If Qin fan can achieve success in the final outer gate competition, then the seventh peak still has a chance to be proud.

"Do you think too much of this guy? Although he shows extraordinary strength, can you be sure that he can win other peaks in the end?"

Yueque is dissatisfied with several people around him. Since Zhao Jiuyou just died, they have been talking coldly. They are very uncomfortable.

But there is nothing he can do. Once he dares to attack Qin fan, the censor will never let him go.

"That boy is not as good as others. Why don't you and I have a hand? I warn you, it's better not to be a Yin hand, or I won't let you go. "

Asked, had been silent beside, when the cold voice came out, there is a touch of provocation in the eyes.

It's not easy to meet such an excellent disciple. If he died in the midway, he will definitely regret his death.

Others may not know how terrible Qin fan's aptitude is. Only he knows clearly in his heart that it's not too much to call it evil.

I have already made a decision secretly. If the outer gate is bigger than Qin fan, I don't mind taking him away from canglongmen and going to other places. It's a good seedling. I can't give up anything I say.

"Well, don't quarrel. Let's call it a day. We'll talk about it in a year."

Purple clothes wave to interrupt two people's identities, show impatient voice, as he said, everything is unknown.

Now, no matter how much we quarrel, it's just a meaningless struggle. Everything has to wait for the final outcome.

"You'd better find a way out for yourself. Don't be asked if this old guy has been sold. You know what yuliuyun's talent is. Do you think a poor boy from a remote place can be compared with him?"

Even if everyone is there to stop, but the month or not angry mouth drink, anger is difficult to cover up.

Strength is slightly inferior to asking, but I'm sure I dare not ask. After all, I have my own power behind me.

In the seventh peak, we can't cover the sky with only one hand, but even if the elders of other peaks see it, they have to give face.


Who knows, the next moment, asked suddenly moved, the right hand is like the creation of a general, covering a large area of the sky, shuttle void appeared in front of the moon.

"Old man, you dare to do it. You can't find death!"

Month short of a surprised, subconsciously toward the side to retreat out, a burst of fear.

At that moment, it was like facing the end of the world, making life unable to resist.

"Mind your own mouth, or you won't know how to die any day."

Asked a light glance at him, to prevent the old son of a bitch to his disciples.

Although Qin fan has great potential, and his talent for understanding is much better than that of ordinary people, no matter how he is, he has only practiced for one and a half years. Now he only has the period of refining Qi.

"Don't do it. Don't let other people of Jifeng see the joke. What you lose is not your own people, but the faces of all the people of Qifeng."

Purple clothes step forward, there is a light purple halo between the hands emerge, frowning to exhort them.

When the strength reaches their level, face is more important than anything else.

"I hope that boy doesn't let his son die young!"

Yueque takes a deep breath and suppresses his anger. He doesn't talk much. He leaves here in an instant. He's afraid that he can't help fighting.

Even if there is no way to suppress him, he must regret it!

Looking at his back from a long distance, he asked, his eyes flashing.

He is not a slayer, but if he dares to touch his bottom line, he is pushing him to a dead end.

Everyone knows that the disciple is his only villain. If you dare to provoke his disciple, you must face his fierce revenge!

"It's not that I'm talking at random, brother. It's that this matter is extraordinary. I don't want to see any more accidents. I hope I can make arrangements after this matter is over. The overall situation is the most important."

Looking at to ask a way to kill machine in double eyes, purple Yi frowned and slowly opened mouth to say.

Among all the elders, he had the best relationship with Wen. He also had no disciples and was always alone.

Several elders were silent, and no one spoke more. This is not a good time for the team.

"Don't worry. You know my temper. I won't do anything. I hope this boy won't let us down."

Asked nodding a wave of hands, the first to leave, everything to the outside door than the outcome of the victory.

If Qin fan has the hope to win the competition, then he will be able to meet the changing situation.


At this time, how can Qin fan know what happened just now? There were two elders in the chopping period who almost fought because of him!

But with his character, even if you know it, you won't take it seriously. His strength is very different from the chopping period, and there is no chance to make a move at all.In fact, a group of elders just stepped into the threshold of the chopping period, and they didn't really become the strong in the chopping period. If they want to become the strong in the chopping period, they have to go through the xiansan chopping way! But no one dares to try something that will cost his life easily.

Qin fan carried his hands behind him, dressed in a white robe, and walked leisurely along the road. The aura around him was surging. From time to time, fierce beasts were passing through the Cangwu wood forest, and the people who looked at him moved their fingers.

Suddenly, I was in a trance. A year ago, I went to the factotum to start my colorful life. A year later, I had my present identity.

Today's life and on earth can be said to be bizarre, let a burst of fascination.

"Hello, elder martial brother!"

At this time, a nearby disciple passed by, looking at Qin fan in front of him from a distance, first in a daze, and then subconsciously blurted out.

This can be said to be the first time that Qin fan appeared in front of ordinary disciples and attracted people's attention.

The man's exclamation naturally attracted Qin fan's attention, looked up at him and said, "hello."

Nodding thoughtfully, a sense of pride suddenly rose in my heart. Now I am also a senior brother and have a place in canglongmen!

In other people's eyes, it's nothing, but only he knows how much bitterness he has experienced in climbing to this position within one year.

It seems that everything is smooth and smooth, and nothing has happened. But every change of blood is a process of wandering on the road of the yellow spring. If we can't hold on, then we will only wait for death.

This is him. Whether other people can still appear here is a matter of two.

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