Longteng Hotel, 308 ordinary suites, is divided into two bedrooms, a total of four women, four very beautiful looking women, like four delicate flowers in general.

However, the four women seem to have no expression in general, one is colder than the other, as if the whole world owes them, which makes people sad.

And these four people are the four golden flowers in the sky.

"What's the situation of the Chen family on the northwest border? Is it possible for them to join us? " Night rose spoke and asked.

"Chen Gaowang, who lives in the Chen family, has great strength, but the disciples below are really not so good. They can't get into the law completely. They are like idiots one by one." Linghu should say: "it is said that the enemy of the Chen family is spade nine."

Night rose smell speech, as if nothing heard like, continue to ask: "that means no play?"

"No, it's not out of the question."

Linghu shook his head and continued: "Chen Gaowang said, he knows that we can break the sky, and we can break the sky. It's not impossible to join the broken sky, but he has a condition."

"What conditions? He said Night rose is still cold face, like zombie face, completely without the slightest emotion.

"He asked us to help him. After he killed spade nine, he agreed to join Po Tian." Said the fox.

"What an old fox

The night rose does not move the facial expression, scolds a way: "with his present strength and influence, at most rank to spade eight even if good, still want us to help get rid of his enemy."

"What's more, spade nine is the focus of attention now. Can we do it to ourselves?"

Hear night rose say so, the remaining three people don't speak, just intentionally or unintentionally looked at the night rose, heart said, this is the above to care for people, or you night rose to care for people?

"In other ways, give Chen Gaowang some pressure. Make sure he joins us. Now we are short of manpower. We can't just let this master go." Night rose thought about it and said again.

Linghu nodded and said, "I'll try my best. As for whether I can succeed or not, I can't control it."

Smell speech, night rose nodded, show understanding.

"Then we'll..." night rose didn't finish a word, her ears suddenly stood up, and her expression became dignified.

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

The door rang.

"Who?" Fox Hunter asked, subconsciously grabbed the sword, the other three are also ready to go, as long as the other one rushed in, will be killed in the first time.

A few people are not what melon eggs, a little wind and grass, will be nervous vigilance.

"At the same time, my name is Zhao Chengfeng. If you don't want to die here, come out. I'll wait for you outside." Just at this time, Zhao Chengfeng's voice came from the door. It was very light and small, but it was like magic. It pierced into the ears of the four golden flowers clearly, showing indifference.

The spirit fox person and so on three people smell speech, subconsciously of all brush brush of hope toward the night rose.

Night rose's face is also extremely ugly, night rose really did not expect that he would find here, but also dare to challenge his party, obviously well prepared.

What night rose is most worried about is that Zhao Chengfeng will act recklessly and make a lot of trouble, which will also destroy the plan above!

"Spade nine, you have the courage to come and die?" Linghu people have been looking at Zhao Chengfeng, and now they finally have a chance to revenge.

Looking back, the spirit fox sneers at the night rose and says, "don't you love me?"

"What can I love? Let's go down together. " The night rose pretends to be indifferent to Tao, grabs the sword in her hand and goes out first.

When they got to the bottom of the hotel, the four golden flowers saw a car running towards them with a double flash, so they drove up and sped all the way to the seaside, and the car stopped.

Zhao Chengfeng came down from the car, holding a sword in his hand. It was Xuanyuan sword. He walked step by step to the four golden flowers. The man in the middle was night rose.

Maybe it was because they had already met each other. Night rose came out this evening without veil.

Just because of this, Zhao Chengfeng saw the cheek that had appeared in his dream for countless times, and the pain was not so easy to heal.

"Spade nine, what do you want to do?" The night rose opened her mouth first, staring at Zhao Chengfeng coldly, and said, "that sword didn't kill you. Do you come to the door again to seek death?"

"I'm not here to die, I'm here to find an answer."

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "if the answer given to me today can satisfy me, that's all. If you are not satisfied, you should leave your lives today. "

"That's a lot of tone!" Linghu people can't stand Zhao Chengfeng. He is too arrogant. Isn't he strong? As for that?

You know, there are countless people in the sky. If you really dare to fool around, some people will deal with you.

"I don't know if it's small, but I know you four are not my rivals." Zhao Chengfeng or that pair of plain expression, just, see the night rose that face, Zhao Chengfeng really heartache.

This is a girl who has been in love for more than 20 years. It's a pity that she didn't grow old with herself. Instead, she gave herself the biggest lie in the world.

This lie made Zhao Chengfeng miserable. When he learned the truth, he almost died.

"What do you want to know? You ask Night rose asked.

"Are you Shangguan Yan'er or night rose? If you are Shangguan Yan'er, why do you become the night rose of the four golden flowers?" Zhao Chengfeng stares at the woman's eyes, and the pain in his heart is magnified infinitely in an instant. Until now, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to face this reality, but now he has to face it.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I'm not only a man who breaks the sky, but also your boss. I hope you can do your own job well. Don't ask me what you shouldn't ask and don't care about the rest." Night rose light way, flat when some cruel.

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and looks back at the car.

Another man came down from the car, a slim woman. She didn't look very old.

"Sister, why are you such a bad person? Why? " The visitor suddenly burst into tears, and two lines of clear tears fell down.

This person is Shangguan Lanxin who goes out with Zhao Chengfeng. At the same time, Shangguan Lanxin is also Shangguan Yaner's sister, her own sister!

"I'm not your sister now. Please don't recognize your relatives. People who break the sky have no relatives." Shangguan Yan'er is slightly stagnant. However, she soon recovers her indifference.

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