"Go away, I don't want to kill women!"

Zhao Chengfeng waved, hoping to get rid of women. However, to Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, his fierce attack seemed to disappear without a trace.

And rosefinch moves like cotton in general, giving people a sense of no effort, true or false, not weird.

"Boy, although you are very good, but now you are too young." The rosefinch clapped her hands and retreated. At the end, she said, "but now you are better than your father."

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but attack, but he is frustrated. Finally, he is stopped by a woman. In the end, he can only watch Qinglong and his party leave, but he can't help it.

"Son of a bitch!" Zhao Chengfeng was very depressed with a wave of his fist. This time, jueji is the best chance to kill the four Dharma protectors. Unfortunately, he was stopped by Zhuque“ I don't know the relationship between the rosefinch and the old immortal. I've mentioned it several times in one night. Didn't the rosefinch let the old immortal sleep? "

The more Zhao Chengfeng thinks about it, the more likely he is. After all, the old man in his family is also a playboy.

"Next time I meet you two, even if you are my lover, I will kill you." Zhao Chengfeng mumbled, cleaned up and drove down the mountain.


"Brother, are you ok? You shed a lot of blood." Xuanwu holds the injured green dragon, heartache and anger.

Qinglong shook his head slightly and said, "don't worry, it's just a little flesh wound. If it wasn't for that boy's powerful weapons, he would not have hurt me at all. I can detect his strength. He just broke through the Lingwu realm soon... "

"A dead duck has a tough mouth. If it fails, it will fail. What's the point of not admitting it?" Sitting in the front row of the rosefinch a listen to this, disdain of curl.

"Rosefinch, you..." sure enough, Qinglong's face turned white, his chest fluctuated sharply, and his blood seemed to flow faster.

Xuanwu complained: "OK, third sister, can you stop talking?"

"I don't want to say anything. I just think you guys are tough. What's the shame of admitting? " Rosefinch still shook his head, obviously did not intend to give Qinglong any face.

The green dragon was so angry that he shivered and finally hummed, "rosefinch, don't you still remember that man?"

"Shut up Rosefinch is not happy, suddenly a horn, vent dissatisfaction.


Green dragon is not afraid of the threat of rosefinch, continued: "don't pretend, so many years of brother and sister, how can I not know what you think? But, I want to tell you, don't forget your own identity. Now you are one of the four Dharma protectors of Shatian. "

"Don't worry about me!" Rosefinch looked back at the dragon, stepped down the accelerator, and the speed rose again.

Seeing the rosefinch's reaction, Qinglong was not only unhappy, but also worried. If rosefinch's heart is like what he thought, how can he kill Zhao Chengfeng?

"I won't interfere in your private affairs, but now I have to remind you that Zhao Chengfeng is the enemy of our four Dharma protectors, and also the biggest civil troublemaker in today's world. On our way here, he has killed one of his own subordinates. All kinds of signs show that Zhao Chengfeng has been stimulated by the four golden flowers."

"I admit that Zhao Chengfeng is very powerful, but he is also the most unstable factor in the sky breaking." Qinglong knocks.

Rosefinch is still silent, just nibbling at her red lips. I don't know what she is thinking about


"Is she still awake?" Back at Beihai people's Hospital, it was already 6 p.m. when Zhao Chengfeng looked through the window, his brows twisted again.

Tang Wei shook her head and said: "at noon, she woke up once. After a few simple conversations with me, she went to sleep again. It can be seen that she was not in high spirits."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng wry smile shakes his head, heart said, if you also encounter such things, I'm afraid your interest is not high up.

"You're done?" Tang Wei finally couldn't help asking.

Zhao Chengfeng still shakes his head. After a long time, he sighs: "how can it be so fast? I'm afraid it won't be so easy to finish

"Then pay more attention to yourself. There are still some things in my bureau. Since you are back, I will leave first." Tang Wei is too lazy to ask. If a man is willing to say something, he will take the initiative to say it. Since he doesn't say it, he must be unwilling to say it.

And Tang Wei does have something to do. Just at noon today, Tang Wei heard a notice issued by the Bureau saying that a homicide happened in Linshi. The scene was extremely bloody and cruel. After discussion, it was determined that it was most likely that a killer came out. Therefore, Tang Wei had to arrange something.

"Well, if you slow down, I won't see you off. Thank you later." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "by the way, if you go to see the old man these days, say hello for me. I'll find time to see him in a few days."

"Well." Tang Wei nodded, turned and left the hospital.

Zhao Chengfeng just watched Tang Wei leave. When he looked back, he saw that Shangguan Lanxin on the bed suddenly moved. Finally, he opened his eyes. His slightly twisted eyebrows seemed to struggle.

"Lan Xin, are you awake? Do you feel better? " Zhao Chengfeng rushed up and asked with concern.

Shangguan Lanxin saw the comer clearly, nodded awkwardly, and said weakly, "it's OK."

"Then you have a good rest. Don't think about anything else. I will certainly do it for you..." Zhao Chengfeng just wanted to say "revenge". When the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them back.

Revenge? Ha ha, but how can Zhao Chengfeng do to Shangguan Yan'er?

"You don't have to worry about me. Thank you for sending me to the hospital. If I have a chance, I'll thank you again." Shangguan Lanxin responded, as if he thought of something sad, and his brow twisted into a knot in one's heart.

"Thank you or not." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said: "I just want to take you to have a look, but I never dreamed that she would attack you. After all, it's still my responsibility. I shouldn't..."

"I'll hate you if you don't take me." Shangguan Lanxin interrupted Zhao Chengfeng and continued: "but I didn't expect that my sister would hurt me. I... ah!"

Thinking of the sword on his chest, Shangguan Lanxin really has an impulse to wipe his neck and kill himself. Shangguan Lanxin doesn't feel that he loves his sister so much that he will kill himself. This

"Even if I don't avenge you, if I see you again in the future, I will seek justice for you and ask you clearly." Zhao Chengfeng said.

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