"What are you yelling at? Make a fuss

Dongcheng JIAYE was startled. She glared at the maid beside her. She just saw the dots protruding from her clothes. She really wanted to rub them.

"That, that, over there..." the maid was so scared that she pointed to the trunk road.

East City JIAYE dissatisfied white maid one eye, this just looked in the past, this look, just saw a bloody man in the box, staring at himself.

"Hua Ye!"

Dongcheng JIAYE finally changed his face, strode past, "Dong" of a kneel on the ground, instant tears, pain.

"My God, this, this..."


"Baga, it's cruel."

Several bomb disposal experts also responded. They took a close look. This NIMA is not a bomb. It's a corpse. It's bloody and smelly.

Look at that dead face again, isn't it Dongcheng Huaye, the son of Dongcheng JIAYE? To be exact, it can't be called a corpse, it should be called a stump.

Because the box was too small, two legs were completely broken and left in the box.

"Hua Ye, my son, Wu Wu Wu..." Dongcheng JIAYE burst out crying, holding the box, tears like tap water, pattering down.

A few bomb disposal experts nearby, you look at me, I look at you, Leng is no one came forward to advise, this also can't advise.

"Mr. Dongcheng, here is a letter." One of the bomb disposal experts had sharp eyes and found a note in the corner of the box. He picked it up and handed it to Dongcheng JIAYE.

Dongcheng JIAYE wiped the corner of his eye, took the note and looked at it.

"Hello, Dongcheng JIAYE defense minister. When you see this letter, your son must have received it. Congratulations, you can get together. Of course, if your son dies, you can't blame me, because when I sealed the box, your son just passed out in a coma and didn't die. "

"There's so much I can do to reunite your father and son. You don't have to thank me. There are so many living Lei Feng like me in China. Anyone who meets them will help your father and son. Of course, if you really thank me, I won't be polite. The number below is my card number and account name is Zhao Chengfeng! "

"Baga road!"

See here, the east city JIAYE has been unable to see down, where this is a letter, is a provocation. And obviously, his son was killed by Zhao Chengfeng.

"Bullying too much, bullying too much!" Dongcheng JIAYE's hands trembled with anger. Because of exertion, the green tendons on the back of his hands came out.

However, no matter how angry, Dongcheng JIAYE went on to see how vicious and shameless Zhao Chengfeng was!

"Dongcheng JIAYE, you must be very grateful to me, really, I'm sure. If you don't believe it, you can take off your son's pants now. There is one thing missing in the diaper like inner library. I have to say, your son's thing is so small. Can you Japanese women really be satisfied? I'm very suspicious of this, and I'm anxious about the sex life of women in Japan. "

"In this regard, I can only say that if you Japanese women are not satisfied, please send them to Huaxia. You're welcome. My name is Lei Feng

"Son of a bitch!" Dongcheng JIAYE felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

It's believable. We have to keep looking.

"I don't know if you've taken off your son's trousers. Anyway, your son's Ding Ding is gone. If you still want your son to keep a whole corpse, please pay my bank card. You can do as you like. Well, let's not talk about it. There are just a few Japanese people who want me to help them. I'll go first. Goodbye! "

Finally, the letter was finished. But the anger in the east city JIAYE's heart came up.

"Zhao Chengfeng, no matter who you are, no matter how powerful you are, I will kill you and your family! Son of a bitch

Finally, Dongcheng JIAYE's anger turned into a roar. Scared the maid and bomb disposal expert.

This NIMA, who is not worried about this kind of thing? What a bloody tragedy.

"Mr. Dongcheng, what should we do now?" When the maid saw these things, she was also very depressed. The death of one father and one son means that there will be less opportunities to meet them in the future?

Although Dongcheng JIAYE has experience, it's quite old after all. It's hard to use it when you pee.

"Well, if you can't, you can only buy two cucumbers with thorns and put them under the pillow." That's what the maid thought.

"Informer, will China wild temporarily shelve in the funeral home, temporarily does not panic buries." East City China wild see that piece of paper, want to tear very much, however, dare not tear.

If the note is gone, the bank card number will be gone. If you don't pay Zhao Chengfeng, you won't send your son's "baby" back.

Dongcheng JIAYE can't let his son die, can't save the whole body, went to hell, ridiculed.

"Hua Ye, don't worry. I will avenge you for this revenge. Even if I die, I will hold Zhao Chengfeng on my back!" With that, Dongcheng JIAYE bowed to the suitcase and turned back to the office.

After arriving at the office, Dongcheng JIAYE made a call to Tanaka Liangjie, who had just left.

"Come to me immediately. Huaye has come back. You don't have to contact the people in Huaxia." Dongcheng JIAYE tried to restrain his anger and try to be plain.

It can be imagined that with Zhao Chengfeng's insatiable greed, even if he wants to redeem the "things under the crotch" of Dongcheng Huaye, the price may not be cheap. This money Dongcheng JIAYE certainly won't own, that pot can only let Tanaka Liangjie to carry.

Of course, when Dongcheng JIAYE asks Tanaka Liangjie to come, it's not just to get angry and pay. Dongcheng JIAYE wants Tanaka Liangjie to see his son's tragedy, arouse his anger and let him take revenge on his son.

"Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Chengfeng, from today on, we will never die. If you make me have no future, I will make your family feel like there is no place to die." Dongcheng JIAYE brow a twist, a trace of fierce intention, heavy fist hit on the table.

"Mr. Dongcheng, the young master has been taken away. Are you ok? Do you want to have a rest?" At this time, the maid came in and walked around. Although she was dressed, the outline was clear.

When Dongcheng JIAYE saw that the maid was so sultry, her anger stimulated her hormones, and she hummed coldly, "come here, blow it for me."

Smell speech, the maid clever walked past, kneel on the ground, small mouth Bata Bata move up, east city JIAYE a face of comfortable shape.

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