
Although we talked and laughed all the way, we couldn't stand the whole day. The last few people were still children.

"Qin fan, are you sure there is a place to stay in front of you?" Su Ning looked at the old village in front of her and said in a low voice.

You can see it at a glance. It's like a primitive tribe in front of you.

She looked at Qin fan with deep feeling.

"There should be accommodation. It's just that it hasn't developed. Let's go and have a look. We've come here anyway." She had checked the information before. She only had this village within a few decades, and she didn't know where the others were.

"Qin fan, look at the river ahead. There is a boatman. Let's ask." Su Ning then regained her excited expression. She followed Qin fan and raised her finger to an old man by the river in the distance. She said to Qin fan.

"Let's go. Since we've come here, we're all strangers and don't know anything. It's good to ask someone." Qin fan nodded and took a few people to the river. At this time, an old man was standing there supporting the boat, shouting folk songs, as if it was a paradise.

"Sir, we would like to ask if there is any accommodation in this village in front of us?" After Qin fan came near, he gave the old man a smile and said slowly.

"Are you people coming in from the outside?" The old man looked at the arrival of several people. First his face changed, then he stopped his own ballad and asked a few people.

The old man before the meeting was different from the ordinary old man. He had a chain made of bones around his neck, a whip in his hand, and a turtle shell on his back. The most important thing was that he was still holding a dog with a shiny black fur.

"Yes, we come to Taigu mountain for training. We arrived here tonight, so we want to find a place to have a rest and go to the mountain again tomorrow morning." Qin Fan said slowly to the old man.

"Young people, I advise you to go back where you come from. It's better to start all night tonight, otherwise it won't be good if anything happens." The old man stroked the fur of the black dog beside him and said slowly.

"Grandfather, I don't know what's hidden in it. Can you explain it to us?" Su Ning stepped forward and said.

After a lot of hard work, he came here. How could he go back without looking at it.

"Little girl, you know, I have a granddaughter who should be your age." Looking at the old man beside Su Ning's face, he was stunned at first, and then showed the look of recalling in his eyes, and said slowly word by word.

"Grandfather, where is your granddaughter now? Did she go to school in the city?" Su Ning blinked her big pure eyes and asked the old man slowly.

"She He's dead. " The old man squatted down slowly. Even Qin fan could find an old man in his seventies. His eyes turned red.

"Ah Su Ning is a Leng at first, fiercely retreated a step toward the back, don't know why the old man suddenly said such words.

"There are some strange things in the mountain. You'd better leave as soon as possible. Ten years ago, my granddaughter was captured by the monsters in the mountain. Otherwise, I would not be alone now. That's why I want you to leave. Besides, there are strange things in the village. If it's not local, outsiders can't live long Go down. " The old man looked at Su Ning and said slowly, as if he had seen his granddaughter who had been dead for many years.

"Old man, I hope you can explain to us what's weird." Zhuang Xinyi opened her mouth and said that she just came to explore Taigu mountain casually. She didn't expect to encounter such a strange thing.

"It is said that Taigu holy mountain is a symbol of holiness, but demons are suppressed at the bottom of the mountain. Although this is just a legend, on the night ten years ago, a black fog suddenly swept the whole village, and dozens of children disappeared directly. So the village is empty, and there are only a few families in it." The old man said slowly as he took the lead and walked forward.

"Old man, can you take us to the village ahead for a night?" Qin Fan said, after all, it's evening. If you open the secret treasure and go back, it will be too late. Moreover, after all the running, several people are tired.

"Let's go. I'll take you to the village in front of us for one night, but you must remember that you must not come out at night, or you won't be responsible for what happens." The old man sighed helplessly and took several people to the direction of the village. If he didn't watch Su Ning look like his granddaughter, he would never have done so.

"Grandfather, what were you doing by the river?" Su Ning followed the teacher closely, blinking her innocent eyes, and asked.

"This village used to be a river keeper, also known as hefuzi, but similar strange things happened many years ago, so most people moved away, and the rest of them died and were injured. Now I am the only one left in hefuzi." The old man showed the look of recalling in his eyes and said to Su Ning slowly."The legendary The river keeper? " Qin fan is a Leng at first, then open mouth light call way.

You know, the identity of the river keeper is the most mysterious, which is impossible for ordinary people to understand.

"Young man, have you ever heard of the river keeper?" The old man looked up at Qin fan, until then Qin fan found that the old man was the legendary pupil!

