"What a shame

See Zhao Chengfeng didn't deny, ye Zhuqing again a burst of anger, grandma's, why can a man have three wives and four concubines?

"OK, I'll be relieved if you're OK. I'll stop nagging you. I still have some things to deal with. I'll come back to see you later." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw the signs of the woman's violent walk, he quickly left.

Anyway, ye Zhuqing is in a good mood now, and he is very energetic. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't worry about anything. It's Qu Xiaoqiang's "hidden rules" that frighten Zhao Chengfeng.

"Go away, go away, I don't want to see you." Ye Zhuqing impatiently waved his hand, thinking about what to do next.

Zhao Chengfeng is not angry, took the opportunity out of the office, downstairs just met Qu Xiaoqiang.

"You are here, Mr. Zhao." Qu Xiaoqiang quickly pulls Zhao Chengfeng to his office and talks about the company's current dangerous form.

Who knows, Zhao Chengfeng is always a calm look, not affected at all.

"Don't laugh, Mr. Zhao. Make up your mind. I'm worried to death." Qu Xiaoqiang see Zhao Chengfeng also show a faint smile, can't help but more anxious.

Qu xiaoqiangxin said that he had met a wonderful boss. He was burning his ass. seeing that all the employees were leaving, he could still laugh.

"What's my idea? I'm not the boss of the company. If you want to make a decision, Xiaoqing will take it. It's not my business. " Zhao Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders.

"What are you doing here? You don't care about chairman ye? " Qu Xiaoqiang was even more shocked when he heard this.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "I'll come and have a look. Xiaoqing is in a good mental state and has enough fighting spirit. It's no big deal. It's a big deal to start all over again."

"This..." Qu Xiaoqiang was completely confused.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't have the heart to accompany Qu Xiaoqiang. He patted Qu Xiaoqiang on the shoulder and continued: "you can help Xiaoqing in the company. You can do whatever she says. You can put forward your own professional opinions when necessary. As for other things, don't worry about it."

"Mr. Zhao, I..."

"Well, it's settled. I'll go first." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and left naturally.

After a long time, Qu Xiaoqiang came back to himself and said with emotion: "NIMA, people with personality are different. What do you think in your mind? I have no idea. Well, I'd better talk it over with Chairman Ye. "

Thinking of this, Qu Xiaoqiang went upstairs again.


Zhao Chengfeng came out of the company building and looked at the listless girls on one side. He sighed in his heart. These people can't share the company's difficulties. Why do you want them when the company is going to soar in the future?

Seeing this scene, Zhao Chengfeng still wants to help ye Zhuqing secretly, but he has no clue for a while. However, when his eyes turned to the Audi park outside, Zhao Chengfeng had an idea in his mind.

After leaving the company, Zhao Chengfeng immediately called Nangong Ming and talked about the matter.

"OK, madman, they all learn to do good without leaving a name. This way of soaking girls is very avant-garde." Nangong Ming understands Zhao Chengfeng's plan when he listens to Zhao Chengfeng. He can't help joking.

"Come on, don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and do it. She's in a hurry." Zhao Chengfeng urged.

If we say that Zhao Chengfeng is not worried, it is absolutely false.

"Don't worry, this matter can be solved every minute. Anyway, it's your money. I don't care at all." Nangong Ming mumbles, then drops the phone.

Zhao Chengfeng immediately felt relieved. Nangong Mingdu said so. Most of the things have come to an end. The Audi pike peak is priceless. It is very possible that it will be 300 million and 500 million. With the money, ye Zhuqing will make a comeback without any pressure.

After a big loss last time, ye Zhuqing must have gained insight and won't make trouble.

"Back to Bingbing? Forget it, when you come out, you'll have a long face. " After Zhao Chengfeng called, he didn't know where to go.

But at this time, a Volkswagen Huiteng flashed in front of the door. It just drove past and turned around again.

"Brother Zhao, it's really you." Black luxury car down a burly young man, young man's neck hanging a golden necklace, a look is upstart.

Not to mention, this man is really a nouveau riche, and he is not an ordinary nouveau riche.

"Brother Liu, it's you." Zhao Chengfeng is also quite surprised. This person is no other than Liu Shiyun's eldest brother. Now Liu Qinglong is the leader of the Liu family.

Today, Liu Qinglong, with the help of Zhao Chengfeng, dominates the underground world of Beihai city. Almost all the song and dance cities and casinos are covered by the people of the Liu family, which is much more prosperous than when Mr. Liu was alive.

All this is thanks to Zhao Chengfeng.

"I'll go. It's not easy to see you now. You didn't come to get together when you called last time. Today we met. We must get together and have a drink together." With that, Liu Qinglong could not help but put Zhao Chengfeng into the car.

Zhao Chengfeng thought, well, let's go back to relatives. I haven't seen you for many days. It's very good to get in touch with you.

Moreover, Liu Qinglong is still his brother-in-law. He can't do without face.

"Brother Liu is developing very well now. This car has just been bought." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, taking over the Greater China from Liu Qinglong.

"Brother Zhao, you are hitting Liu Qinglong in the face."

When Liu Qinglong heard this, he was a little excited and said seriously, "I am not ungrateful. My Liu family has survived in Beihai City and has developed to the present situation. It's brother Zhao who helped me. I have always kept this feeling in mind."

"Brother Liu said it's superfluous. It's all a family. Shouldn't we help each other?" Zhao Chengfeng secretly praised that although Liu Qinglong's personal strength is average, he is absolutely loyal and affectionate. This alone can't make a difference“ However, I still say that, as long as I don't touch the flour, I support it. "

"Don't worry, I always remember it in my heart." Liu Qinglong nodded. If the Liu family had agreed to sell flour, the old man would not have been slaughtered by the saints“ But you, brother Zhao, what are you busy with these days? I haven't seen you come home with Shiyun. "

"Hey, you're making a fuss." Zhao Cheng wind way: "I this person can't idle life, day by day the whole world run, very busy."

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