"Boy, it's hard to be rude. Do you want to practice the dignity of elder martial brother Tamu and apologize to him soon?"

A dog Tuizi behind Mu Youcai shows his fierce eyes and roars with pride in his eyes.

At this time, I didn't expect my position. I thought that youmu Youcai was standing behind me. Everything was not a problem.

After all, no one has ever seen Qin fan's hand. What they tested in that scene on that day was just their qualifications.

"I don't know what bad luck I've taken. I'm lucky to get the first place. If I do it again, I don't know how I'll die."

Another disciple sneered and didn't pay attention to Qin fan, just like watching a clown.

Since he became a senior brother, he has been practicing hard and never moved around. Naturally, no one knows his name.

In addition, there is no water leakage, which leads most people to think that he has bad luck.


Qin fan's voice was as calm as ever, without any extra sound fluctuation, and he spoke lightly.

His face is full of contempt. It's a waste of words to say one more word to such a small person. It's better to treat him as if he didn't see it.

To talk to them is to let yourself drop the price, ignoring the best choice.

Looking at Qin fan's scene, the two people on the other side couldn't speak, and their faces turned red.

"Don't continue to lose face here. We'll let the boy know how powerful he is and let him jump for another two days!"

Mu Youcai clenched his fist and left here. Just in a moment, he suddenly felt a fear of being stared at by the beast.

This feeling is unclear, as if he would die in the next moment, which is why he left in a hurry.

Several people gaped at this scene, always rebellious wood talent, thought there would be a conflict, who knows then choose to leave.

But as ordinary disciples, how dare they say more? They follow Mu Youcai closely, stare at Qin fan and leave here.

"It's getting more and more interesting. Are they three little guys or the old bastards behind them? I hope I don't get caught in the future, otherwise I don't mind killing. "

Qin fan mouth up a Yang, corner of the eye has a cold smile, whispered.

Always like to kill danger in the cradle, only a fool will let the enemy grow, if you give him a chance, do not mind directly kill.

Diaosi's chance of counter attack is impossible for ordinary people, but he himself is the best example.

Around the maid finally reaction, eyes shining closely at Qin fan, eyes with fanaticism, almost directly stick to him.

As a new disciple, Qin fan doesn't have any followers around him now. As long as he holds his thighs well, then he will definitely have a chance to prosper.

Looking at the eyes of the maids in front of him, he frowned slightly and said, "if you want to have a very strong defense, it doesn't matter. If you have to have a strong defense, do you have one?"

He raised his head and asked the maid in front of him. The rhinoceros armor can be broken with one blow. It's useless to buy it.

If you can't even withstand your own strength, how can you play a defensive role.

Face with helpless, want to find their own treasure is really not easy.

"Elder martial brother, according to your request, I'm afraid that this tortoise is the only one that's indestructible. It's made from the one horned tortoise with great perfection in refining gas. The disadvantage is that it's too heavy for ordinary people to carry."

The little maid had already reacted and quickly bowed slightly to Qin fan. She said respectfully, how dare she be careless..

At this time, Qin fan was very high spirited and scolded. No one dared to provoke him. After all, no one knew what the future would be like, let alone just a few small people.

"Unicorn turtle? I didn't expect that this thing could still exist"

Qin fan nodded thoughtfully and muttered in a low voice there that he had known about this fierce beast before, which came from the second half of the fierce beast illustrated book.

It is said that a mysterious Turtle was given medicine at the beginning, so the blood spread all over the country.

The one horned turtle is just one of the variations. It has low strength, but its defense is extremely strong. The important thing is that it is hard to catch and its number is very small. Only a big sect like canglongmen can have it.


Qin fan waved his hand at will and put the stone on the counter with a touch of indifference on his face.

As for the shortcomings that people said, he didn't pay attention to them. He was physically strong, and there was no way to hinder his steps.

In fact, another drawback of GUI Wenjia's not being written by the public is that it's extremely ugly. It's like King Bayi when carried on his back.

Qin fan doesn't care about these things. It's the truth to protect his life. He naturally understands it.

Next to him was the maid. She didn't expect Qin fan to buy ten pieces at a time. This is basically all the inventory, but knowing that these things are not what she should ask more, she nodded silently and went back.After burning incense, Qin fan left here contentedly. Although he was penniless at this time, there were ten pieces of tortoise shell in his bag. It was a life-saving thing.

According to his estimation, only the master in the foundation period can break it, and it's not so easy.

It's not so easy to find it outside. It's rare. Even if it's ugly, there are still most people's fanatical pursuers.

At random to find a place to sit up, three days in a flash.

On the third day, the sun rose from the East, and a golden sun shone on the sky, shining on Qin fan.

Nose exhale like a dragon, surrounded by a pair of immortal gas tengtengteng scene, as if it was a fairyland on earth.

"Since there is no way to avoid this battle, we should choose to face it. It's really not our intention. Let's strive for longevity together. Why do we have to fight and kill all the time?"

But with a long sigh, no longer continue to speak, the body gently jumped up, like an arrow to the front.

Even so, he knew in his heart that the resources of cultivation were limited, which meant that only a small number of people grew up.

Now that there is a scramble for resources, there will naturally be an invasion of life and death. It is impossible to be alone.

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