Qin fan has a smile on his face. He hasn't seen him for many days. Now he's finally back.

Qin fan just stepped into the cultivation world and met a grass, which can be regarded as sharing weal and woe.

"Kill At this moment, Qin fan felt as if he had been aroused the desire to fight in his heart. He looked up to the sky and burst out laughing. He raised his sword and entered the crowd in front of him.

"Don't hide and tuck in, quickly take out all the good things in your hand, otherwise, we are afraid that we will all be destroyed here today. This boy has already gone mad."

Looking at the scene in front of him, the old man felt that he regretted what he had done just now. He knew the fame of the star array. Now it's up to him to see how many points Ling Xiaoqi had mastered. If he had mastered one of the points, he would be finished today.

Just for a moment, the old man put his hand into his arms and took out something that seemed like a Linglong tower, but it was very special. It had only three layers, and it seemed as if it had been smashed.

"Brother, I didn't expect that my grandfather gave you all these things."

Liu Changfeng a Leng, secretly swallowed saliva, eyes revealed a kind of greedy color.

Don't underestimate the Linglong Pagoda in the old man's hand. It's said that it was a magic weapon used by the Qi refiners in the pre Qin period, but it was broken later. That's why the power was not enough. It was excavated from another tomb by the Liu family.

At this time, Zhao Ziyan suddenly drinks and jumps into the air. She takes out a mysterious bracelet from her arms and throws it in the direction of Qin fan.

"Curse of the devil!"

The old man exclaimed, did not expect that Zhao Ziyan this woman seems to be crazy, actually take out such a baby.

This thing belongs to disposable consumables. As long as it is entangled by her, all the Qi transportation on the whole person will be directly destroyed in a flash. In a word, you will be rejected by this planet, and you will not be considered as the internal person.

"Since it's so cruel, don't blame me for treating him in his own way."

The Dragon Girl controls the flame in her hand and gives out a sneer. She doesn't say much. She just floats on the ground and changes her direction. A broken piece of cloth flies out of her waist.

"The shroud of the fairy king!"

Qin fan suddenly showed a look of shock, and affirmed the identity of the Dragon Girl a little more. He didn't expect that the little girl was carrying such a strong baby.

He had seen this thing before when he was fighting in a foreign world. I don't know how many times he had heard it. Even a mysterious man beat all the people with the shroud of the fairy king, but later a big man appeared and took it away, so there was no dispute among the people.

It is said that the king's shroud is not a treasure of heaven and earth, but the corpses of the two kings coming back from the battlefield, stained with the king's blood.

What's more, the fairy King regrets the world. Although he is a secret treasure, it's more a relic left by the two fairy kings. The meaning of it is more important than its own power.

"Hey, hey, I don't believe you don't show your feet yet." Dragon Girl's face showed a smile of satisfaction. Although she said that she was in response to the enemy, he tried harder to test Qin fan's reaction.


Qin fan's face is full of black lines. He didn't expect that this girl took out such a treasure to attract her attention. It's too insidious, but at the same time, her identity has been confirmed.

But now is not the time to talk about these things. After all, there are many people and many eyes. If the identities of the two people are exposed, it will certainly cause a big wave. It is not such a simple thing.

At this time, the fairy King's shroud was in the hands of the Dragon Girl, as if she had her own consciousness. Although it looked like a worn-out cloth, it shot directly in front of her and beat their treasures back.

The demon Bracelet in Zhao Ziyan's hand directly emits black light all over the sky. The black fog is not the same as the demon here, but is similar to a curse. It is directly shot at the people next to it, and his miserable roar comes out.

"Why do I feel no pain at all?" But after a few breaths, he found that it was totally different from what he expected.

I didn't get any great harm at all, just felt that something in my body disappeared out of thin air.

"I Why can't I breathe? " But just a moment later, his voice of surprise came out again.

At this time, I saw a look of panic, as if I had seen something incredible, covering its neck tightly with my hands.

About a pillar of incense after the time, in front of the man's face directly red, the whole person in a moment no life, straight fell on the ground."Damn, I didn't expect it to be so hard to deal with." The old man's face changed. He didn't expect that he was not Qin fan's opponent. Moreover, he saw a huge aura fluctuation from the fairy King's shroud in front of him, which was beyond their comparison.

In front of the man's change, she is most clear, this is because the whole person was directly deprived of 3000 state spirit, was not allowed by the world.

Even Are not allowed to breathe air in this world!

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is something they dare not even think about, but it really happened in front of everyone. The man in front of them just couldn't breathe the air and died of suffocation.


Suddenly at this time, Qin fan suddenly issued a cry of surprise, he saw the sky in the distance, as if it had burst, there was a huge black hole emerged.

Now this matter has gone beyond his expectation. He doesn't know what the situation is. In addition, Han Xue's life and death are uncertain, so he doesn't have the heart to fight with these people here.

After hearing Qin fan's exclamation, other people also looked at the black hole on the top of Taigu God with astonished eyes. This time, a look of panic appeared in everyone's eyes. It was impossible to say that they were not afraid.

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