The next morning, Zhao Chengfeng was still woken up by Xiao Tian. Because of breaking the sky, Zhao Chengfeng fell asleep very late last night and was wakened up. Naturally, he was not happy.

"Son of a bitch, I'll kick my door in the morning. Do you believe I'll beat you?" Zhao Chengfeng, while wearing clothes, rushed to Xiaotian fiercely.

Xiaotian is not afraid. Instead, he thrusts his hands into his waist and criticizes Zhao Chengfeng like an adult. "Dad, it's really not me who said you were young. It's too shameful. Young people should be energetic. The future of our motherland depends on you young people. Why don't you make progress at all? "


Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help scolding: "little son of a bitch, who taught you these words? All right, you dare to reproach your Laozi. "

"Don't you always scold your grandfather, too?" Xiao Tian said again.


Zhao Chengfeng's face was red and silent. There was a sense of retribution.

"Dinner." At this time, anbai came out from the kitchen with the food and gave a shout to everyone. This cry was also a relief for Zhao Chengfeng.

The whole family is happy and full of warmth. Zhao Chengfeng enjoys this kind of family environment very much. However, reality makes Zhao Chengfeng unable to help himself, and some things still have to be done.


After filling his stomach, Zhao Chengfeng put away the dishes and chopsticks and said, "well, while everyone is here, I have something to announce."

"Dad, what good things are you going to announce? Are you going to marry white mother?" Xiao Tian raised his head and asked.


When Zhao Chengfeng hears the speech, he almost spits up all the food he just ate.

"Xiaotian, don't interrupt. Listen to Dad." Jiangling is a little white.

"I've recovered from my injury. I have to deal with some things. Maybe I'll leave early tomorrow morning or tonight." Zhao Chengfeng looks at the crowd, but he is reluctant to give up.

The most reluctant is Xiaotian.

Although the little guy is mischievous, he is cute. What's more, being able to accompany a child in the process of growing up is not another kind of happiness?

However, the current Zhao Chengfeng does not have this blessing. In order to protect their families, they have to work hard to improve their own strength, and have to compromise to complete the task assigned to them.

"Well, let's leave early tomorrow morning. I'll clean up your mess later. Oh, by the way, pan Jiayuan's territory belongs to Lao Zhao's family now. How do you do it?" Zhao Feilong obviously had expected this day for a long time, and his expression didn't change much.

"Pan Jiayuan is ours?" Zhao Chengfeng was a bit surprised.

Panjiayuan is not an ordinary place. In the whole capital, although Panjiayuan is destroyed, it is worth a lot of money. If you don't have tens of billions, you can't take it down.

But now Panjiayuan has become Zhao's, which makes Zhao Chengfeng have to be surprised.

"To be exact, it's no longer called Panjiayuan. I'm going to call it zhaojiaban. I'll set up a stage or something. When I'm free, I'll go inside and listen to the play." Zhao Feilong had some hopes that only the ancient emperors could enjoy that day.

"I'll go, Zhao class?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng old face a black, no good airway: "can you take a little more vulgar name?"? Why don't you call Zhao Zilong? "

"What's the use of a nice name? The key is to be practical..." Zhao Feilong doesn't care. He doesn't care about these things.

"Master, the leader above is here. Look..."

Zhao Feilong did not finish a word, Fubo came in from the outside, a little in a hurry.

"Which one?" Zhao Feilong is still sitting on Mount Tai. He is not worried at all. On one side, Zhao Chengfeng frowns and says that he is really unusual.

In a word, Zhao Chengfeng's son is really a failure. He knows little about Lao Zhao's family and has never asked for anything. He only knows Lao Zhao's family is very good from others' praise of Lao Zhao's family, but he doesn't know how good it is.

"Soup is the country." Fuber answered.

"Leader Tang, let him in as soon as possible." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is a little flustered, that after all is a big leader, how can neglect?

Who knows, Zhao Feilong is some discontented to curl a mouth, complain a way: "breakfast has not finished yet.". Well, just let him in. You can make him a pot of tea

"Yes, sir." Fauber answered and went back to work.

Soon, Tang Weiguo was brought in, accompanied by Tang Weiguo's bodyguard. In the past, Tang Weiguo's bodyguard was extremely arrogant in front of Zhao Chengfeng. But today, the rules are not good. Standing aside, he dare not go out. Even in front of Zhao Feilong, he can't stretch his waist straight.

"Ah, soup..."


As soon as Tang Weiguo appeared, Xia Bingbing and Jiangling were a bit silly. I didn't expect that such a big man would come to Lao Zhao's house? You know, ordinary people can only watch it on TV.

"Good leader Tang, please take a seat." Zhao Chengfeng is a little more casual. After all, they have met each other many times. If they are too polite, they will be hypocritical.

However, Zhao Feilong and murongshuang sat in the same place and didn't move. Zhao Feilong, in particular, didn't take the initiative to say hello. Instead, he said with a straight face: "why do you come to my house in the morning? It's not going to be my baby, is it? "

With that, Zhao Feilong looked at his son and could guess more or less what Tang Weiguo had come for. Just because his son is so excellent, he has made a lot of contributions to China.

"Lao Zhao, you're joking. How dare I come to your house to rob the baby? Isn't it popular for me to visit you?" Tang Weiguo: "I heard that Chengfeng was injured a few days ago, so I came to have a look. I should have come to visit earlier, but I happened to be visiting abroad and was delayed."

"Thank you for your concern. I'm..." as soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he immediately expressed his thanks.

However, Zhao Feilong's eyes glared, and some of them said, "how can you visit the wounded like this? I don't even have any presents in my hand. "

"I'll go to that one!"

Zhao Chengfeng is a little silly. This is really domineering. He asked for gifts for the big leaders. I'm very brave.

However, what made Zhao Chengfeng even more surprised was that he was in the back. Tang Weiguo was not angry. Instead, he said with a smile: "you old Zhao, I know you'll block me like this. You've pulled a truck of wine outside. Now you're unloading. I've had enough to drink."

Smell speech, Zhao Feilong complexion just a little bit good-looking some, mumble a way: "this is almost the same."

Zhao Feilong's face is light, but Xia Bingbing and others have been silly for a long time.

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