Panjiayuan in Beijing.

Under the night sky, Panjiayuan has a kind of antique flavor, quite ancient royal flavor. The lighting makes people can peep out the outline of Panjiayuan.

Pan Jiayuan is very beautiful, but pan Gaopeng, the owner of Pan Jiayuan, is extremely depressed. Although it is late at night, pan Gaopeng is not sleepy at all, and his chest is full of anger!

"Zhao Chengfeng, we will not die from now on. I can't fight you openly, but I can't fight you secretly? Hum Pan Gaopeng smashed his fist on the tea table, and his forehead was full of rage.

"Master, this feud can't be forgotten. It must be paid." The housekeeper pan Bao said, and pan Bao is also the host of the daytime shooting store.

At the thought of Zhao Chengfeng's arrogance, pan Bao was extremely uncomfortable. For many years, no one dared to be wild in Pan Jiayuan.

"You immediately inform the three heroes of the Wang family to come and say that there will be a big reward after it is completed." After pondering for a long time, pan Gaopeng had an idea in his mind.

Pan Bao's eyes brighten when he hears the words, and immediately a cold smile rises from the corner of his mouth. When the three heroes of the Wang family come out, Zhao Chengfeng must become a dead man.

Wang's three heroes, a total of three people, the eldest Wang Dadong, the second Wang Dahui, the third Wang Qiang; They are brothers of the same mother. They have a good understanding. They have stolen many tombs over the years, but they don't make much money.

It's not that the three heroes of the Wang family don't have any skills. The main reason is that the three brothers don't know how to look for dragons and point out caves at all. They basically dig when they see graves and exchange some things for money. But this does not mean that the three brothers have no ability. On the contrary, in other aspects, the three heroes of the Wang family are very powerful!

Like killing people!

As we all know, most of these people are outlaws. In their eyes, they only have money. They can do anything for money. The three heroes of the Wang family did not trust anyone except the three brothers. They only know money!

As long as the money is paid and the price is affordable, even if the three brothers are allowed to carry explosives to the Pentagon, they dare to go.

What Pan Gaopeng needs is such people, because they have more principles than ordinary killers. Even if they die, they will not tell their employers.

"Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Chengfeng, maybe you are very good, but what about the people around you? Hum, I also want to make your relatives suffer from torture! " Pan Gaopeng said with a grim smile. When he thought of his two sons, pan Gaopeng's hatred became more intense.

Full of vigor and vitality, the two sons as like as two peas in Pan Changan's Hospital, which are the same as Pan Gaopeng thought. They can get their hands and legs together. They will be able to live up to a year or so, but they will not be able to recover their third legs.

Zhao Chengfeng's foot is extremely vicious and cruel. The doctor's advice is to remove it with one knife, otherwise it is very likely to die of infection.

No way, in order to save his son's life, pan Gaopeng can only sign the medical proposal to ensure his second son's life.

As for the eldest son, although he just got a kick, it wasn't easy. He was all right in the afternoon. But in the evening, his eldest son pan Changlong suddenly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. When he was sent to the hospital for examination, he realized that he had broken several ribs and had a slight displacement of his internal organs!

I'll send the doctor in time, otherwise I don't know what's going to happen. This account naturally even to the head of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Sir, there is someone outside to see you." When pan Gaopeng was depressed, pan Bao, the housekeeper, ran in again with a strange look.

Pan Gaopeng frowned and said, "what's the matter? Have you done everything you were asked to do? "

"Don't worry, master. The three heroes of the Wang family will come to see you tomorrow morning." Pan Bao was surprised and realized what he had done wrong.

What the master hates most now is Zhao Chengfeng. What he wants to do most is to destroy Zhao Chengfeng. It's strange for him to say that someone is asking for an interview, and the master will listen to it.

"Well, that's good." Smell speech, pan Gaopeng's complexion just a little bit more good-looking, pause, this just asked: "who is outside want to see me?"? Is it hard for someone to send Longji Fu in the middle of the night? "

Longji Fu, the trade code, means good things. There are some things dug out from the ground, there is no way to see the sky, can only take pan Jiayuan to sell.

Pan Jiayuan put it bluntly, so he helped others and earned some kickbacks by the way. If he comes across something better, pan Gaopeng will keep it by himself.

"No Pan Bao shook his head awkwardly and said, "this man is not in the circle."

Smell speech, pan Gaopeng is more unhappy, have no what good goods still dare to disturb oneself? The housekeeper is not qualified. Don't you know that I have to rest at night? Although I'm in a bad mood today, I may not be able to sleep.

"Then if you blow him away, say I'm asleep." Pan Gaopeng is not happy to wave his hand. He is not happy with the housekeeper.

"Master, this person's identity is a little unusual. Would you like to meet him?" The housekeeper is in a bit of a quandary, and he feels subdued. It's also a strange thing for the master to be in a good mood when he encounters this kind of thing today.

Pan Gaopeng asked patiently, "who is it? Don't dally. I'm not in the mood to guess. "

"Director Ye Changfa, who has retired from his armour and returned to the field, was once No. 1 in the capital." Pan Bao said: "Ye Changfa has a son named Ye Tiancheng, who was once known as" the first childe brother in Beijing ". Unfortunately, he was killed by Zhao Chengfeng. I think he may have come to see your master."

"Alliance? "Ye Changfa?" Pan Gaopeng browed a lock, immediately said: "let him in."

Pan Gaopeng is not a fool. Although Ye Changfa leaves his armor and returns to the field, some people in the system do not mean that he is alienated. Ye Changfa is valuable.

At least, one more ally, one more assurance. Even if Zhao Chengfeng is aware of it in the future, the two families will share the burden together, and the risk and pressure will be much less.

"Yes, sir, look..." asked pan Bao.

Pan Gaopeng nodded and said, "let him in."

"Yes, sir." Pan Bao answered and ran out to meet him.

Soon, ye Changfa was brought in. Compared with a few months ago, ye Changfa seemed to be more than ten years old. His son died miserably and his wife was in prison. Now even his nephew Ye Bingsheng has been calculated by Zhao Chengfeng and others, and now he is disabled. Under the heavy blow, it is not easy for ye Changfa to live now.

"Hello, boss pan." Ye Changfa nodded to pan Gaopeng.

Pan Gaopeng said with a smile and a wave of his hand: "Mr. Ye, please sit down, housekeeper. Go and make the tea you brought back last time."

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