he didn't have to go there.

It must be a fight between several big powers. Even if they are not afraid, they are not willing to step into it easily.

No one knows what happened in the secret place, not to mention that several people don't know each other.

"My friend, you don't know that now the secret place has changed, and all kinds of positions are very different from those at the beginning. We are from the east land, and we have secret skills in our hands, so we must be safer than you alone."

The woman continues to talk to Qin fan. Obviously, she is trying her best to attract Qin fan.

"Sister Bai, is not a boy who has just stepped into Yuanying, why do you want to do this?"

A thin man in the rear frowned and looked forward with disgust on his face.

They come from the eastern Tubai family and are very powerful. This time they came out because of an accident.

"Sister Bai, with us, it's not easy to search for the emperor's Sutra this time. There may be an accident if there is one more oil bottle."

Another man frowned and looked in the direction of Qin fan with disdain on his face.

On the surface, Qin fan's strength is just entering Yuanying, and his breath is unstable, so it has no effect.

In the secret place, life and death step by step, there are many kinds of threats. It's a waste of energy to bring such a person.

The woman is called Bai Qin. Her eyes twinkle. She practices a special secret skill and feels that Qin fan is extraordinary. That's why she always wants to win over Qin fan.

Some of them came from the East and didn't know Qin fan, so they thought they were just ordinary monks.

At this time, Qin fan turned and walked away. He was too lazy to say that he was just a passer-by.

Bai Qin shook her head, with a touch of loneliness on her face, "alas." Take a few people to the other direction.

"It's good that the boy knows his face, or he'll know what he's good at." There was no scruple in the sarcastic voice of several people in the rear.

They come from a big family. Naturally, this kind of little friar will not be paid attention to. If you kill him, you will be killed.

"Well, let's go in quickly. After looking for the Sutra, we have to go back to Dongtu to attend the wedding of the Su family. It's said that this time it's Su Ning, the princess of the Su family." Bai Qin sighed in a low voice.

"The object of the marriage is the Li family in the eastern region, which is really a famous sect. Even in the eastern region, it has a great reputation. I'm afraid that the Su family's strength this time will climb up again."

Zhao Xiaotian nodded at the back, and a thick flash flashed through his eyes.

Both of the two families are well-known in eastern Turkey, and now their cooperation naturally leads to unrest.

"Su family, Su Ning?" Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of several people. Qin fan's face was covered with frost, and the cold voice came out.

It's like a devil climbing out of the abyss of hell, without any emotion.

There is a doubt on several faces, "boy, I really give you face, go or not?" Zhao Xiaotian a sneer, ready to move.

Qin fan has long been a problem, but he has never had a chance.

The three are not from the Bai family, but from other families. Each of them has his own fate. That's why they came here with Bai Qin.


Qin fan's hand is open, covering thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. The sun and the moon are overturning in his hand, which directly shakes him open.

I don't know what the situation is. I turn my head to see Baiqin again.

Qin fan's heart is very chaotic. He had left, but he didn't expect to hear Su Ning's news.

"In half a year, the Li family in eastern Turkey will start a big marriage and get married with the Su family."

In the heart greatly shakes, said the thing which oneself knew directly, felt a mighty pressure, made her dare not underestimate.

Qin fan's eyes twinkled and he turned to look in the direction of Dongtu. He had a plan in his heart.Su Ning was always with her when she was at her worst. Now that something happened, how could she not go.

The two people's feelings are not withered, nor do they have a pledge, but they are the most sincere.


There seems to be a silent thunder in the deep of the sky, which strikes Qin fan's majestic momentum, making people constantly tremble.

Qin fan's strength has reached a terrifying level. He can really be born. Unless some old monsters, they are hard to meet enemies.

"Even if you go now, you can't find the ancestral land of the two tribes. The water in the East is very deep. It will be a year before you open the killing array to make people step into it."

Bai Qin carefully explained there for fear of causing Qin fan's dissatisfaction.

Behind them, the three men's faces turned red and couldn't move. They were imprisoned in the same place under the authority of Qin fan.

Shua! "Thank you very much." A gust of wind, Qin fan disappeared in front of several people, strode toward the ancient battlefield.

Several people were sweating and trembling. I didn't expect that the pressure was so strong.

"Does this man know the Su family?" Bai Qin frowned and murmured.

Otherwise, how could Qin fan react so much after hearing Su Ning's name.

"Hum, how can he fight against the Li family? It's just wishful thinking."

Zhao Xiaotian has disdain on his cold smiling face. He just suffered from being shriveled under Qin fan's hands, which makes him very uncomfortable.

What's more, he was humiliated in front of Baiqin, which made him resent Qin fan.

"What's more, it's still unknown whether we can come back alive after entering the secret place this time."

Another man sneered and began to satirize, the secret has changed, every moment there are experts fall, who dare say invincible.

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