The next day, when Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Bingbing appeared in Beihai City, it was almost noon.

"I'm so hungry, wife Bingbing. Let's find a place to eat first. It's my treat." Zhao Chengfeng touched his belly.

But Xia Bingbing shook her head and frowned: "no, I have to go to the company first. It's delayed for more than ten days. The company doesn't know how many things have been piled up. Shiyun has called me several times. If you don't go back, I'm afraid something's wrong. "

"No matter how busy you are, you always have to eat. Can you earn all the money?" Zhao Chengfeng is a little unhappy. Women are still like that. They know their work and company all day and don't cherish their bodies at all.

"No, I'm going to the company. The company will just have a bite to eat." Xia Bingbing has a firm attitude.

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes narrowed and looked at Xia Bingbing. He said with threat, "if you don't want to have dinner with me today, believe it or not, I will serve you in my family."

As he said that, Zhao Chengfeng rubbed his hands, and his eyes fell on Xia Bingbing's buttocks intentionally or unintentionally. Needless to say, he didn't use the family method for many days. He really missed the full and elastic feeling.


Xia Bingbing subconsciously stepped back two steps, ashamed and angry, and finally afraid of Zhao Chengfeng's obscenity, she had to compromise and go to lunch with Zhao Chengfeng.

"That's right. I've ordered your favorite chicken stewed with mushrooms, sweet and sour ribs, and pickled cabbage and vermicelli soup. Although it's not worth a few dollars, it's very delicious." As Zhao Chengfeng orders, he goes on the way.

Xia Bingbing does not agree with her, but she is shocked and even moved. Xia Bingbing has never told Zhao Chengfeng what he likes to eat. Unexpectedly, the man secretly observed it.

This kind of feeling of being cared for is very beautiful.

"After you have dealt with the matter at hand, you can go to work in the company in peace of mind. Don't run around and offend people everywhere. Do you hear me?" While waiting for the food to come to the table, Xia Bingbing rushes into Zhao Cheng's fashion. Although her tone is strict, she has some command flavor, but everyone knows the concern.

"I'd like to work hard and live a nine to five life, but how can it be so easy?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. He is also helpless in his heart.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng was forced to marry and came back from the African continent. Although he had the same relationship with Xia Bingbing in those days, he liked the simple and interesting life in his heart. However, God played a big joke with Zhao Chengfeng, meeting beautiful women again and again, and getting into all kinds of trouble again and again.

What troubles Zhao Chengfeng most is that the appearance of the broken sky arouses Zhao Chengfeng's deep hatred. Zhao Chengfeng thought that leisure and simple days are no longer enough.

Xia Bingbing looked at the man, and then he stopped. Maybe everyone has a story. However, as a wife, she doesn't know her husband's secret. Xia Bingbing always feels weird.

After dinner, Zhao Chengfeng sent Xia Bingbing to the company and went to the marketing department to find song Sisi. Last time, song Sisi used a "mean" method to make brother Feng dedicate himself to the company. It's really unreasonable for Zhao Chengfeng not to go and have a look.

At the same time, he was urged by the leader. I'm afraid Zhao Chengfeng had to go to Japan. Even if he couldn't get the drawings, he had to destroy them completely. No one could get them.

In addition, Tang Wei is sure to go there to have a look. I don't know how Tang has recovered recently, let alone whether Chen Shuxian has come back from his business trip.

"Ah, why so many things?" With a sigh, Zhao Chengfeng drove Xia Bingbing's Mercedes Benz and soon arrived at the seaside square.

At present, Wanda Plaza and waterfront plaza have the facade of perfume lily company. Song Sisi basically runs on both sides, but the company headquarters is not going to go.

"Chengfeng, why are you here?" Song Sisi was very surprised to see Zhao Chengfeng. He had a feeling of warm spring and flowers blooming. He was careful and even jumped up.

These days, song Sisi is thinking of the man every day, looking forward to the man's early appearance all the time. Song Sisi also wanted to make a phone call to ask, but in the end, Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Bingbing went to the capital together.

Although several women have discussed in private, to protect her husband and enjoy her husband together. But song Sisi always had a feeling of being caught cheating.

"If I miss you, I will come." With half a cigarette in his mouth and a smile, Zhao Chengfeng closes the door of the office and walks to the woman.

Not to mention, the skin color of a woman who steals forbidden fruit is good, tender and ruddy, white and smooth. Since that time, it seems that song Sisi's temper has improved a lot. In the past, he was a jerk, but now he's so clever. It's so popular that Zhao Chengfeng's bones are almost crisp.

"Really?" On hearing this, song Sisi's smile became more brilliant, his head was deeply buried, shy and moving.

"If it's true or not, I'll tell you by action."

Zhao Chengfeng put out the cigarette end, put his arms around the woman's slender waist, and pasted red lips.


At first, song Sisi had some resistance, but he soon got used to it. Two people cuddle together, for a moment, spring burst out, the office has become a battlefield for them.

Xu is the reason why he just had lunch. Zhao Chengfeng has a strong fighting capacity. It took him more than an hour to give up.

"Now you know how much brother Feng misses you." Zhao Chengfeng embraces the soft woman with a bad smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Chengfeng, you're so annoying, even in the office..." Song Sisi's face is more red, and before he finishes his words, he hides his head in Zhao Chengfeng's arms.

How can I feel like I'm not ashamed of this? I don't want to, but I'm very honest.

"Brother Feng is a very upright man. He will never be like any other man. As soon as he goes to bed, he will do something to beautiful women." Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette again, took a puff and said: "because brother Feng can still touch you in the living room, kitchen, bathroom and even on the balcony..."

"Chengfeng, you, you are good or bad." Song Sisi was even more shy. He thought that Zhao Chengfeng would say something serious. After making trouble for a long time, he was still so unorthodox.

He is really a hooligan, but he is a very capable hooligan.

"Men are not bad, women don't love them." Zhao Chengfeng joked: "no matter how bad brother Feng is, don't you still like it?"

"I hate it. Why do you say it when you know it?" Song Sisi was angry and angry. When his beautiful eyes turned, they were full of charm.

"Who makes you women say yes and no?" Zhao Chengfeng mumbles, thinking of Xia Bingbing in her heart. She is very concerned, but wants to make a look of disapproval. What is she thinking in her heart?

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