The speed is getting faster and faster. Both of them are good drivers. Even on urban roads, the average speed is over 80. Huaye in the east city obviously didn't study the map of Beihai city. After leaving the city, he drove to Wulongshan cemetery.

Zhao Chengfeng has a sneer on his lips and says, "this is what you're looking for.".

Sure enough, when the car came to the end, Huaye in the east city stopped because there was no way out. Even though Dongcheng Huaye is ready to fight to the death, when facing death, Dongcheng Huaye still stops.

There is only one life, who dares to die casually?

"Run, why don't you run?" Zhao Chengfeng put the car across the middle of the road and walked slowly down. With a cigarette in his mouth, he walked step by step to the east city of Huaye.

Although Zhao Chengfeng walked very slowly, the closer he got to each point, the stronger his intention to kill. The east city China wild quite has a kind of dead god to approach of felling, the back swish to emit cold sweat.

"No, you don't come here." Dongcheng Huaye swallows his saliva and steps back in horror. At this time, Dongcheng Huaye even forgets Xia Bingbing as a hostage. In fact, Dongcheng Huaye has no time to release Xia Bingbing.

"Huaye in Dongcheng, the only son of JIAYE in Dongcheng, the new defense minister of the Japanese state. Hehe, it's good enough." Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that, as the son of Japanese defense minister, Dongcheng Huaye would hang out in a small gambling house in Beihai city.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng thought that Dongcheng Huaye was mostly a rich boy of the Japanese nation. Unexpectedly, Dongcheng Huaye was so big. He had known so well that he didn't have to wait for the Japanese to fight. Zhao Chengfeng destroyed Dongcheng Huaye yesterday. By the way, express the body to Dongcheng JIAYE.

"Zhao Chengfeng, what do you want to do?" The east city China wild swallowed to swallow saliva, as far as possible raised the volume, gave oneself the courage.

"What? Don't call me uncle Zhao today? " Zhao Chengfeng has a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He seems to be smiling, but the anger in his eyebrows is better than that in his eyes.

Japan's miscreants are really cruel. They caused several explosion accidents at the same time. I don't know how many casualties there are.

"Don't come here, or your woman will die." Dongcheng Huaye is not so stupid as to think that Zhao Chengfeng is his uncle. At the critical moment, he didn't make a mistake. He hopes to exchange Xia Bingbing for his life.

However, when Zhao Chengfeng heard the four words "your woman", his eyes flashed like a strong wind. Huaye in the east city only felt a flower in front of him, and Zhao Chengfeng was in front of him in an instant.


East City China wild a scream, the whole person has been Zhao Chengfeng control, throat completely locked.

"Say, where is ice?" Zhao Chengfeng is not in a hurry to find Xia Bingbing. As long as Dongcheng Huaye is in his own hands, he can guarantee Xia Bingbing's safety. After all, Dongcheng Huaye is a celebrity in Japan.

Of course, Huaye's life in Dongcheng is far less valuable than Xia Bingbing's.

"You, you let me go. If you kill me, your woman will not be far away from death. I hide your woman in a very secret place. No one can find her without me!" Dongcheng Huaye saw that Zhao Chengfeng cared about Xia Bingbing so much, so he talked about the conditions.

Anyway, Xia Bingbing is in a coma at this moment. How can Zhao Chengfeng know that the woman is in the trunk?

"Die hard, hum!"

Zhao Chengfeng grins grimly. He pulls out his dagger and shakes it in front of his eyes.

"Really not?" Zhao Chengfeng decides to give Dongcheng Huaye another chance. Don't kill him. That's a problem.


East City China wild a raise head, a face of Ao Jiao.


Zhao Chengfeng doesn't talk nonsense either. With a shake of his wrist, the dagger plunges into the thigh of Dongcheng Huaye, and the blood bursts out instantly.


Huaye in the east city screamed like a pig. He fell to the ground and covered his thigh in pain. He was so painful that he almost fainted.

"It's painful, isn't it? The pain is right. I'll ask you again, where is Bingbing?" Zhao Chengfeng sneered, and didn't feel pitiful at all. He didn't feel that he had become a executioner.

It's not advisable to stop killing by killing and control violence by violence, but for such demons, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't mind killing people!

"Baga, my leg..."


Without saying a word, Zhao Chengfeng stabbed into the other thigh of Huaye in the east city. Blood spattered and screamed again.


The pain of tearing once again tested the tenacity of Dongcheng Huaye. Looking at the two abandoned legs, Dongcheng Huaye's heart sank to the bone.

Dongcheng Huaye thinks he's cruel enough, but compared with Zhao Chengfeng, he's just a little witch.

"There is still strength, so I'll accompany you to have a good baga baga." Zhao Chengfeng squatted down, took down the cigarette butt from the corner of his mouth, shook the ash on the wound of Dongcheng Huaye, and said to himself, "you say, what's the feeling of braised human flesh?"

Dongcheng Huaye didn't understand at the beginning. When he was wondering, Zhao Chengfeng raised a strange smile at the corner of his mouth, and his cigarette butt had been pressed on the wound.


When the burning pain came, Dongcheng Huaye's eyes turned up and almost died of pain. He lay straight on the ground, convulsing all over, as if he had been shocked.

"Why can't you stand the pain? Don't you Japanese like to commit suicide by caesarean section? Why don't I honor you today and open your stomach? " Zhao Chengfeng is playing with the dagger. The tip of the dagger glides over the belly of the East City Huaye, and a trace of cold killing spreads.

Dongcheng Huaye completely convinced, and finally understand why so many people are afraid of Zhao Chengfeng, because Zhao Chengfeng is not a human, but a devil from hell.

"No, no, I said, I said, you let me go, I'll tell you." Dongcheng Huaye doesn't want to die. It's not that he doesn't want to die, but he's afraid of being tortured to death by Zhao Chengfeng. It's too painful. When he thinks about the way to die with his intestines exposed in the air, Dongcheng Huaye can't help shivering.

Some people, such as Zhao Chengfeng, can't be provoked by themselves.

"Tut Tut, aren't you tough? Why can't you carry it? " Zhao Chengfeng turns his lips contemptuously, but he sneers in his heart.

It seems that Japan's childe brother is not so good, in the face of death and pain, will also choose to compromise.

"No, don't kill me. I'll tell you everything." East City China wild also ignore Zhao Chengfeng's humiliation, hurriedly way: "your woman is in the trunk of the trunk inside."


With a cold hum, Zhao Chengfeng opens the trunk of the car and carefully holds it out. When he opens it, Xia Bingbing is among them. Zhao Chengfeng is also relieved.

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