Three hours later, it was two o'clock in the afternoon, and the lights in the operating room finally went out. Zhao Chengfeng was also directly transferred to the intensive care unit.

"Doctor, doctor, how's my husband?" Seeing the doctor come out, Xia Bingbing, who had no spirit, suddenly burst out great strength and ran to the doctor.

"Doctor, is my master OK?"

"Is the madman OK?"

For a moment, everyone gathered around.

"Don't worry. Listen to me." The doctor wiped forehead sweat, some tired way: "the operation is very successful, successfully took out the bullet."

"Although the injured person lost too much blood, he is very strong and has enough willpower. At present, the injury has been completely controlled. He only needs to cultivate himself well and will soon recover. Don't worry."


Hearing what the doctor said, people were relieved and said thanks to the doctor.

"Since Chengfeng is no longer a problem, you can all go back and have a rest. I'll stay and take care of Chengfeng." Zhao Feilong stood up and said to everyone, anyway, the disease has been controlled, and it's useless to keep more people.

"No, I won't go!"

Xia Bingbing shook her head firmly and said, "I want to stay. If Chengfeng doesn't leave the hospital, I won't go."

"I'm not going either. I'll stay to protect Shifu!" Pang Hu followed closely.


Zhao Feilong's face was a little embarrassed. He was a father and a teacher. He didn't have a fart to say. He was refuted just after he opened his mouth.

"Well, Nangong boy, why don't you go first and ask someone to send some food to Bingbing and this boy by the way. People are iron and rice is steel. How can you do without food?" Zhao Feilong thought about it, and Xia Bingbing and panghu went.

It's a good thing that Xia Bingbing insists on staying, which is enough to prove the feelings between them; As for Pang Hu's stay, Pang Hu is also a member of guwu. He can protect his son.

"That's fine." Nangong Ming thought for a while, and then came down. After two steps, he turned back and said to Xia Bingbing, "sister-in-law, if you wake up, you can call me. No matter when, just let me know for the first time."

"Well." Xia Bingbing nodded.

However, Xia Bingbing found that, how suddenly no trace of Chengkang? Where's the kid?

"I have to go back too. I haven't told them before I go out. Now that the situation is stable, I have to go back and talk about it." Zhao Feilong said to Xia Bingbing, "I'll give it to you here. If there's anything else, call me the first time. Do you understand?"

"Well." Xia Bingbing was surprised and finally understood why Zhao Feilong was the only one who came here, and his family was still hiding their feelings.

Yeah, can you do it without telling me? With Murong Frost's character of protecting Duzi, you should know that your son has been hurt so much that he can't make trouble?

Far away, Jiangling and anbai alone can't pacify them. Although the two girls are obedient to Zhao Chengfeng, Xia Bingbing can understand that none of them is a bully, especially Jiangling, who was a famous female gang leader in those days.

After arriving at the intensive care unit, Pang Hu was guarding outside the door, while Xia Bingbing was sitting beside the bed, holding Zhao Chengfeng's hand tightly and staring at the man's still tense face, tears fell silently.

"Fool, why don't you let me do it with you? Is that how you want to be a hero? " Xia Bingbing cries and complains at the same time. However, the more she complains, the more her tears will flow.

"If you do die, what shall I do? Widowhood? Are you willing to let me live alone in the world

"But you know what? You are already in my heart. You have been in my heart for a long time. From that night when I took the initiative to wait for you at Jiangcheng Avenue villa, I have you in my heart. "

"Maybe you think I'm vain and good-looking, because of the intervention of anbai, Sisi and Shiyun, I just want to catch you. I do not deny that there are reasons for this, but I really have you in my heart, do you know? During the time when you went to Africa, I was so boring that I often calmed down, and your figure appeared in my mind inexplicably. Because of you, I cancelled the plan of traveling to Europe. Because, if there is no you around, I will feel how imperfect it is... "

"Chengfeng, you know? When I saw the little day, I suddenly wanted a child. I really wanted a child. No, it should be two children. We agreed that my mother should help us raise one, so that she would not be so boring and boring. "

"But I really didn't expect that you would refuse me that night. At that moment, I knew that although you looked not serious, you were a gentleman in my heart. I was wrong about you in the past. I'm sorry. Now I just want you to wake up, and then we'll be together, forever, and I'll promise you whatever you want. "

With that, Xia Bingbing puts Zhao Chengfeng's palm on her face and feels the temperature of the man's palm. Her tears can't be controlled and fall out again.

"Chengfeng, wake up, I need you, I really need you..."

"I need you very much, too, but can you take your hand away and press my wound first?" At this time, Zhao Chengfeng on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, some painful way.

"Chengfeng, you wake up at last!"

Xia Bingbing cried with joy, grateful to move his elbow away, just did not notice, elbow pressure on Zhao Chengfeng's chest.

"Well, I can't be kept awake by you." Zhao Chengfeng looks down and smiles bitterly. His whole body is wrapped up like zongzi. He is too tight to breathe.

"By the way, I just heard someone say that as long as I wake up, I can do whatever I want. Is that ok?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at the woman, and the corner of his mouth shows a bad smile.

Xia Bingbing's face turned red, but she nodded and said firmly, "it counts."

"That's OK. Come on, kiss me first. I'm dry. I'll moisten you." Zhao Chengfeng smashed his mouth twice. Because of the effect of drugs, Zhao Chengfeng's mouth skin is really dry.

Xia Bingbing is slightly stunned, immediately closes her eyes, kisses her gently, soft, no skill, but makes people tremble.

"I... did I come in too early?" However, just at the time of zhengshuang, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and anbai's head came in, full of embarrassment.

As soon as Xia Bingbing heard that someone was coming, she quickly pulled back, her face was so bashful that her hair was burning.

"Amber, don't you know what avoidance is?" Zhao Chengfeng some speechless way, zazazui aftertaste the taste of Xia Bingbing red lips.

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