
The second peak.

"How are you getting ready?"

The old man stood in front of his disciples, carrying his hands behind him, looking into the distance, and the cold voice came out.

The first peak has been dominating the first place for many years, but for the other peaks, there is no chance.

"Master, don't worry. Although it's far away from the supreme realm, I'm confident that I will touch it in a year."

A disciple sat on the ground and saw the old man coming. He quickly got up and bowed respectfully. A flat voice came out.

The outer door competition is an opportunity for thousands of years. The future road will never end.

But if it fails, it means that some people are doomed and may be directly abandoned by the sect.

This is the current situation of Canglong sect. After the emergence of elite disciples, they will devote all the resources of the whole sect to training.

To put it simply, we need dragons, not worms!

"Don't think too much about the supreme realm. It's hard to touch it no matter how talented you are today. It's just a realm in legend."

The old man shook his head at will, and didn't even think that his disciples would have a chance to touch the supreme realm.

Not to mention the supreme, even if it is half step supreme, he is not qualified to touch, it is the exclusive realm of ancient sages, ordinary people are not qualified to touch.


After hearing the old man's words, the young man's face turned pale, and he wanted to defend himself, but when he wanted to speak, he could only be silent.

I have to say that the words just now are exaggerated. It's too difficult to step into the supreme. No one knows better than himself.

"Do what you should do, this time the goal is to keep the second, strive for the first, don't be careless, don't worry, even the rain clouds don't have a chance to touch the legendary realm"

the old man waves to interrupt the young man's meditation, the calm voice comes out, there is no place to worry.

There is a sneer in the corner of his mouth. It's not that he underestimates the rain and flowing clouds, but that he can't touch this realm.


After a moment's silence, the boy said respectfully and did not continue to resist.

However, 15 or 16 years old is the most arrogant age, secretly cheer up, we must let the old people look at it with new eyes.

The old man naturally saw the changes of the youth, but he shook his head and didn't agree.

This is a typical case of not bumping into the south wall and not looking back. One day, if you understand what the supreme realm means, you will think clearly.

"If it is true that it can reach the supreme, no, even if it is a half step disciple, it is uncertain whether he can survive."

He said to himself, because such disciples involve too many interests, which may even threaten the status of their elders.

The young man felt cold in his heart, and suddenly he had a bad feeling that if the interests of these elders were really involved, he was afraid that all of them would really go crazy.


The third peak.

"Grandpa, don't stare at me. I know that I've been working very hard recently. I'm going to be ugly again."

the girl wrinkled her lovely little Joan nose and said to the old man in front of her.

Since some time ago, the old man has been with her, like a prisoner.

"I don't know whether you like to play or not. Don't talk nonsense and concentrate on cultivation. After the contest, you want to play as long as you want. The premise is to get the place."

The old man rolled his eyes and said that once he left, his aunt would run away.

It's not the first time. In the past, he let it go. But this time, the outside door is bigger than usual. Nothing can be said to continue to be willful.

"Your goal this time is number one. If you get away with it, the benefits will be beyond your imagination!"

The old man stepped forward, patted his granddaughter on the shoulder, and said meaningfully.

All these belong to the stratagems of the superior, and the inferior cannot understand them.


The fourth peak.

"Xiaotian, how are you preparing? Although there are still more than half a year left, it should be close to the end."

The old man was dressed in a black robe, like a ghost, and appeared at the foot of the young man with a faint voice.

This time, though it was only outside disciples, all the elders were involved and had to do their best.

The envoys did not make it clear, but they were forced to do their best to train their disciples in another way.

"Master, don't worry. I'm confident that this time I'll win the gold medal. I'll let everyone know the strength of Sifeng."

The boy's dark eyes opened, and Gujing opened his mouth.

I'm used to the old people's coming and going without a trace, and there's no accident."This competition is extraordinary. There was an accident last time. I hope there won't be another one." But shaking his head, there is a touch of bitterness in his voice.

The strength of their elders has been stuck in the half step spirit Chopping for a long time. It seems that outsiders have no doubt about the spirit chopping period, but only they know it in their own heart, and they are still one step away.

This time, the outer disciples are an opportunity for them to break through the chopping spirit period. Once the outer disciples win the first place, they will get this kind of supreme glory.

"Master, don't worry. I will do my best to go through fire and water."

Xiaotian naturally knew what the elder wanted, and quickly got up and said respectfully.


The fifth peak.

"Longyuan, I named you Longyuan in order to let you know that you are the dragon of shallow abyss. Once you get out of trouble, you will soar for nine days. Are you confident in this competition?"

An old woman stood on the edge of a precipice with a dragon head crutch in her hand. She saw Longyuan binding her body with a chain and constantly tempering it on the precipice.

Seeing the old woman coming, she was not moved at all. Her eyes were quiet, and a calm voice came out, "master, don't worry, I made you lose face last time, there will be no accident this time!"

The last incident was a great shame for him. It was a sure thing, but it happened in the end.

The most important thing is to know that Qin fan had the chance, but there was no way to revenge.

"Don't confuse your own heart. It's good for you to have this heart, but always remember, don't let hatred blind your eyes. OK, concentrate on cultivation!"

In the distance, a vulture flew by fiercely, and its sharp wings made a trail of blood on Longyuan's body. There was a shrill scream.

Since the end of the last thing, he used this way to temper his body, always remember himself, don't forget the original shame.


The sixth peak.

Fengjiu can be said to be a real black horse. At the beginning, the sixth peak and the seventh peak were basically in the same position, but it was precisely because the sixth peak stood out last time that it left the seventh peak behind.

This time, the outer gate is bigger than the sixth peak, which makes all the disciples have the confidence to rise.

"Fengjiu, the hope of the sixth peak lies in you, and all the resources are provided to you. Whether you can achieve a good result depends on your own"

an elder went to Fengjiu's cultivation swamp, facing the empty mud in front of him, a calm voice came out.

After the end of the last thing, Feng Jiu came here and vowed to completely suppress himself and awaken his potential.

"Don't worry. On the day I come out, I will suppress all enemies in the world!"

Feng Jiu's deep voice came out, without a trace of muddy water, and her voice fell down. She didn't continue to speak more, and restored her original cultivation state again.

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