In the Zhao family in the capital, Zhao Feilong and his wife got up from the bed, each with a dignified face.

"Chengfeng has an accident. Let anbai take Xiaotian to settle down for two days first. Don't affect Xiaotian." Sitting at the head of the bed, Zhao Feilong lit a cigarette and half smoked it in one puff. His face was gloomy and terrible.

Murong Frost's face is not good-looking. The long, narrow and bright Mouzi mountain passes by with the intention of killing.

"Over the years, you and I have been so kind and kind that many people have forgotten us. Well, if something happens to Xiaofeng this time, ha ha, I'll let the whole world remember me! " At the end of the speech, a strong sense of violence spread in the room.

Zhao Feilong nodded and went straight out of the gate, while Murong frost went to find anbai and asked anbai to take the child away. In the next period of time, the Zhao family will be very busy, and bloody things will happen in the confusion!

"Sir, what's the matter with this..." When Fubo saw anbai leaving with his child, the master was waiting outside the gate. It was obvious that something had happened.

Xia Bingbing also followed him outside the gate and asked, "Dad, what's the matter? What happened? "

"Bingbing, you have to be prepared. Something's wrong with Chengfeng." Zhao Feilong didn't hide it. He couldn't hide it either. Now he has to leave it to fate.


Xia Bingbing felt as if she had been struck by thunder, and her body was suddenly shaken, almost unable to stand.

"What happened to Chengfeng? Dad, you... "Xia Bingbing tried to calm down and summoned up courage to ask.

At this time, a big black Mercedes Benz came quickly and stopped at the side of the road with a sound of "Chi". Nangong Ming and Liao Susu got off the car quickly and helped Zhao Chengfeng out. To be exact, they dragged him out.

"Chengfeng..." seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was covered with blood, Xia Bingbing's heart felt like a needle prick, and rushed up regardless of everything.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not respond at all, lying on Nangong Ming's shoulder, letting the blood slip out of his chest.

"Chengfeng, how are you? You talk, you talk... "Xia Bingbing had a bad feeling in her heart, and tears came out.

"Bingbing, Chengfeng, he..." Jiangling sobbed. Before finishing a sentence, he had already become a tearful person.

Zhao Feilong's eyes fell on Zhao Chengfeng with a serious look. "Don't say anything. Fu Bo, come with me. You can have a rest outside now."

As the voice falls, Zhao Feilong comes forward, grabs Zhao Chengfeng and enters the room at full speed. Fubo follows him quickly.

Zhao Feilong opened the secret room in the backyard of his old house and said to Fubo, "no one is allowed to disturb me. I'll talk about the rest after I come out."

"Yes, sir." Fubo answered, and his heart said it was going to change.

I haven't seen the master angry for many years.

In the hall of the Zhao family, Jiangling managed to stop his tears and told the story one by one.

"Mom, Bingbing, I'm sorry for you. I shouldn't have let Chengfeng go. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you..." Jiang Ling said, tears came down again, and he was heartbroken and heartbroken.

Xia Bingbing didn't cry. She just bit her lips tightly. She couldn't tell whether she was angry or sad.

"So you don't know who did it secretly?" Murong frost frowned and thought it was a little tricky.

Murong frost can't stop after such a big thing happened to her son. It's time to settle some accounts. However, at present, she doesn't even know who is going to do it. It's hard to avoid some discomfort in her heart.

"Aunt, I'll go back to investigate. Don't worry, I'll give you a satisfactory result." Nangong Ming also has a bad feeling in his heart. If he didn't insist on going to KTV to sing tonight, maybe none of these things would have happened. It's just that it's too late to say anything now, so we have to make up for it as much as possible.

"Susu, you stay here to see if you need any help. I'll go." With that, Nangong Ming strode away from Zhao's old house and went straight to never night city.

It's the crime scene. There's bound to be something.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm wrong..." Jiang Ling was still apologizing and nearly fainted.

Xia Bingbing patted the woman on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "it's not your fault. Even if you don't go out, they will look for opportunities to start."

"Yes, this is Xiaofeng's life. If you hit the target, you will be robbed. No one can stop it!" Murong frost also sighed. As early as a long time ago, Chen Banxian said that Zhao Chengfeng was doomed to this disaster.

Because of this, Zhao Feilong urinated and sent Zhao Chengfeng to Chen Banxian to learn his skills and hope to resolve the fate. However, this day has come after all.

"You two must not be too sad. Your father has gone to the hospital." Murong frost relieved two words, in the heart equally anxious not to be able. After all, that shot hit the heart!

Shot in the heart, there is almost no possibility of survival, no matter how great the ability of her husband, I am afraid there is no 100% certainty. Just in front of two daughter-in-law, Murong frost must keep calm, otherwise daughter-in-law must be confused.

"Mom, I'll go out. Leave me alone and take care of Chengfeng." All of a sudden, Jiangling wiped away his tears and went out of the Zhao's courtyard.

"Jiangling, what are you doing at this late hour?" Xia Bingbing was puzzled and called.

However, Jiangling did not respond.

"Bingbing, let her go. I think it's time to find someone to settle the accounts." Murong frost doesn't worry about Jiangling. With Murong Frost's eyesight, he has long seen that Jiangling is unusual. It's only because of Xiaotian that he has a little bit of anger.

Now his man's life is in danger, the woman's anger aroused at the bottom of the heart at the same time, that a touch of anger can not be controlled.

"Mom, I also want to..." Xia Bingbing is not reconciled. I really want to see what kind of scum hurt her man.

However, Murong frost is a wave of hands, stop way: "you wait here, accompany Su Su to talk, I go to see your father there how the situation."

With that, Murong frost also went to Zhao's backyard.

"Madam, the situation is not good. Xiaofeng has been seriously injured and almost lost his life. Now I'm afraid he can only use that thing." Lost, Zhao Feilong has untied Zhao Chengfeng's clothes, complexion Congzhong road.

Murong frost naturally knows what "that thing" means in Zhao Fei's words, and immediately says, "since there is no choice, why do you care so much?"

"I'm afraid that once my son uses it, he will only stay in Lingwu realm all his life and can't go any further." Zhao Feilong hesitated.

But Murong Frost said, "is the life of my son important, or is cultivation important? Even if my son is a loser, I can protect him for hundreds of years! "

At this moment, Murong Frost's maternal nature is revealed.

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