
Asked speechless, lazy and this boy nonsense, waved away from here, afraid to stay here with this boy for a while, he will be crooked.

He once had a master who taught him to be upright and upright. He was always lazy to do these things.

Coupled with the special canglongmen, natural less for some time, all intrigue.

Asked like a streamer general, did not leave any trace, in a twinkling of an eye disappeared in front of Qin fan, silent.

Qin fan rolled his eyes and didn't want to waste his words. The old man was too stingy. As a master, he didn't give himself anything.

Sitting on the ground with a strange fruit in your hand, you can't continue to be careless. You should plan your next goal well.

"I don't pay attention to these three wastes, but at least I have to take them seriously so as not to capsize the boat in the sewer. I'm not worried about other things yet."

The fruit in my hand was full of blood red, and it seemed like a flame beating in my hand.

Randomly into the mouth, like ordinary fruit general gnawed up, large pieces of juice dripping in the mouth, abnormal sweet.

If you let others see must be very distressed, this is the fire snake, which contains a lot of aura, is a kind of rare material.

But for Qin fan, he doesn't care at all. Only his own strength is the most important thing. The rest are all external things.

After a general observation, there are about 7000 pieces of spirit stones left in my storage bag. Many of them have been wasted, and there are few left.

"Looking back a year ago, compared with the present situation, it's really very different."

Qin fan sighed helplessly there, and there was a touch of self mockery in his eyes. A year ago, he was still intriguing in the office of miscellaneous workers, and now he has reached this point for a few pieces of broken spirit stones.

If this scene did not really happen in front of me, I can't believe it, too dreamy.

"Just take this opportunity to take a look at the biggest trading market outside."

After thinking for a moment, Qin fan didn't continue to be here. He took a step and left the area where Tongtian waterfall was.

The location of Tongtian waterfall is not remote. It is located in a valley under the outer gate. Just by taking advantage of these terrain, it can stimulate its power to the extreme.

I spent a whole seven days here. Although the time is short, it is undoubtedly a completely new change, which is obviously different from before.

"This way of tempering the body can't be carried out all the time, only according to one's ability, otherwise it will leave hidden dangers in the body, and if you don't advance, you will retreat."

There hesitated, raised his hand to touch his smooth skin, with a smile in his eyes.

Before, he was swarthy, like a black man. Now, after forging, his skin is white, which makes any girl feel inferior.

The place to go is called Jubao Pavilion, which has existed for many years.

The reason why Jubao Pavilion can survive is that there are treasures in it, from disciples to elders, who can buy what they need.

It has existed for a long time and has been handed down. As for who is the boss behind it.

Along the way, there were few people and endless peaks. Looking around, there was a lot of fairy Qi. It was really a fairyland in the world.

"At the end of this time, we'll find some good fierce beasts to devour. No matter when the cultivation of the real dragon's blood is complete, it's necessary to devour the blood."

Qin fan's eyes are like water. It seems that he is famous, but only he knows that he is still in a very dangerous situation.

In order to rise in the shortest time, no matter what extent, at least he must have the ability to protect himself. Only in this way can he be at ease.

The system is to use his power to engulf all the blood vessels, and finally condense and refine the needed nutrients.

With the end of the outer door Dabi, all the disciples gradually returned to their original state of life and began to do their best to prevent being attacked and killed.

Canglongmen's way of training disciples is very special, but we have to admit that every disciple is very powerful, and the force is not comparable to other schools.

"We must find a chance to go out and see the real world, otherwise we will always just sit back and watch the sky. TND, I can't waste my youth here."

Walking while whispering, eyes with excitement, want to see this magical world.

For him, canglongmen is just a starting point. After leaving here, he will go to a wider world and explore more secrets.

After a while, I came to a glittering treasure shop. It's not very big. It's only two stories high, but it's crystal green. It gives people a sense of dignity and makes people gasp.

"The first level corresponds to the outer disciples, the second level corresponds to the inner disciples, and so on. It is said that the price of the top level is already one day."

Looking at Jubao Pavilion, Qin fan can't help sighing that there is a yearning in his eyes.His biggest wish is to live forever, but it needs a lot of money! He suffered from the poor and suffered in his heart. Only with money can he have the right to speak.

At the next moment, I looked up to the top of Jubao Pavilion. There was a huge stone inlaid with seven huge gems. It was so shining that people couldn't see what the situation was.

"It's said that in ancient times, canglongmen had a treasure cornucopia of chaos, which could absorb treasures by itself, but it had already been smashed. Now it's just the remains. It's really sad."

It has to be said that the ancient canglongmen was really powerful, and its power was unknown to ordinary people.

However, every force has a time of decline, not to mention the canglongmen, even the real dragon clan and the real Phoenix clan have disappeared and disappeared in the long history without any sound.

As for why these species will disappear, whether there is any secret in it, these lower level little people have no right to know.

No one will come to this vampire like place. No one will notice Qin fan.

After a few days of cultivation, he has been completely transformed. Originally, he looks like a white faced young man. Now, although he is only 15 years old, he has become a young man, and his muscles are frightening.

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