It is said that this kind of eye is born with mysterious power, which can see through all the illusions. It is also the best among the hefuzi.

"It's said that under any river there are spirits and spirits, which are very unclean. Therefore, the occupation of hefuzi came into being to protect the surrounding people." Qin fan nodded to the old man and said.

A sense of respect rose in my heart. This kind of identity was not allowed by Yanhuang, because it belonged to feudal superstition.

But Qin fan knew that the meaning of hefuzi's existence was to protect the people, so he worked hard all his life.

"I didn't expect that there were still people in the world who had heard of the existence of hefuzi. Young people are not easy!" The old man smiles, nods to Qin fan and says.

Then he went into the village without saying more.

"Village head, these are..." At this time, a middle-aged man came over and slowly asked the village head.

You know, no one has been to the village for more than ten years in a row, and this is the first time that the village head has brought others back.

"These are passers-by. They will leave tomorrow morning. It's OK. Just let them have a rest for one night." The village head waved his hand to the middle-aged man in front of him and said slowly.

If outsiders live here for a long time, strange things will happen, but if it's just one night, there's nothing at all.

Several villagers around frowned and retreated to the side. Since the village head had already spoken, there was no need to say more.

"This house hasn't been lived in for many years. You can live here. Remember, don't come out at night. No matter what happens, you can leave here in the morning as soon as possible." After the old man took them to a room, he reluctantly shook his head and went out.

It is said that strange things will happen in Taigu mountain at night, so he took them in.

"Well, thank you, old man. We'll leave early tomorrow morning, and we'll disturb you more tonight." Qin fan hugged the old man and said thank you.

He could feel that the village had secrets, but he was not interested in exploring them.

"By the way, this bronze lamp is a gift for you. I hope you can take good care of it." When the old man went out, he seemed to think of something. He slowly took out a bronze lamp from his bag and handed it to Su Ning. His eyes showed a look of reminiscence, as if he thought of something.

"Grandfather, is this something your granddaughter used before?" Su Ning said cleverly beside the old man that he could feel it.

"He used to keep company with this ancient bronze lamp when he was alive, but no one has paid any attention to it since she was captured. Today I give it to you. I hope you don't have any accidents. OK, have a good rest!" After hesitating for a moment, the old man still touched Su Ning's hair.

His eyes were red in a moment. I can't imagine that a 70 year old man was still in such a big mood.

"Brother Qin fan, I don't think it's easy for the old man." Su Ning touched the bronze lamp in her hand and said to Qin fan. Her eyes were red. She could feel the feeling in the old man's heart.

"It's not easy. You can keep it." Qin fan shook his head and said slowly to Su Ning. Although he said he had the ability of perspective, he didn't see anything strange about this bronze lamp, but his intuition told him that this bronze lamp was not simple.

At this time, Su Ning's hand seemed to have life again, and the lights were constantly swaying.

Su Ning stares at the wick tightly, as if fascinated.

"Well, let's have a rest early this evening. Let's go to the mountain again tomorrow morning. If there's anything bad, we'll leave here that day." Qin fan side slowly in the door of the steering wheel sat down, while toward a few people said.

This circle gave him a strange feeling. It was just an ordinary village. Unexpectedly, he met the legendary River keeper.

At this time, he thought of the whip in his hand when he met the old man in the daytime. If he didn't expect it wrong, it should be the whip that every river keeper followed all his life.

legend has it that the real Shou River whip is made of Indus wood, and it must be phoenix tree that Phoenix perches.

"Qin fan, I don't know why. I always have a bad feeling, as if something would happen." At this time, Su Ning did the same plate to Qin fan's side, learning his way to sit up, toward Qin fan slowly said."It's OK. Don't think about it. Have a rest." Qin fan smiles at Su Ning, touches her hair and says.

Su Ning didn't say much. He felt a restless feeling in his heart, but he couldn't tell what it was like.

The night soon came, and several people took out their clothes. The night here was extremely cold, as if it was not a place for people to stay.

"It's so cold..." Li Li leaned towards Su Ning, then his voice trembled and said slowly. He could even feel his little face turn pale.

"Wan Qing elder sister, what's the matter with you? Your face is so pale. It's so cold. Why don't I feel it at all?" Su Ning began to say in doubt. At the same time, she also looked at several people around her. Except Qin fan, everyone wrapped his clothes tightly.

