"What's the matter with you?" Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng's face became more and more painful, Xia Bingbing was also anxious and asked, "what's the matter? You're talking. Is it hard to cheat the corpse?"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily and said: "I do see her. She is not dead. She lives well."

"What? Really, really

After hearing this, Xia Bingbing only felt a cold sweat on her back and an impulse to escape, which was too scary.

"Not a corpse."

Zhao Cheng wind way: as like as two peas, she is so alive in front of me, and I am sure that two people are not the same.

"You mean she cheated you?" Xia Bingbing seems to understand something.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng difficult nodded, very don't want to face this reality, but this is the reality, don't face can't.

"When she was alive, she had the heart to watch me suffer. When she was alive, she wanted to join the damned broken sky, and she was the first of the four golden flowers in the broken sky. When she was alive, she kept me in the dark. Did she know that in order to join the broken sky, I almost killed her sister myself?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head again and again, his voice was not big, but he could really feel his heartache. It felt like someone had cut his flesh and blood with a knife.

Pain, but can't shout out.

"What's that heaven? I don't seem to understand much. " Xia Bingbing asked.

"Po Tian is the most mysterious and powerful organization in the world. No one knows how powerful their boss is, and no one knows where they are. They have an all pervasive intelligence network. They have powerful subordinates. Their subordinates are either rich or powerful. Some of them are even leaders of some small countries in Europe and America. They are very powerful!" Zhao Chengfeng didn't hide it. He explained it slowly.

"So powerful?" Xia Bingbing was startled. Even the heads of some small countries wanted to join. How strong was the organization? Isn't it more powerful than other countries?

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said: "it will only be more powerful than I said, and I guess their ambition is very big. They not only win over powerful experts, but also some scientists."

"Listen to you, how do you feel that they want to build a dynasty and an empire that never sets." Xia Bingbing thinks it's a little strange.

In contrast, Xia Bingbing has no interest in Lao Shizi's breaking the sky. He just wants to divert Zhao Chengfeng's attention.

"There's no way to know." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, not sure. After all, what Zhao Chengfeng knows now is just a little bit of breaking the sky.

After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng went on: "in order to achieve his own goal, Po Tian does everything by any means. It's just like when they tried to force me to finish a task, I didn't do it, so they started on Tang Wei's grandfather and forced me to do it. "

"It seems that this guy has a lot to do with Tang Wei. Even Po Tian knows how to use Tang Wei's grandfather to threaten him. This damned bastard is too fickle." Xia Bingbing's eyebrows blinked, and she thought in her heart.

However, in the current situation of Zhao Chengfeng, Xia Bingbing is not allowed to break with Zhao Chengfeng. He can only endure it for a while.

"In a word, Po Tian is not a good bird. For her sake, I joined this damned organization, carrying evil names and doing a lot of bloody things. I just wanted to avenge Shangguan Yan'er, but I never thought that she was not dead, not only not dead, but also joined Po Tian and became the pillar of Po Tian." Zhao Chengfeng continued to say, his face once again emerged the color of pain.

Xia Bingbing can understand the pain, but she can't understand Zhao Chengfeng's anger.

"Since you said Shangguan Yan'er is the one you love all your life, what does she look like? Isn't she still your lover? What do you have to hurt? " Xia Bingbing said: "because she cheated you?"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Cheng's spirit of wind stagnated.

"If you only have hatred in your heart now, it proves that she is not worthy of your love, then why are you angry for a woman who is not worthy of your love?" Xia Bingbing continued to ask.

Zhao Chengfeng opens his mouth and finds himself speechless.

"Think about it for yourself. Anyway, now you have a son, and I, whether I like it or not, and whether you agree or not, am your wife." Xia Bingbing stares at the man and takes a deep breath: "I admit that you are a man who makes me extremely tangled."

"Your lust, your playfulness, your playfulness, your cynicism, and so on, are hard for me to accept; But in my heart, you are at least a hero. No matter how the future, I will always accompany you

When Zhao Chengfeng was shocked, he looked up at Xia Bingbing, and his eyes were filled with gratitude and emotion.

Everyone has a low ebb, anyone may be sad and painful for such and such things, and the most comforting sentence is: "not afraid, I am with you."

"Thank you, Bingbing." Zhao Chengfeng's language has been brewing for a long time, and only the word "thank you" is left on his lips.

Maybe, some words are not suitable to say.

"Don't thank me, thank yourself if you want to." Xia Bingbing saw Zhao Chengfeng listen to his words, stood up and said: "you have a good ponder, a person quiet, whether that woman is worth you, people, to live in the moment. I believe that you will give yourself an answer and give me a perfect answer. "

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and didn't answer.

"Well, I'll go first. There are still things to do in the company, so I won't accompany you. I'll come back later. Now I have only one requirement for you. You are not allowed to leave the hospital until the injury is healed." Then Xia Bingbing threw half a pack of cigarettes to Zhao Chengfeng, "smoke less."

With that, Xia Bingbing took a deep look at the man and left.

The reason why Xia Bingbing left is to give men some space. Men are strong and want face. In front of women, some emotions may not be able to express; And now the company has a big event, Xia Bingbing must guard.

As soon as Xia Bingbing left, the huge ward suddenly seemed empty. It was so quiet that Zhao Chengfeng could even hear his heart beat and his inner voice.

Yes, if love, isn't it better for her to live? No matter who she is; And if you hate, why do you have to be angry for a resentful person and embarrass yourself?

Since it's not worth it, it won't hurt.

"Maybe we should make an end between us." Zhao Chengfeng draws out a cigarette and wants to light it. He seems to think of something and puts it back.

After drinking a mouthful of water, I lay down quietly and went to sleep again. After a while, I snored evenly.

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