"My God

"Ten million. How long do I have to move bricks?"

"Brother Feng is the real person who is hidden."

After a while, everyone began to envy Zhao Chengfeng. Can you take out 10 million people casually? Are they ordinary people? The most powerful man!

"Brother Feng, you, you, what are you crazy about? I told you not to reward you? Why don't you listen? " Tian Xin'er was impatient and said, "aren't you afraid of me? You're going to work with others to cheat your money?"

Just reward for a while, Tian Xin'er gave Zhao Chengfeng careful, angry look, looks very funny.

"I don't think I'll miss you. I believe you won't cheat me. Even if you cheat me, it doesn't matter. At the beginning, you helped me to untie my heart knot and give you some rewards, which is also right." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about Tao. For money, now Zhao Chengfeng has nothing but ha ha.

Because now Zhao Chengfeng is really not short of money!

A few days ago, Zhao Chengfeng cheated Cai Haotian out of a lot of money. Although he gave Chen Shuxian part of it, the rest of it didn't move at all. In addition, on the other side of the African continent, mengke and they have begun to return to their original capital slowly. Although not much, Lu continues to see money coming back. At least, it doesn't need Zhao Chengfeng to throw money into it all the time.

Moreover, although nangongming and Liao Susu have been making love with each other all day, because of Jiangling, Dong's group successfully changed its name to Zhao's group, and soon came back to the original, and saw a smile.

It can also be seen from this that Jiangling's talent in business is far better than that of Nangong Ming. I know how to play the piano and say love all day.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you. You give me the bank card, I'll withdraw the money immediately, and I'll transfer it to you tomorrow. Ah, I really convinced you. How can I compete with a fool for more money? " Tian Xin'er complains that she really intends to repay Zhao Chengfeng.

After hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng felt more comfortable. At least Tian xiner was sincere.

"No, you can save the money and spend it yourself. You can buy whatever you want. I can't use the money now." Zhao Chengfeng refused.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? You don't want any money? Silly you Tian Xin'er was more and more depressed after hearing this.

Zhao Chengfeng directly returned the original words, saying: "if you are not stupid, do not give you money?"

"I..." Tian Xin'er said for a moment, and didn't know how to deal with it.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng heard the voice of a conversation downstairs. It was estimated that ye Zhuqing arrived and said, "OK, I won't talk to you. I have to go offline. I'll talk to you when I'm free tomorrow."

"Hey, don't hurry. Give me your card number. I'll transfer the money to you tomorrow morning. Hello..." Tian Xin'er yelled over there.

Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng has gone offline.

"Sister Bingbing, your family is really rich. This house is so big." Ye Zhuqing looked around and had to admire him.

In fact, ye Zhuqing, as an underworld princess, had a rich family. Like Liu Shiyun, she once had a villa on Jiangcheng Avenue, but it was not as big as this one.

"I didn't buy anything rich or not. It's the wedding house that Cheng Feng's father bought for us, but I seldom come to live here." Xia Bingbing said with a smile: "you make it first. The food will be ready soon."

Xia Bingbing's words are not casual. In the final analysis, it is an attitude - declaration of sovereignty.

I allow you to get close to my man, or even go to bed and have a baby, but the primary and secondary issues must not be confused. Xia Bingbing is always recognized as the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family. You can only be concubines at most.

"The trend has come down. Wash your hands and get ready for dinner. You can have a chat with Xiaoqing first, and the food will be ready soon." When Xia Bingbing was about to enter the kitchen, he didn't think that Zhao Chengfeng had come downstairs.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded with a smile, "it's hard."

Xia Bingbing smiles and goes directly into the kitchen.

"Come here, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry to let you go for nothing." Zhao Chengfeng apologized: "just sit down. When you get home, you're welcome."

When ye Zhuqing looks at the man, he suddenly feels that there are some strange men. In the past, Zhao Chengfeng was not so polite. Some of them were just domineering and domineering. Talk is full of yellow joke, you or with him, immediately take advantage of you, absolutely no two words.

"How are you feeling now? Are the wounds healed? " Ye Zhuqing looks at the man's arm with concern, and his heart aches faintly.

In ye Zhuqing's heart, although Zhao Chengfeng is a jerk, he is a jerk who makes people feel safe. If he is there, he will have a sense of security!

However, after Zhao Chengfeng was injured and hospitalized this time, ye Zhuqing suddenly found out that in fact, Zhao Chengfeng is just an ordinary person. He is not iron man. When he is tired, he will rest and cry when he is in pain. And such Zhao Chengfeng is more real, which makes people feel that he has flesh and blood and feelings.

Yes ah, if there is no emotion, as for for that laoshizi Shangguan Yan'er cry to death?

"Don't worry. It's much better. You don't have to worry about it." Zhao Chengfeng moved his hands and feet, showed ye Zhuqing strong muscles, and then asked: "how about the company? Is everything stable? "


Ye Zhuqing smoothed her hair and nodded: "the company has passed the storm. The car you gave me was mortgaged to the bank by me, and Qu Xiaoqiang is leading the team to deal with it now. It seems that the effect is pretty good at present. Almost one fifth of the money lost last time has come back."

"Although I mortgaged the car you gave me, you can rest assured that I will redeem it." Ye Zhuqing is afraid of Zhao Chengfeng's sadness, so she defends and testifies.

That car is not an ordinary car. Let alone Zhao Chengfeng, ye Zhuqing himself is deeply distressed. Although that pike peak has been used for some years, it can be absolutely forced to drive out, and its safety performance is comparable to that of a tank. There was no reaction to the crash of Rolls Royce.

This is quality!

"It doesn't matter. The car is just a means of transportation. As long as the company gets through the difficulties, the rest doesn't matter. You can do as you like." Zhao Chengfeng light smile, do not care about the hand.

The car is parked in nangongming. Where can I redeem it? Isn't that unnecessary?

But, ye Zhuqing is also a strong woman, some things can't let her know, wait for a long time, slowly also good.

"That's no good. It's your car. I need to redeem it on my own, otherwise I feel uneasy." Ye Zhuqing is stubborn.

Zhao Chengfeng helplessly shakes his head, "whatever you like, you can do whatever you like. I don't care."

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