"Then hold it like a dream."

After a moment's deliberation, Wang Zijian finally made a decision that the banana live broadcasting platform could not rank in the whole China. The biggest reason why this year is so prosperous is that the female anchor is like a dream.

Not long after graduating from Rumeng University, because of her good foundation, she belongs to the owner with tender skin. In addition, she will be coquettish and cute. On weekdays, in the live broadcast, the occasional dew point gives many fans benefits, which makes Rumeng's popularity high. To some extent, before Tian Xin'er, the whole platform was supported by dreams.

Before, Tian Xin'er's live broadcast room had a moderate number of fans. Because of the appearance of "brother Feng", Tian Xin'er's live broadcast room suddenly became popular. Just because of this, he complained to Wang Zijian before his dream.

Since we can't hold Tian Xin'er, let's hold it like a dream.

"Why, my computer can't move?" However, a strange scene appeared, Wang Zijian suddenly found his computer black screen, unless you pick off the battery, otherwise, no reaction.

Wang Zijian is completely depressed. Is the apple computer he just bought broken again?

"Go to him. The American is really a unscrupulous businessman. I want to go to him." Wang Zijian fell the mouse, indignant to open another computer.

However, when Wang Zijian once again entered the platform system, "brush" once again, the screen was black again!

"It's such a dog. What's going on?" Wang Zijian is really angry this time, and is ready to call the after-sales maintenance personnel of apple computer.

But Wang Zijian's phone hasn't been dialed out yet. The phone call of the ace female anchor Rumeng comes in first. Wang Zijian is not in a good mood, and her tone is not much better.

"Say something. I have something to do now." Wang Zijian said with a black face.

"Boss Wang, it's not good. The live broadcasting platform suddenly disappeared. As soon as you enter the live broadcasting platform, the computer will go black. What should I do? Did someone attack our system? " Wang Zijian's voice broke down over the phone.

Wang Zijian's forehead erupted a layer of sweat, murmured: "other anchor also encountered such a situation?"


Rumeng said anxiously: "not only the female anchor can't get into the room, but also the fans. Several fans just told me about it."

"..." Wang Zijian, completely confused, leans on the boss's chair dejectedly, and suddenly thinks of a person in his mind -- brother Feng.

——If you want to block Laozi's number, Laozi will block your website!

In less than half an hour, is the so-called "brother Feng" really a powerful person?

"Boss Wang, you are talking. What should we do now?" Rumeng is also in a hurry now. Now is a good time to rush to the list, but such things happen to the platform, doesn't it mean that all the fans accumulated in this year have lost their value?

You know, in order to achieve today's success, Rumeng has "in-depth communication" with some big bosses and rich people in private. It seems that the harvest is about to come, but when it comes to such unfortunate things, who is not depressed?

"Don't worry, first steady your fans, I immediately find two friends, as soon as possible to restore the network, you don't worry." Wang Zijian was still a little determined and soon thought out the countermeasures.

Even if you can't recover the network, it doesn't matter. Your platform is legal. Just make a statement that the state will help you recover. However, Wang Zijian couldn't swallow this breath, so he had to find the place!

"Good, but boss Wang, you have to hurry up. Time is waiting for no one." Rumeng is still worried.

If you don't live for one day, you will lose many fans. Now people who watch live on the Internet are tired of the old and the new. You have to play for another two or three days and disappear. No one will care for you.

Let alone the female anchorperson, even the big stars. To keep the screen hot, if you really disappear for a while, fans will make you disappear forever.

Therefore, the reason why the entertainment industry now looks extremely chaotic is that some out of date stars are often photographed by paparazzi. As long as they can attract the audience's attention, there is no limit to hype about dating, having children, divorce and so on.

Big stars are still like this, and as a female anchor, Rumeng is even more like this.

"If you dare to hack Laozi's website, I'll play with you!" Knowing that the platform was hacked, Wang Zijian was relieved.

Many loser fans on the platform are willing to see some large-scale things with "depth" to relieve the emptiness, loneliness and coldness. Therefore, Wang Zijian is afraid that the internet police will block the website. If the network police blocked the website, Wang Zijian would never want to make a comeback. It would be good if he didn't go in and eat imperial food for a few days.

But if there is a hacker attack platform, Wang Zijian won't worry about it. Wang Zijian is a computer expert, and some offensive programs can be made and cracked.

At the moment, Wang Zijian contacted several friends to help crack it. After several hours of preparation, several people set up a computer one by one and pressed it. However, it didn't help. The computer was still black!

"Damn, this son of a bitch is so powerful?" Wang Zijian was not happy. He thought that with his own ability, he could recover the platform system.

"Brother Wang, the other side is an absolute master."

One of them took a puff of smoke and said in a deep voice, "our brothers have been busy for a long time, but they haven't even touched the door."

"Yes, the other party is absolutely superior. Now we can't even find out the ID of the other party." Another echoed.

"Damn it."

Wang Zijian didn't have a good way: "if I can find out his ID, I will cut him down now!"

"This, this..."

At this time, one person saw the changes of several computer screens and was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

"What's the matter..." Wang Zijian didn't finish his sentence, his face was very blue, and he wanted to smash the computer.

Including Wang Zijian, there are four people, each of whom has a computer, and the other party just sent four words, one word on each screen.

——A bunch of brats!

The four bright characters make Wang Zijian's four people have no temper. NIMA has been busy for a long time, but he doesn't understand anything. At this time, people sarcastically slap Wang Zijian in the face, which makes Wang Zijian have no temper.

What is a Cowman? This is the real bull man.

"Brother Wang, I can't deal with this man. I'll leave first. You can do it slowly." One of them left in shame, even didn't want the computer.

"Brother Wang, I'm going too."

"I'm gone, too."

For a time, all three of them left, only Wang Zijian was smoking, depressed and extremely depressed.

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