Zhao Chengfeng was lying in the intensive care unit of the first people's Hospital of Beihai city. He just fell asleep relying on the anesthetic used during the operation.

However, Tang Wei and ye Zhuqing on one side are sleepless. The two girls are worried and face each other. They are shocked and flustered in each other's eyes.

"Xiaoqing, the doctor just said that there are two wounds on Chengfeng's left arm, and the time difference is at least three hours. Who can hurt him?" Tang Wei doesn't understand. However, Tang Wei can conclude that the wound in front is definitely not stabbed by these gangsters. They don't have the courage.

In fact, the bureau is also scrutinizing this matter. When they get to the Bureau, those bastards certainly dare not tell lies.

"I don't know."

Ye Zhuqing frowned and shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "his injury is OK, not too serious. Just, I'm worried about his heart. He's like a changed person. He doesn't speak a word, and he doesn't even have an expression. He didn't say a word to you and me all the way. You said this... "

"Didi... Didi..."

However, at this moment, Zhao Chengfeng's mobile phone rings again.

Ye Zhuqing looks at Tang Wei, hesitates for a moment, and feels out the mobile phone. Two words are flashing on the screen: wife. I do not know why, ye Zhuqing's heart suddenly hurt for a while, only feel that the two words good eye-catching.

"I'll take it." Tang Wei is also a woman, naturally understand ye Zhuqing's feelings, took the phone, answered, "hello..."

"Chengfeng, where have you been..." as soon as the phone was connected, Xia Bingbing's anxious voice came from the other side of the phone. However, when Xia Bingbing heard the woman's voice, she put the phone down without saying a word.

All the previous worries turned into nothingness, replaced by anger, uncontrollable anger. Xia Bingbing never thought that the reason why a man broke his appointment was for other women!

Damn man, it's not a thing.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, without waiting for Xia Bingbing to scold Shuang, Zhao Chengfeng's phone call actually came back.

"Hum, I'm not going to answer your phone. Go to hell, stinky man!" Xia Bingbing impolitely hung up Zhao Chengfeng's phone, still angry.

The phone rang three times in succession, and Xia Bingbing hung up three times. The fourth time when the mobile phone rings, it is a short message, Xia Bingbing glances at it.

"Chengfeng was injured and is now in the intensive care unit of Beihai first people's hospital." The content is very simple, but it really calms Xia Bingbing.

"Is Chengfeng hurt?"

Xia Bingbing mumbled with her mobile phone and immediately said to herself, "no, I have to go to the hospital right away. No, I have to go there right away."

Xia Bingbing didn't even change her shoes, so she hurried out of the door.


In the hospital, Tang Wei and ye Zhuqing are sitting in the corridor outside. They don't speak or leave.

"Wei Wei elder sister, otherwise you go back first, I am here to guard him good." After a long silence, ye Zhuqing finally spoke.

Tang Wei shook his head and said stubbornly, "no, wait until he wakes up. At least, I want to know who hurt him

"But his wife will be here in a moment. What do you do?" Ye Zhuqing asked, but after that, ye Zhuqing regretted it again.

Why don't you have such embarrassment? But now I can't take care of many things. Some things have to be faced.

"Come on, it's no big deal." Tang Wei shakes her head bitterly. Remembering the ambiguous relationship between Zhao Chengfeng and several girls, she smiles bitterly and shakes her head.

Tang Wei is not a cold-blooded animal. These days, she really felt Zhao Chengfeng's kindness to her. Especially that day, Zhao Chengfeng told herself affectionately that he would help himself and avenge his parents. At that time, although Tang Wei was stubborn, his heart really melted.

At that moment, Tang Wei really wanted to grow old with Zhao Chengfeng.

It's just that nature makes people. The trip to Africa, has not made a result, grandfather had an accident; And Tang Wei also found that there are more and more women around Zhao Chengfeng, more and more beautiful. Up to now, Tang Wei doesn't know what to do. She just thinks that one day is one day.

"By the way, Xiaoqing, why haven't you seen vidora recently? The bureau is very busy, and I forgot to go to her. " Tang Wei changed a topic, also don't want to let oneself continue to tangle for the affair of emotion.

"She teaches a foreign language in school, and also runs a make-up training class. She's too busy. Maybe she doesn't know that Chengfeng is injured." Ye Zhuqing answers carelessly, full of Zhao Chengfeng.

Of course, ye Zhuqing is also thinking about whether Zhao Chengfeng's wife will come later, just like those women in the TV series, pointing to their noses and swearing at Tang Wei. The words of "little three" and "slut" will pop up.

"Are you the friends of fashion?" Just then, the elevator door opened and a woman came out.

Although women wear casual, casual, and even a little hair, but even a pajama dress, it is still difficult to cover that peerless face.

"We are." Tang Wei nodded and blushed subconsciously. She had a feeling of sleeping with someone else's husband and being caught.

"How is Chengfeng? How did he get hurt? " It was Xia Bingbing who came. Xia Bingbing was eager.

Tang Wei looked at ye Zhuqing and said, "let's talk about it first."

Said, Tang Wei opened the door of the sick room, Xia Bingbing quickly followed in, saw Zhao Chengfeng lying on the bed.

"Chengfeng, Chengfeng, you wake up, you wake up..." seeing the man lying on the bed motionless, Xia Bingbing thought that something big had happened and rushed up in an instant.

Tang Weila stopped Xia Bingbing and said, "he's OK, but his left arm was injured and he was stabbed twice, one of which was stabbed in a bar. As for the other wound, we don't know."

"Stabbed in the left arm? It's, it's impossible. How could he be hurt? " Xia Bingbing shook her head, obviously unable to accept this reality.

Zhao Chengfeng and other powerful men, how can they be easily injured?

"We don't believe it, but in fact, he was injured." Tang Wei took a deep breath and continued: "not only that, he also drank a lot of wine, countless wine. After he was found, he didn't listen to anything, even the wound didn't feel pain. We dragged him to the hospital. Now he has just slept under the effect of anesthetics, and the situation has completely stabilized."

"He went to drink alone?" Xia Bingbing subconsciously looks at Tang Wei and ye Zhuqing, but she doesn't believe it.

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