No. 1 Wharf in Beihai City, in such a large warehouse, there are not many goods piled up, which makes it particularly empty. You can sound the echo even if you fart.

However, the atmosphere in the warehouse was eerie. Two men and a woman were sitting together. One of them was injured, and his chest was bandaged with blood oozing. None of them spoke, and they were very quiet.

"Big brother, the strength of spade nine is greatly increased now, and the weapons in his hands are really powerful. My meteor hammer has been cracked." He spoke of Xuanwu, with a dignified face and a dull voice.

Qinglong didn't open his mouth, but the gloomy face showed Qinglong's inner resentment.

"Elder brother, why don't we unite with some people to encircle and suppress Zhao Chengfeng again?" Seeing that Qinglong and Zhuque did not speak, Xuanwu had an idea.

The green dragon made a calculation and nodded.

As the first of the four Dharma protectors, Qinglong is in a high position in the whole broken heaven. It has a lot to do with many people in the broken heaven. As long as Qinglong opens his mouth, someone will help him.

"You two had better not fool around." Little said rosefinch opened his mouth, "that Zhao Chengfeng's own strength is not vulgar, joint other people to work together, the chance of winning is greater, it is true, but who has full assurance to kill it?"

"Once you can't kill him, you will surely suffer his crazy revenge. How can you resist it then?" Asked the rosefinch.

Hearing the words, green dragon frowned and hummed coldly: "are we so humiliated by a hairy boy? Is this the end of white tiger's revenge? No, absolutely not

"Ha ha."

The rosefinch also doesn't grin with the green dragon, light way: "you two don't forget two things, first, this spade nine is the person who has expended a lot of thought to win over, if he died, the top will forgive you?"

Sure enough, after hearing this, Qinglong and Xuanwu turned white and hesitated.

"Second, the real name of spade nine is Zhao Chengfeng, and his father's name is Zhao Feilong. Maybe you are not very familiar with this name, but I can tell you both very responsibly that this person has lived for more than 300 years. You can think about what it means." The rosefinch continued.


Xuanwu took a cold breath and looked at Qinglong. They were shocked in each other's eyes.

They are the four Dharma protectors of the broken heaven. They are not only the ancient martial arts masters, but also the masters in the later period of the ancient martial arts realm and even in the early period of the Lingwu realm.

But if you want to live for 300 years, it's at least the existence of experts in the Xuanwu realm, or even more powerful.

"Think about it for yourself. I won't interfere in this matter." With that, rosefinch turned around and left.

"Rosefinch, don't you avenge the second one?" Green Dragon resentment way.

The rosefinch turned around, sneered at the corner of her mouth and said, "that's very nice. Do you want to avenge the white tiger, or do you want us to die? Qinglong, don't think I don't know what's in your head. What revenge for brothers is nonsense. You are afraid that the rise of spade nine will affect your current position

"You... You talk nonsense!"

Smell speech, green dragon complexion a white, become extremely ugly.

"Isn't that nonsense? Don't you have the bottom in your heart?" The rosefinch asked back, with a mockery in the corner of his mouth.

Xuanwu looked back at Qinglong, subconsciously alert.

"You The green dragon is very angry, but he can't get angry. Even if he gets angry, he may not be the opponent of the rosefinch. Moreover, the rosefinch's words are really in the heart of the green dragon.

Qinglong is really afraid of Zhao Chengfeng. Once it becomes the climate in the future, he will not be able to suppress it.

"Don't worry about you. It's very kind of you to save your life today. If you want to incite me to come out for you, don't even think about it. Today, I remind you that it's purely for the sake of our long-term cooperation. Otherwise, I don't care about you." Rosefinch said, turned and left.

Although Xuanwu is upright and honest, he is not really stupid. Just now the rosefinch has said that. If he wants to stay and work hard for Qinglong, he is really stupid.

"Brother, I have some private affairs to deal with. You are not seriously injured, so I'll leave first." Xuanwu answered, and without waiting for Qinglong to speak, he left.

Qinglong is so angry that he has to blow his beard and stare, but there's no good way. If you want to blame him, you can only blame Zhao Chengfeng, who is so powerful.

"Well! Two cowards. He's Zhao Chengfeng, and I'm not a vegetarian! " Green dragon is unconvinced, think about it, feel out the mobile phone, just about to dial out, the warehouse do not know when to face a man.

The man is not tall, thin, wearing a mask can not see the real face, however, this mask will be Qinglong to suppress.

"Wang, why are you here?" Green dragon stood up, looking at the people in panic, bowing like a shrimp, showing great respect.

The man came slowly, looking very slowly, but in fact very quickly. He felt that he was not coming, just like a ghost. With the mask of a kid in a playing card, he looked like a ghost.

"If I don't come, I'm afraid you'll die." Xiao Wang said faintly: "it's really hateful that spade nine killed white tiger and killed his subordinates. However, as the head of the four Dharma protectors, your duty is not to clean up the door. Even if Zhao Chengfeng should die, it's not your turn to do it."

With that, Xiao Wang glanced at Qinglong.

"My subordinates are wrong!" Green Dragon quickly lowered his head.

Qinglong has to bow his head, because Xiao Wang's eyes are so indifferent that they don't dare to look directly at him.

"If you are wrong, you will be punished. You can do it by yourself. As for Zhao Chengfeng's affairs, you don't have to interfere any more. I have my own discretion." Xiao Wang stood with his hands down, looking at his emaciated body, but domineering and imposing.

"Yes, Wang!"

Qinglong nodded and felt that his heart was bleeding. He accepted the punishment. Ha ha, it's easy to listen, but it's not easy to carry the punishment. If it's not good, it's death.

"Well, I'll give you three days to punish yourself. I have other things to go first." Xiao Wang light finish, turned and left, still like a ghost in general, come and go without a trace, let alone hear a little sound.

Qinglong sits down dejectedly, with a cold sweat on his back. Well, rosefinch's reminder has just come true, but it's only Qinglong who finally accepts the punishment.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you son of a bitch, you've killed me." After a long time, Qinglong suddenly raised his head and roared. He was extremely unwilling, but he had nothing to do.

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