"It's strange that he wants to let you in. I can stare at him. Does he dare to cheat in front of the public?" Xia Bingbing thinks so in the heart, unavoidably some complacent.

No matter how reckless Zhao Chengfeng is, the name of the first young lady of the Zhao family is not in vain. At least so far, no woman dares to challenge her.

Soon, Zhao Chengfeng came out of the secret room. Where was he injured a few days ago? Instead, it adds a touch of indescribable brilliance and temperament. It seems to be a little more handsome.

"Smelly boy, yes, it's a blessing in disguise." Zhao Feilong's eyes fixed on Zhao Chengfeng for a while, but he nodded.

Although the son may not be able to break through in the future, but with the strength of his son now, I'm afraid it's hard to find an opponent in the world. Of course, there are some perverts out of the inner door.

"Well, after sleeping for several days, the bone is almost loose. I have to find someone to vent my anger." Zhao Chengfeng moved his body for a while, and his bones clattered. Although he was chatting and laughing, he had a murderous air.

Zhao Chengfeng is not a good man. After such a serious injury, Zhao Chengfeng can't pretend that nothing happened. This revenge must be paid.

"Young master, I have been arrested and locked up. Just look at the disposal." Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng came out safely, he made a breakthrough in his strength. Fubo was also very happy. At the moment, he was told about pan Gaopeng and ye Changfa.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng instant no interest, people are arrested, and then let oneself to revenge, this is not equal to kill chicken? Where is the pleasure of revenge?

However, the performance of Xia Bingbing and others moved Zhao Chengfeng very much. It seems that he should be more careful in the future, and the greatest protection is not to let people around him be frightened.

"Mom, Bingbing, you are worried these days. I'm sorry. I will pay attention to safety in the future." Zhao Chengfeng said sincerely.

"Silly children, they are all family. What's wrong?" Murong frost shakes her head with a smile, and her eyebrows and eyes are full of love.

Xia Bingbing's face is slightly red and her mouth moves. She doesn't speak. I don't know why. When she sees that Zhao Chengfeng is safe, all her worries are gone.

"Little bastard, I've been worried about you for so long. Why don't you thank me?" Zhao Feilong was a little jealous. He was so angry that he blew his beard and glared at Zhao Chengfeng and scolded him for having no conscience.

One side of anbai is also pretending to wipe tears, extremely sad way: "yes, little girl this piece of sincerity, when can you see it?"

"Come on, you two don't pretend. Is that interesting?" Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes around and said, "how old are you, and how jealous are you? Is that interesting? "

"Why not? You have specially told Bingbing that you don't have a word for me. Isn't that favoring one over the other? " An Bai mouth obstinate way.

"Bingbing is my wife, can you compare?"

"Why not? Can I be your second wife? I don't want a dowry. I'd like to do it upside down. "

"..." Zhao Chengfeng did not speak, and there was really no good way to take anbai.

How can today's women be so open?

"Well, don't make any noise. Today is a big day." Murong Shuang came out laughing and said, "in order to celebrate Xiaofeng's waking up, let's have a good meal in the evening. Fu Bo, you can call Wangfu Hotel and ask them to send a table of food."

"Yes, ma'am." Phoebe answered and called.

Xia Bingbing then remembered to call Jiangling and said to Murong Shuang, "Mom, I'll call Jiangling and let him come back with Xiaotian. Maybe she's worried too."

"Good, good." Murong Shuang is very happy when she hears that. The meaning of her daughter-in-law's words is that she has completely accepted Jiangling mother and son. This is absolutely a good thing for the Zhao family.

After a pause, Murong Frost said: "by the way, call Chengkang and nangongming again and let them all come here. They are running around these days."

"I see." Xia Bingbing nodded and called.

"Come upstairs with me, smelly boy. I have something to ask you." Zhao Feilong said to Zhao Chengfeng fiercely. His face was frightening, but Zhao Feilong was not angry at all. How could such a big man be jealous for such a trifle?

"Many things!"

Zhao Chengfeng mumbles, but he still follows Zhao Feilong upstairs. It happens that Zhao Chengfeng has something to ask Zhao Feilong.

"How do you feel now? Is there anything wrong? " To the study, Zhao Feilong lit a cigarette, a puff asked.

Although his son looked good, Zhao Feilong was still worried. After all, the bullet hit the heart.

"It's OK. As you said, it's a blessing in disguise. It seems that it's a breakthrough. It's great to feel stronger." Zhao Chengfeng takes a cigarette and smokes it.

After a long sleep, I'm almost addicted to smoking.


Zhao Feilong nodded, did not mention the relic, but asked: "last time you were hospitalized, I didn't ask you, who was the attacker? Tell me, how many people did you offend?"

"I don't know how many people I've offended. I can't count my hands anyway." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "but that day he was attacked by the people who broke the sky, in order to snatch Xuanyuan sword and Tianzhu."

"Three people are broken the sky person?" Zhao Feilong asked with a frown.


Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice: "not only are the three people breaking the sky, but they are also members of a group. Their strength is not weak, especially the old man with white hair, whose name is Shi Zhenxiang, is more abnormal than his strength."


Hearing the word "Shi Zhenxiang", Zhao Feilong burst into tears. It's a wonder that his parents can take out such a name.

"Don't interfere in the affairs of breaking the sky. I can do it myself. I want to avenge Yan'er myself. No one can stop me." Zhao Chengfeng continued, looking at Zhao Feilong with deep meaning.

Zhao Chengfeng is too clear about the meaning of Zhao Feilong's words. It's definitely not as simple as asking him casually. Although Zhao Feilong has been keeping Zhao Chengfeng in captivity for more than ten years, she is worried that no matter where Zhao Chengfeng is or what he is doing, Zhao Feilong must be very concerned about it, but he hasn't shown it all the time.

But, revenge this matter, Zhao Chengfeng must come personally! Otherwise, even if it destroys the whole sky, Zhao Chengfeng may not be able to let go.

"If you want to toss, toss it. I don't care about your bad things." Zhao Feilong waved his hand.

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