Qin fan whispered in his dream, shocked and unable to say what he felt.

He was an orphan since he was a child. He had never experienced the feeling of family affection, but he was sure that the feeling of blood dissolving in water would never be wrong!

Think of here, dare not continue to stay there, careful observation, equivalent to an outsider, standing there silently feeling.

An old man suddenly appeared, naked upper body, muscles like Qiu long general high drum, let a person dumbfounded is the old man holding a "real dragon"!

Like an ordinary hunter, he just came back from hunting in the distance.

"Look, the elder is back from hunting. He has caught another real dragon!"

A three-year-old boy was cheering there, just a milkman, waving his little fist excitedly.

Another five-year-old girl stood next to the little boy and touched his head with concern. "It's not a real dragon. It's just a branch of the real dragon clan."

In any age, there is no doubt that the real dragon is powerful, and no race dares to eat it.

"Bad sister said many times, don't touch my head, it will not grow tall!"

The little boy's cheeks bulged high, his face discontented, and his limbs used together. He ran to the side like a fierce animal cub.

In Qin fan's eyes, the color of confusion became more intense. I don't know why. After seeing the woman in front of him, I felt more intense and couldn't control my mood.

Suddenly, the body tensed, as if to be watched by hunters, layers of sweat in the forehead.

The elder's eyes were like nails, crossing the endless void, gazing at its direction from afar, just a casual glance.


Swallowing saliva, the old man in front of him is too powerful. He can be said to cross the river of time, disturb reincarnation, and even be found in places where he shouldn't be.

There was a wry smile on his face, which basically confirmed what had happened. Everyone in front of him had a strange mark on his left hand.

"Since I'm from a family, why am I here? What's the relationship between them... "

The next moment is still confused, feeling unclear, to see his family at this time, he is like a wanderer, alone in other places.

All of a sudden, the old man with bare upper body suddenly drank, which attracted Qin fan's attention.

"To be a soldier by sowing peas!"

The little old man roared, and beads the size of mung beans appeared in his hands and scattered them in front of him.

"Is it difficult to show me something? What does it mean? What's the connection... "

Qin fan's eyes were more puzzled and didn't dare to be careless. He carefully observed the old man's martial arts. If he didn't guess wrong, it should be the legendary secret skill!

Any ancient family will have its corresponding secret arts. Secret arts exist at a higher level than magic arts. Ordinary people can only look up to them all their lives.

Like the real dragon boxing in his hand, it is one of the secrets of the real dragon clan.

"It's the magic of the immortal family. It will come out naturally through the Jiulong pattern. It's said that it's the spirit of itself. If it's successful one day, it will have its own life!"

The little old man seems to be explaining to his sister and brother in front of him, but from his meaningful eyes, we can feel that the old man must have found his own existence.

The next moment changes suddenly.


Qin fan in front of the world suddenly broken, a mouthful of blood sprayed out, from a coma to wake up.

Still in the thatched cottage under the sky waterfall, there was no one around, and a pale moonlight appeared on him.

Powerless lying on the ground, with a look of sadness in his eyes, the scroll in front of him has disappeared, leaving him only memories in his mind.

"I hate who I am, where I come from and what kind of life experience I have. Why don't you tell me?"

Qin fan roars, grabs his hair and roars there, his face is crazy.

I've been used to the reality that I'm an orphan for a long time. When such a thing suddenly appears, how can I expose it so easily.

Want to know their own life, want to know where they come from, and what kind of purpose.

"I can't continue to be so decadent. If the little old man can catch Cang, he must improve his strength as soon as possible. Everything else is bullshit!"

Holding his fist tightly, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and his eyes showed confusion.

Gradually quiet down, the shock in the heart can not be repeated. The ancestor of Canglong is a Canglong. Just now, the little old man in the dreamland preys on Canglong, and his strength is incomparable.

I don't know what strength the old man has, and where he is in his dream. I believe I will meet him one day.

"It seems that there are still many secrets. Don't worry, you will see the sun again."Staring at the imprint on his hand and disappearing under the skin, I didn't expect that a humble birthmark could have such a powerful effect.

Eyes closed again, before the scenes like a movie across the general, constantly replaying in the mind.

He remembered all the scenes he saw in his mind, including the layout of palaces and pavilions on the earth, the particularity of each stone, and the outline of the old man and his brother and sister, forcing himself not to forget.

I believe that one day I will be able to solve my secrets, and all these things will come to the surface.

"It's a wonderful skill of the immortal family to become a soldier when you are on earth. I don't know if I have a chance to practice it!"

The excited mood has been suppressed by Qin fan. There is excitement on his face, and the Dragon Qi in his body condenses on his left hand.

Slightly frowning, want to try to become a soldier, but found unable to succeed.

"Forget it, secretaries are the hardest to cultivate. Let's talk about it later." But shaking his head, gave up the intention in the heart, there should be something I don't know.

Lift up your sleeve, wipe the sweat on your forehead, and put what you just saw in your heart. This matter must not be known to others.

He always kept in mind that he would never make such a low mistake.

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