"It's so popular. You're a boy." Out of Tang Aotian's room, Shangguan xiongchong gives Zhao Chengfeng a thumbs up.

After negotiation, Zhao Chengfeng accepted the task. Of course, even without this order, Zhao Chengfeng will still do it, because Yan'er is still in the mire.

If you want to pull out Shangguan Yan'er, you must destroy the sky!

"Shangguan, please don't give me a high hat. The negotiation is successful. At first sight, it's a huge advantage. But Yan'er and I also bear great pressure. This reward can only be regarded as drizzle." Sitting in the car, Zhao Chengfeng and shangguanxiong chat slowly.

While smoking, Zhao Chengfeng said: "the problem that must be solved now is how to let Po Tian accept me again and not break into the enemy. I'm afraid it's very difficult to succeed."


Hearing this, shangguanxiong sighed, "yes, some things are simple to say, but dangerous to do. I'm afraid that one day I'll kill my own granddaughter if it's not for the big leader's opinion today. I'm afraid I'll be scared when I think about it. "

Zhao Chengfeng deeply thought ran nodded.

"But as a soldier, I can't say anything. A soldier's duty is to obey orders. What I can do is to obey orders, unconditionally." Shangguanxiong said with a bitter smile that if he went to fight against the enemy, shangguanxiong would not blink his brow, but he could do it to his relatives. Shangguanxiong really couldn't do it.

The palm and the back of the hand are all meat. How can we deal with each other?

"Let's go step by step. I'll think about it after I go back. I'll get in touch with you when I have a plan." Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice: "in addition, you also let Lanxin take good care of her injury. Maybe next, she will cooperate with her to help her act."


Shangguanxiong nodded heavily, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Chengfeng, these two granddaughters are the most precious. I haven't asked anyone in my life. Please take good care of these two sisters tonight, especially Yan'er, and let her go!"

"Certainly." Zhao Chengfeng definitely nodded, this is not a promise to shangguanxiong, but also his own oath.

Shouldn't a man take protecting his own woman as his duty?

"Please." Shangguanxiong said again.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to talk about it. Looking at shangguanxiong, a senior general, he asked again and again, but he was not satisfied. He changed the topic and asked, "by the way, shangguanxiong, who is the bodyguard next to the leader? I feel like a cow. "

"That must be a cow." Shangguan xiongzhengse way: "big leader's bodyguard, strength is not small."

"Tell me the origin of this man carefully." Zhao Chengfeng is interested and curious.

Just when they were in the room, Zhao Chengfeng and Qin Yuzi stood up. Although Zhao Chengfeng was very noisy, he didn't know what to do in his heart. Just now, he even thought about how to run away once they started.

"His name is Qin Yuzi. He has protected several major leaders, made a lot of contributions, and defeated numerous foreign experts who came to challenge him." Shangguan said in a deep voice, "as for how powerful he is, I don't know. In all these years, I haven't heard of him losing."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng eyebrows up a pick, incredible way: "really so cow?"

"Do you think I can cheat you?" Shangguanxiong said: "of course, as for the origin, it's even more unclear. However, your father may know something. You can ask your father when you go back. "

Zhao Chengfeng is a little disappointed. After a long time, he has no idea. Isn't it in vain?

"However, Chengfeng is not an old man. I'm talkative. It's time to change your temper. It's OK to be presumptuous in front of the big leader. The big leader is friendly, but that Qin Yuzi is really hot tempered. Don't provoke him if you have nothing to do. It's not good for anyone to start a hand. It's hard for the big leader to be caught in the middle." Shangguanxiong continued to remind.

Although Zhao Chengfeng's Laozi is one of the best in the world, Qin Yuzi is not easy to deal with. What collision will happen? Which side is better?

"I don't have the time to provoke him." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so. He has a lot to do in his heart. He has time to fight with others.

When we got back to Zhao's old house, it was already 9:30 in the evening. After eating and washing, we went to bed. Only Zhao Feilong and Fu Bo were sitting in the yard, as if waiting for Zhao Chengfeng.

"It's time to come back now. What's the assignment for you?" Zhao Feilong frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

Zhao Chengfeng walked over and poured himself a cup of tea. He nodded and said, "yes, I took the task again."

"Well, something's wrong."

Zhao Feilong looked at his son and exclaimed. He looked at Zhao Cheng and said, "son, isn't it a good task?"

Zhao Feilong is really curious. His son arrived in the capital at five o'clock in the morning last night. His face is as black as a dark cloud. How ugly is it? As for the reasons, Zhao Feilong knows more or less. His daughter's love is good. Who hasn't been trapped by love?

Just, this just how long Kung Fu, son unexpectedly not depressed. At least, I can't see anything unhappy on my face. Instead, I'm full of energy.

"There's nothing good or bad about a task." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a bitter smile and sighed: "this time the task is very arduous. I'm afraid it can't be completed in a year and a half."

"Then why are you happy? How do I feel like you're happy? " When Zhao Feilong heard the speech, he was even more puzzled. There was something wrong everywhere.

"Don't ask so much."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, changed a topic and said, "I'll go back to Beihai City early tomorrow morning. Can you teach me two powerful moves or something, so that I don't have to fight with others outside and lose your face."

"Hiss! Something's wrong

Seeing this, Zhao Feilong couldn't help shaking his head. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. How could his son suddenly raise this issue? In the afternoon, what old man Chen didn't tell him was very clear?

"Son, to be honest, have you been stimulated?" Zhao Feilong concerned asked: "or brain short circuit is not easy to use."

"What are you talking about?"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng's face drooped, and he didn't have a good way: "can you give me some hope? Even if I have a bad brain, I have inherited your genes. "

"Don't I care about you? Don't be angry... "Zhao Feilong said.

"All right, I won't tell you. I'm going to bed!" Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and complained as he walked: "I don't know how I met such a Lao Tzu as you. I can't count on anything. It's a failure..."

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