The moon is desolate and the breeze blows.

At the head of the village stands a woman in white. The breeze blows her hair, revealing a white and sad face. Her watery eyes are full of hatred.

"Huaishu village, I'm back." The woman looked at the huge village, and the past came to her mind.

Huaishu village, once a lively and harmonious village, is located in a remote mountain forest, but the scenery is pleasant, the people are simple, everyone gets along very well, and the neighborhood is as harmonious as relatives.

In fact, most of the villagers in Huaishu village are really relatives. In the past, Huaishu village was not a village, but a large family.

The family's surname was yuan. The yuan family had a great career in those years. There were hundreds of servants and maids alone, but later the family dismissed all their servants and separated their land and property. With the passage of time and development, Huaishu village has gradually taken shape.

But no one thought that one night more than ten years ago, on a dark and windy night, two groups of mysterious strongmen suddenly came. Since the whole Huaishu village was slaughtered, all the old people and children were spared!

The girl in front of her is the only survivor and the only witness of that scene! Looking at the village that once gave birth to and raised itself, it seems that the scenes of that year reappear in front of us again. Crying and fighting almost tore the woman's soul.

"Damn, this place is full of ghosts." At this time, another figure appeared in the village. A bicycle stopped at the intersection. A young man came down with a sword on his back and rushed to the woman.

As soon as the woman in white looked back, she seemed dissatisfied and said, "why do you come now?"

"I'll go!"

The man rolled his eyes and didn't have a good way: "you think I don't want to come early, but I'm blocked and chased by people. It's good if I can get there. What else do you want to do? It's you who come to this place in the middle of the night and don't take a flashlight. I just looked at you from a distance. You are white and like a ghost. You almost throw a stone at me. "

After complaining for a while, the man took out a cigarette and lit it. It was the familiar tianxiaxiu. Under the weak light, Zhao Chengfeng's face appeared. The woman in white was yuan Shanshan who went back to her hometown to worship her ancestors.

"This place is my home, my destroyed home. In those days, my parents, my brothers and sisters, my people, my villagers all died here." Yuan Shanshan was very sad, but there were no tears in her eyes.

Perhaps, the tears have already dried up.

"Oh, sorry, I don't know that." Zhao Chengfeng a face to chat up, this just found yuan Shanshan's hand holding incense paper candles and other sacrificial supplies.

"Let's go. Hurry up. There will be people passing by at the entrance of the village at dawn. If they are seen, they may be suspected." Yuan Shanshan takes Zhao Chengfeng to the village.

While walking, he said, "this is where I was born and raised. See, the big locust tree is still there. I grew up under it."

"We are playing and laughing under the big locust tree, singing and enjoying the cool. The tree is still there, but the people are not." Yuan Shanshan's voice was not big, but she was lonely and sad.

Zhao Chengfeng, who had never been serious before, suddenly felt pity for the girl. It's hard to imagine how she has lived these years. It's no wonder that after so many years, no one can resolve her sadness and enter her heart.

Her heart, already filled with hatred, could not hold anything else.

"This big Sophora tree should be hundreds of years old." Zhao Chengfeng's heart is also filled with emotion, things are different, everything is the most real portrayal of the present.

A man lives a hundred years, a tree a thousand. Perhaps, the big locust tree is also the best witness to the slaughter.

The big locust tree is still full of vitality, but it is full of fallen leaves all around. Zhao Chengfeng saw the woman looking at the big locust tree in a daze, so he took the initiative to find a guy and began to clean it up.

"Shanshan, let's go. It'll be light in a moment." Looking at the passing of time, Zhao Chengfeng had to remind.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng is afraid of the Chen family and the Ge family. The most important thing is to work hard. It's just that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to fight innocent people!

"Well." Yuan Shanshan answered softly, lowered her head, took out the sacrificial articles, put them aside, and threw the paper money into the fire one by one.

Zhao Chengfeng wanted to help, but was stopped by Yuan Shanshan, "I can't revenge for my parents, do you need someone else to do this little thing?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng embarrassed stand aside, quietly waiting.

"Mom and Dad, brothers and sisters, villagers, I came back to see you, sorry, Shanshan useless, let you die for more than ten years, but can't revenge for you." Yuan Shanshan while burning paper money, while saying, one side of Zhao Chengfeng is also sad to hear.

How cruel is it that the hatred of the country and the family falls on a woman? And Zhao Chengfeng is determined to help yuan Shanshan kill his enemy!

"Mom and Dad, don't worry. Today I'm looking for an able man. He may be the hope of our yuan family's revenge and also the hope of rejuvenation. I believe that this day will not be too far away. You must protect your daughter and avenge the family and the whole Huaishu village as soon as possible."

Yuan Shanshan said, respectfully put in the incense, and knelt down on the ground and kowtowed a few times.

"Well, let's go. It's getting light." Zhao Chengfeng mumbles that he really doesn't like this kind of scene. Brother Feng is always a cheerful person and doesn't like this kind of atmosphere.

Yuan Shanshan was a little reluctant to give up, but she nodded, looked up at the big locust tree, and whispered: "big locust tree, you also have to protect me and protect us to take revenge for the locust tree village as soon as possible."

After that, Yuan Shanshan left with Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng glared at the bicycle and said, "I can't see it. You are so thin and how heavy you are. I'm so tired."

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now." Yuan Shanshan sat on her bicycle and gave a cold response.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was very embarrassed. After a while, he said, "where are we going now? As soon as I got off the plane, I was targeted. We must make a quick decision to avoid any trouble. "

"Don't worry, I promise you the God will give you." Yuan Shanshan said, "however, Tianzhu is not in Huaishu village. I'll take you there tonight."

"I don't care. I'm afraid of you. If I'm found by the Chen family, I'll be in big trouble. I don't care, but if you want to follow me..." Zhao Chengfeng was a little distressed.

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