The third pulse is very strong, and it has developed quietly in the outside world over the years.

The old man, called Qin Yang, stands on top of the golden winged Mirs and looks majestic.

"Thirteen ancestors, I didn't expect You want to overthrow the Qin people. " Finally he spoke, his voice was cold and angry, and he wanted to do it.

"Hundreds of thousands of people's lives have been ignored. Have you ever thought how the ancient ancestors of the ancient battlefield would feel when they knew this situation?"

Speak out loud, the golden winged Mirs roar up to the sky, emitting a large golden light.

"It's just a beast. It's noisy here too." Wang Jiagu wrinkled his eyebrows and was very dissatisfied. At the tip of his fingers, he burst out a golden light, penetrating the golden winged Mirs and turning them into flesh and blood.

The strength is too strong, all the people who are so fast don't react.

"You Damn it Qin Yang was so old that he could not suppress his anger.

This golden winged ROC met when he was a teenager. I don't know how many times he saved his life along the way, but it fell here.

It broke out directly. The aura in the body turned into a golden sword and cut off the old man.

Left hand Jiulong seal burst out bursts of black light, strength to add a few points.

With the old man's hand, snowflakes fall in the sky, changing the vision of heaven and earth.

The ancient ancestor of the Wang family had a cold face and showed a little disdain.

Stick out your left hand, index finger and middle finger together, gently, there is a huge wave in front of you, and you can't turn up a little spray.

"Even you dare to do something to me. It's something you don't know how to do."

The robe is dragged on the ground, and it radiates silver light. It looks simple and unsophisticated, but it has strong strength.

Compared with the strength of the thirteen ancestors of the Qin family, no matter how high it is, it is not for the country.

"Old three, you shouldn't have come." the old man shook his head, with bitterness on his face.

It's just a separate body. Even if you die, you can get revenge one day.

Qin Yang is the real body. Once it falls, there is no possibility of resurrection.

"Second brother, I've made up my mind to say so much." The old man landed on the old man, took a deep breath, shook his head, and there was determination in his voice.

It seems that everything happened in chaos, but in fact it is very clear.

The thirteen ancestors united with all the people of the king's family and wanted to kill all the people. The first vein was obedience.

"Why, why do you want to cheat me? Didn't you say it was just for experience?" Suddenly, Qin Chengdao's cold voice came out and asked loudly.

Fundus blood red, into the madness, may break out at any time.

"What's the matter with you, my lord? Go down quickly!" Qin Ming's face changed.

He is just a small role, and compared with big people, he is not qualified to carry shoes.

What's more, Qin Wu was the initiator, and his role was only a fuse.

"No!" Qin Chengdao is about to collapse. He covers his head with both hands.

In the next moment, an ancient talisman was crushed and disappeared.

"Let him go, young man. He will come back by himself after a while."

Qin Minggang wanted to chase him out, but his father stopped him and shook his head.

It's a good choice to leave rather than stay here.

There was a bad feeling in the hearts of all the people. It was a disaster.

"This is just the beginning. The ancient battlefield will change after all. You are not an old man to choose. Wrong, you are just a younger generation."

Qin Wu didn't want to waste any more time. His face was cold and his voice was low.

With his left hand raised, the seal of the black dragon burst into black light, and eight black dragons sprang out of his body.

"It's a pity that I haven't explored the secret of Jiulong seal for so many years. Otherwise, my strength will go to a higher level at this time."

At this point, there is regret in Qin Wu's voice. There is no doubt that it is powerful. Otherwise, they are not qualified to suppress the ancestral land as a strong party.

"Hoo The old man took a deep breath and suppressed the concussion in his heart finished.

He can fight against that Qin Wu, and there is a king's family next to him, which is a doomed situation.

There is a determination on his face. He must send Qin zhantian and Qin Xian out.

Looking at the elders behind him, his face was covered with clouds, and he chose to betray his family.

At this time is how helpless, with the third pulse of the return of no help.

"There's no way to get anyone else to come." Qin Yang's face was embarrassed.

There are many strong players in the third pulse, and he is the only one who really plays a role.

The old man shook his head. He didn't speak. His eyes were cold. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"You are very strong. If you are given time, it's not a problem to surpass me, but so what? Today will fall. Blame yourself."

Qin Wu's cultivation has reached its peak. It can destroy heaven and earth at any time.This is the divine power of the strong in the realm of Tao, beyond the limits known to all.

"If you don't even have a glimpse of the Taoist realm, how can you call him a monk?"

This was once the joke of an ancient monk, and was regarded as the truth by many people.

"You will be damned!" The elder of Qin soldiers opened his mouth and yelled angrily. Half of his body burst open. He rushed over and chose to die together.

But where can be Qin Wu's opponent? Before he comes near, he turns into a piece of ashes and spreads.

The war was very fierce. All the people who didn't like him died here.

"What a cruel heart The old man clenched his fists. If he could, he would like to come back.

Unfortunately, the noumenon is trapped in the jiushanhai and has long been disconnected.

This body only has the last few hours, how can it go against the sky.

"It has to be said that the second pulse is better than the first and the third. Some ancient ancestors said that your pulse is the real lineage, and the other two can only be regarded as collateral. I will extract the essence and blood from all ethnic groups of this pulse. Who can know what happened?" Qin Wu is making people feel the last time.

Sure enough, another one chose to rebel, but he slapped him to death before he had time.

"If you don't stand firm, what's the use of it? Why don't you go on the road quickly?" All around the dead silence, people began to despair, this is a doomed situation, no one can live to leave.


All of a sudden, a sudden change started, and a bright golden light broke out in the void.

The white jade tripods are connected with each other under the power of rules.

The horror is that there is a huge parrot, which is bigger than the ancient mountain.

It's amazing to see a big river flowing through the air.


The earth cracked, and nine mountains rose up, as if they were making the world.

"What Frightened, they began to exclaim and rubbed their glasses.

No one knows what's going on. It's changing over and over again.

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