Isn't that the beauty killer?

On the surface, many women hate this kind of big turnip, but Zhao Chengfeng treats people sincerely and attentively.

This leads to almost all the women around him are reluctant to give up, clearly know with him will not have what result, but still with him.

For example, ye Zhuqing in front of him, Liu Shiyun and song Sisi, two good sisters in the company, are all like this. Now it seems that the police officer named Tang Wei has to be included.

"What evil did Xia Bingbing do in her last life? How could she meet such a husband? Ah, I think it's dog blood. " Xia Bingbing rubbed the temple hard and had a headache.

Seeing this, ye Zhuqing comforted: "sister Bingbing, in fact, you don't have to be too sad. Although Chengfeng is playful, I think it should be very good for you."

"Ha ha." Xia Bingbing smiles bitterly and shakes her head, noncommittal.

"Bingbing, don't believe it."

Seeing this, ye Zhuqing continued: "put aside the shortcomings of Chengfeng, let's just talk about a little. He has a real feeling for people. Shangguan Yan'er won't talk about it. If you look at the way he's sad now, you can see how much he loved and how much he paid. Do you think if he didn't pay and love, he would be sad? "

"What's more, on weekdays, he is very concerned about the people around him and doesn't allow them to be wronged at all. If anyone annoys him, he can fight for the people around him. Such a man of love and righteousness is rare in the world today. "

Xia Bingbing nodded secretly. This is indeed one of the few advantages of Zhao Chengfeng. However, this advantage is enough to cover countless disadvantages.

No one is perfect. Who has no shortcomings?

"Well, that's all. Don't talk about him." Xia Bingbing waved her hand and looked at the food coming to the table. She said, "today you and I are officially acquainted. We will be sisters from now on. Since I'm a sister, I have to seek justice for you, but you know his current situation. I'm afraid it will stimulate him, so... "

"No Ye Zhuqing also understands Xia Bingbing's meaning. In fact, he is very moved“ Sister Bingbing, you really don't have to mention the past. What do you always mention about it for? "

"Anyway, I'll take this matter to heart and find a chance to talk to him. Don't worry, I'll give you an explanation. Who let us be sisters?" Xia Bingbing speaks very well, and unconsciously, he draws closer to each other.

Ye Zhuqing listened to the warm heart and gave Xia Bingbing a grateful smile.

"Well, let's stop talking. Let's have a meal. It's time to have a full meal." See the waiter brought the meal, Xia Bingbing will greet ye Zhuqing Jiacai.

"All right." Ye Zhuqing nodded and picked up chopsticks to eat.

The two women had a moderate amount of food, but it was not a short time to eat. They were chatting while eating and drinking. It was two o'clock in the afternoon unconsciously.

"I'm very happy to have dinner and chat with you today."

After dinner, Xia Bingbing sent ye Zhuqing back to the company. Before she left, she took a woman's tender hand and said with a smile, "I hope the relationship between our sisters will get better and better in the future."

Ye Zhuqing nodded gratefully and said nothing. I didn't expect that Xia Bingbing was so broad-minded. If you want to be another woman and know that your man has an affair with many women, you have to cry, make trouble and hang yourself.

"I'll keep in touch by phone. I have something else to do. I'll go first." Said, Xia Bingbing drill locomotive, chongye Zhuqing waved his hand, driving away.

Ye Zhuqing looked at the left car butt, all disappeared in front of her eyes, this just came back.

"Did she really accept me?" Ye Zhuqing murmured, and immediately shook his head with a bitter smile. He didn't even completely accept Zhao Chengfeng. Why did he care so much about Xia Bingbing's opinion?

"I'd better work hard and wait for myself to deal with a lot of things." With this in mind, ye Zhuqing adjusted her mood and entered the company.

Xia Bingbing drove a Mercedes Benz to the first people's Hospital of Beihai city to see Zhao Chengfeng.

"The food in the hospital is good, three dishes and one soup, two meat and one vegetable." When Xia Bingbing arrived at the ward, Zhao Chengfeng was eating, and it was the second meal.

Zhao Chengfeng's purpose in the past was not to eat enough. Now, what Zhao Chengfeng thinks is that if he doesn't have enough to eat, where can he have the strength to grieve?

"I can only sleep every day except eating. It's also my job. Naturally, I should treat it well." Zhao Chengfeng smiles a little, but there seems to be some unresolved sadness between the eyebrows.

Xia Bingbing sat opposite the man, picked up the cigarette box on the table and looked at it. It was OK. He smoked most of the bags a day, not much.

"How is your injury? Are you better? " Xia Bingbing asked again.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "I changed the gauze in the morning, and the wound healed very well. It is estimated that I will be discharged in two or three days."

"That's a good thing." Xia Bingbing said: "after leaving the hospital, go home and live. My mother is also convenient to take care of you."

"Forget it."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "I won't disturb her, and I have to deal with some things."

"Then go and live on Jiangcheng Avenue. Anyway, the house over there is empty." Xia Bingbing suggested.

"Well, I'll move in then. It'll be more quiet there." Zhao Chengfeng thought that this was also a good idea, and now he should come down.

Who knows, Xia Bingbing followed by another sentence, said: "it's better for me to let younger sister Xiaoqing and Tang Wei move in at that time, so there are more people, OK?"

It seems that the tone of inquiry actually contains too many things. What's more, Xia Bingbing, who has always been cold in appearance, shows a slight smile at this moment.

Zhao Chengfeng is a little stunned, subconsciously feel that this is a set of deep urban routines, we must be cautious!

"No, I said, I want a little quiet environment, which is more in line with..." Zhao Chengfeng cautiously replied.

"But when you put Xiaoqing's younger sister to sleep, don't you care? Are you going to be a heartbreaker? " Unexpectedly, Xia Bingbing is waiting for Zhao Chengfeng here and interrupts.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a Zheng, immediately some embarrassed looking at Xia Bingbing, this is not the rhythm of the affair was found?

"I'll give her an account, but before I give her an account, I have to find that person and ask her to give me an account. At least, I have to make things clear, otherwise my heart will never be happy." Zhao Chengfeng pondered.

Xia Bingbing looked at the man and said, "I support you."

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