Despite the factory explosion and employee injury, the perfume lily company has developed a brand culture. After three days of rectifying the factory, the factory restarted.

Full of vigour and a fighting spirit soars aloft. What awfully busy workers are earning large quantities of gold each day is the most vigorous and vigorous company.

"If the company develops smoothly, I can rest assured." Zhao Chengfeng stood downstairs for a while. He was quite sure that after smoking a cigarette, he was ready to go upstairs to talk with Xia Bingbing.

"Brother in law, it's you. You're a rare guest. Long time no see." Who knows, when Zhao Chengfeng was about to enter the elevator, he Yongfei came out of the elevator.

Obviously, he Yongfei was particularly surprised to see Zhao Chengfeng. Calculate the day, the two have not met for several months, even if it is during the meeting, but also in a hurry to say goodbye.

"What kind of rare guest is not rare? Do you laugh at me?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile. Looking at he Yongfei's clothes, he suddenly brightened up.

Today, he Yongfei seems to have developed for the second time. He is tall and round, and his snow-white skin is full of charming ruddy.

Wearing a camel coat, tight leggings, and a pair of thin heels, the whole person looks competent and sexy. I don't know where to stir up the black framed glasses, which adds a touch of intellectual beauty.

"By the way, what are you doing? It's a beautiful dress. It's like a blind date. It's so exciting. " Zhao Chengfeng praised a, to tell the truth, in the past really did not find how good he Yongfei figure, now a look, at the beginning absolutely forced is the wind elder brother to see.

Of course, it is also possible that he Yongfei's clothes in the past were not matched properly. Anyway, he Yongfei is not what he used to be. He has the temperament of his cousin Xia Bingbing, and is more warm and sexy than Xia Bingbing's cool and gorgeous.

"Ah, brother-in-law, you are so powerful. How do you know I'm going on a blind date?" Smell speech, he Yongfei surprised, incredible looking at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng is even more surprised. Don't you just talk about it? I didn't expect to be right.

"It's really going on a blind date. You're not the one who can't get married." Zhao Chengfeng is very strange. I really don't understand why he Yongfei's good conditions have reduced him to a blind date?

You know, he Yongfei not only has excellent conditions and numerous pursuers, but also has a prominent family background. He has many admirers. I don't know how many rich people dream of marrying a goddess like he Yongfei, but how can she go on a blind date?

"Can you do without a blind date? My father doesn't urge me. I can play whatever I want, but my mother doesn't agree. " Mentioning this matter, he Yongfei did not shake his head and said with a bitter smile: "my mother is more than that. Don't you like a childe? I can't wait to marry me out, but I haven't done much, so I'll give my photos and phone to someone else. "

"I don't think that man has ever seen any beautiful women. When he saw my mother's picture, he couldn't hold it. He called to offer me for three days. Didn't he just call me? I thought about the past trip and gave up the idea of the goods. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with the company today. "

"I see!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and finally understood he Yongfei's distress.

"You mean you don't like it?" After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng asked. He had already made a small calculation in his heart.

Now my sister-in-law looks so beautiful, there is absolutely no reason to give up. Brother Feng has no great ambition in his life, and he has no immunity to beautiful women.

What's more, don't you often say the old saying? My sister-in-law is half of my brother-in-law's. Zhao Chengfeng said that he didn't eat this dish. How can he let others take the lead?

"Brother in law, don't you talk nonsense?" He Yongfei rolled his eyes and muttered: "if I like him, I don't have to be so upset."

"It's easy to do. Do you want your brother-in-law to help you?" Zhao Chengfeng was overjoyed at the news and said to he Yongfei, "as soon as my brother-in-law comes out, he won't bother you for the rest of his life."


When he Yongfei heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, "brother-in-law, do you really have a way to help me?"

"There must be a way. Who is your brother-in-law? Nicknamed Xiao Zhuge, how can we deal with the sticky cobbler? " Zhao Chengfeng, with a face full of anger, lets he Yongfei shake his arm and squint into he Yongfei's collar.

Although it's wrong for a brother-in-law to look at his sister-in-law, if a man doesn't have the slightest idea of beauty, it's absolutely disrespectful to beauty!

Zhao Chengfeng thinks that this is also "human nature, man's nature!"

"If you're not busy, you can go with me. That guy is very annoying. He has to call me a lot every day and send me a lot of messages. I'm so angry." He Yongfei drags Zhao Chengfeng, thinking that he must solve the problem today.

Frankly speaking, today's he Yongfei really doesn't want to get married, and doesn't even mean to be a partner. Over the years, the only thing that makes he Yongfei feel a little bit is the man in front of him. It's a pity that he is his brother-in-law, otherwise he would have done it by himself.

"Come on, I'll go with you." Zhao Chengfeng is very righteous.

They got on Zhao Chengfeng's broken Jetta and drove out cheerfully.

"Brother in law, how do you plan to help me get rid of that man? If you have any ideas, you can quickly say that I can cooperate with you after it's over." After getting on the bus, he Yongfei can't wait.

This is also a unified approach. Don't be confused for a while, and people will see the clue.


Zhao Chengfeng disapproved and said, "we just need to be lovers. Now you are my woman. Isn't everything ok?"

"Pretend to be a couple, me and you?" When he Yongfei heard that it was this idea, her pretty face turned red unnaturally, and her little heart began to jump up involuntarily.

Zhao Chengfeng face a board, positive color way: "that of course is I and you pretend to be lovers, others can be worthy of you?"

"Ha ha." He Yongfei is more happy when he hears the speech, but he has to admire Zhao Chengfeng's face. When he praises others, he praises himself by the way. His speech is really not so good.

"But there's one thing you should pay attention to." After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "I'm afraid the goods are not so easy to fool. For example, when we are pretending to be lovers, we must be very close to each other. We can't let him see that we are pretending. We need to help each other. Don't rely on me."

Smell speech, he Yongfei Xiu eyebrow micro Cu, some for is: "that, that in the end how should play?"? I haven't done it before

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