"Less him? Bullshit, quickly send someone over, the other side has a gun..." Zhao Chengfeng urged.

But Chengkang obviously didn't believe Zhao Chengfeng. He muttered, "come on, don't blow. It's getting in the way of my sleeping. I just dreamed that Nangong Ming was killed by dog again. I won't tell you. I have to go back and continue this dream. I'll see the joke of the son of a bitch. That's it. Let it go."

"Doodle." Then Cheng Kang hung up the phone.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but scold. He is cool in his heart. A "Grass Mud Horse" in the bottom of his heart silently gives it to Chengkang.

It's full of pitfalls!

"Stop it. What's the matter? I've been calculated twice since I followed you out Xia Bingbing looked back and couldn't help scolding: "you won't really hook other people's daughter-in-law, will you?"

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng turned black. He took a look in the rearview mirror and said, "look at the old man. He's at least fifty years old. Can I see his daughter-in-law?"

"Isn't it popular to marry a little girl now?" Xia Bingbing takes a look at Zhao Chengfeng. Although the situation is critical, Xia Bingbing is not particularly worried. She seems to have an extraordinary sense of security with men.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not dare to take it lightly. He had to explain to Xia Bingbing while he had to deal with the rush behind him, "my aunt, don't talk about such a long journey? Yesterday I went out with Jiangling, that is to say, I just abandoned the guy who humiliated him. Besides, there is no other enemy. "

Zhao Chengfeng thinks it's mostly pan Jiayuan's gang of shriveled kids. Besides, Zhao Chengfeng really can't think of anyone else.

"It's boring. I'll meet it when I come out." Xia Bingbing shakes her head and suddenly sees a large truck coming in the opposite direction. She exclaims, "be careful!"

"Shit, it's this son of a bitch!"

Zhao Chengfeng sees the person coming from the opposite. Isn't it Cai Chen who was robbed last night? It's coming in a big truck.

"If you want to kill Lao Tzu, you're a little younger!" Zhao Chengfeng looked at the car behind him, and suddenly found a path on the left, which was bound for Badaling Great Wall.

Zhao Chengfeng slowed down slightly, turned the steering wheel and drove into the path.

"Bingbing, after I throw them away for a while, you immediately hide in the woods and run as far as possible. Don't look back. Do you understand?" As Zhao Chengfeng drove, he told him that his face was more dignified than ever.

If the other party doesn't have a gun, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't worry much. After all, Cai Chen's strength is average. Even if he has a helper, he is not expected to be strong.

Just, the other side's gun is too powerful. As it happens, Xia Bingbing is still a tug of oil. He can't do anything, even he Yongfei. My sister-in-law is still a little pretentious to scare people.

"And you? What do you do? " Xia Bingbing asked, "won't you go?"

"I have to stop them, or how can you run away? If we run together, we must be shot as targets. They have guns. " Zhao Chengfeng can't help but scold. Unfortunately, he can't take out the old gun in his crotch to beat people. If he wants to beat people, it's only for women. This gun is very picky and never starts with men.

"No way!"

Xia Bingbing doesn't know what's wrong with her brain. She feels like a short circuit. She suddenly says, "if you want to walk together, you should die together."

"You..." Zhao Chengfeng a little silly, surprised to stare at Xia Bingbing two eyes, "don't you want me to die? How can you... "

To tell the truth, after the shock, Zhao Chengfeng had more warmth in his heart. In the past, I really didn't know that Xia Bingbing was so concerned about herself.

"What are you looking at? Drive well... "However, Xia Bingbing just finished, Zhao Chengfeng actually slowed down.

Zhao Chengfeng raised a wry smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "well, you don't have to run. The front is also stopped."

Xia Bingbing looked up. Sure enough, there was a big truck in front of him. Unless he could fly, he would not want to go there.

"Daughter in law, it seems that we are really going on the road together today. Do you regret marrying me?" Zhao Chengfeng stops the car, lights a cigarette and thinks about the countermeasures.

Zhao Chengfeng has never been a man waiting to die. Today's situation is really dangerous. But in those years, there were more dangerous situations than this one on the battlefield. Didn't brother Feng still survive?

"I regret my death!" Xia Bingbing gritted her teeth and said, "if it wasn't for you, would I have been chased? I... "


However, before Xia Bingbing finished his sentence, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly hit Xia Bingbing with a flash of lightning and knocked her unconscious. He immediately raced the woman to the back seat, lowered her head and gave her a shallow kiss on her forehead. Then he closed the car door and stood in the same place smoking.

Just at this time, the Big Ben behind also came up and stopped steadily on the side of the road. Cai Chen and a little old man came down.

"Well, you didn't expect that we would find you so soon?" Cai Chen sneered, with a bandage in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

At this time, on the truck that stopped Zhao Chengfeng, a man came. He was a little younger, probably in his early 40s. His skin was dark and his eyes were gloomy. At first sight, he was not a kind person.

"I didn't think of it. However, it's quite normal. I often walk by the river. How can I get my shoes wet? " Zhao Chengfeng kept calm, but his heart sank a lot.

Because, Zhao Chengfeng can't see the strength of that little old man. He seems to be short, yellow and skinny, just like his kidney. But this man brings endless pressure to Zhao Chengfeng!

This is a great master! He is not only a powerful master, but also has a gun in his hand. It's too difficult to deal with.

"Then it's over? Give it up. Maybe I can give you a good time! " Cai Chen stretched out his left hand. His right hand was scratched by Zhao Chengfeng last night. Now he is still wearing a bandage.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng laughed and asked, "do you know who I am? The things robbed by the people who broke the sky have never been returned. Do you still want me to go back? I can warn you that breaking the sky is not something you can offend! "

Up to now, Zhao Chengfeng can only pull the tiger skin and pull the flag. It's good to scare these bastards. It's just like babulu. As soon as he heard that the man who broke the sky came to him, he was so scared that he didn't know how many quick acting heart saving pills he had taken.

"Are you a man of heaven?" The little old man with white hair at the head frowned and asked.

Zhao Cheng snorted coldly and said with some pride, "what? Now I'm afraid? "

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