"Xiaomeng, can't you feel the temperature drop?" Li Li's voice trembles and asks Su Ning.

I saw that they had already taken out the cotton padded clothes and wrapped them on their bodies, while Su Ning was just a coat, as if she didn't know the cold at all.

"No, I feel the same as during the day, even warmer than during the day. I don't feel cold at all." Su Ning said doubtfully.

"If I guess correctly, it should have something to do with the ancient bronze lamp in Xiaomeng's hand. You should try to get close to him." At this time, Qin fan slowly opened his eyes, the voice around gradually ring up.

His eyes were fixed on the bronze lamp in Su Ning's hand.

"Sure enough, it doesn't feel so cold." Several people said.

Just now it was very cold, as if naked in the ice and snow, but it was like a fire.

"Have a rest quickly. The lamp is strange, but I don't know what's magical. Don't think so much. We will continue to run tomorrow." Qin fan sat up again, breathed and said to several people.

However, a sense of vigilance rose in his heart. It was obvious that there was something suspicious when a strange old man sent such a precious thing. Although the old man said it was his granddaughter's, it was really difficult to define the true and false. The only way was to be vigilant.

Several people didn't say much, so they had a rest around Su Ning.


Suddenly at this time, there was a roar of wild animals from the distance.

"Qin fan, can't there really be monsters in it?" Su Ning said with a trembling voice. She couldn't tell what she felt in her heart. She was a little nervous, but also a little excited.

"Don't think so much. There will be beasts in some deep mountains." Qin fan frowned and said slowly, just to comfort a few people.

In his heart, he could feel that it was not an ordinary beast, because there was a trace of Qi fluctuation in the sound, and if it wasn't for his breakthrough, he couldn't feel it.

"Qin fan You Have you ever heard a sound like someone rubbing against the wall? " Su Ning shakes at this time, and her face is pale. She hugs Su Ning tightly and says to Qin fan.

Qin fan is a Leng at first, then slowly closed eyes, sideways gaze to listen, but she didn't feel anything at all.

"Qin fan, I also heard that kind of voice, but sometimes it didn't exist." At this time, Chen Qinxian also slowly opened his mouth to Qin fan and said that his little face became very white. He didn't expect that such a thing would happen. The most important thing is that this kind of voice tormented the spirit.


Qin fan didn't say much. In an instant, he released the Qi in his body. He walked slowly along the wall. In an instant, the room became hot.

But after observation, nothing was found.

"No more." Su Ning shook her head towards Qin fan, and her little face slowly recovered.

"Well, let's have a rest. Don't think so much." Qin fan toward the two women smile, and then slowly said.

He felt more and more that it was not easy here, but he could not tell what it was like. Fortunately, it was just a stay for one night.

The problem is, I don't know whether it is the original problem of this village or the problem of several people coming. All these can only be discovered after real exploration.

Fortunately, nothing happened in the second half of the night, and the time passed quickly.

In the morning, a sound of crowing of chickens wakes several people slowly from their sleep.

"I'm so sleepy. I went to bed last night and didn't want to get up at all." Su Ning said, it's always Su Ning. He didn't expect that he didn't want to get up today.

"No, sister Wanqing, I felt very comfortable sleeping last night, even more comfortable than sleeping at home." Su Ning's face was full of doubts and said that last night he felt his mind was quiet and his heart had no side, so he immediately went to sleep."Come on, let's get out of here. We can't stay here tonight." Qin fan looked around at this time, then walked slowly to the door of the room, opened the house and said to several people.

Su Ning what he as like as two peas, and walked up to the door, and looked at the wall, he was eager to verify whether he had heard it wrong last night. But to his disappointment, the wall was still the same as yesterday, and there was no scratch at all.


All of a sudden, Qin fan's face suddenly changed. He raised his head and had a bad feeling.

But where there was time to react, the sky cracked and a huge thunder fell.

The true star of Taiyin emerged from a distance. The difference was that it turned into blood red, "this is..."

Qin fan's face changed again and again. He wanted to leave with a grass and Su Ning, but he didn't have time to resist.

Blood moon!

Over the years, the former lower blood moon has come again, which is the real end.


At this moment, no matter where it is, no matter who it is, everyone's spirit is shocked. One after another, huge fierce beasts fly out of the true star of Taiyin and devour people when they see them.

Time Stagnation!

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