"Ha ha."

Ye Liangchen's face was stiff and ugly, but ye Liangchen didn't give up, and his heart was extremely unwilling.

Why can't you be better than a migrant worker?

"Don't laugh so insincerely."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "you can accept your fate. I'm living a good life with Fei Er now. I hope you don't interfere in our life, otherwise, I'll be rude to you!"

"Don't be polite to me, I want to be rude to you!"

Of course, ye Liangchen won't say that. It's not gentlemanly in front of the goddess. Of course, the most important thing is that ye Liangchen doesn't dare.

Yes, even if Zhao Chengfeng looks like bean sprouts and migrant workers, he Yongfei's intimate arm is enough to prove that they have a good relationship. It doesn't matter if Zhao Chengfeng is offended. But once he Yongfei's father gets angry, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Ha ha, if you are really Phil's boyfriend, even if I am not reconciled, I will only compete with you fairly. After all, I like Phil from the bottom of my heart." Ye Liangchen smile, still gentlemanly and elegant, "now that I have the honor to meet you, why don't we have a meal together and get to know each other, maybe we can support each other in the future."

He Yongfei is a little hesitant. He didn't expect that ye Liangchen was so persistent that he said that he had a boyfriend and would stay for dinner. Isn't it clear that he would never die?

What he Yongfei is more afraid of is that he will continue to act next. It's nothing to cuddle his waist at the moment. What should he do if he wants to kiss later?

"Ha ha, Xiao Ye is really enthusiastic." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "fei'er, since Xiao Ye is so generous, I think he sincerely invited us. It's better to go. In addition, it's time for dinner. I'm really hungry."

Zhao Chengfeng said so, he Yongfei can only agree, as long as a refusal, a fool can see this between the two.

"We should be warm to our friends, please." Ye Liangchen laughs, but in his heart he scolds his mother.

What a cheeky son of a bitch! I invited Phil, but I didn't invite you. What a passion for you? The most important thing is that ye Liangchen is extremely uncomfortable because of the "Xiao Ye". He feels like a younger generation, not to mention suffering.

"Come on, let's eat!"

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and took he Yongfei to the hotel. As he walked, he muttered: "I heard that the guest room of Lane Hotel is good. Fei Er, we'll open a room here after dinner..."

"What are you talking about?" He Yongfei's pretty face turned red, and he gave Zhao Chengfeng a fierce look. He was so ashamed that he wanted to find a way to get in.

"It is. Don't you always want children? We have to hurry up. " Zhao Chengfeng doesn't pay attention to he Yongfei's angry stare at all, and comes again.


No matter how red he Yongfei's face is, he doesn't know what to say. Shame and anger rise in his heart at the same time, which is beyond our control.

It was not until this moment that he Yongfei knew why his brother-in-law had so many nicknames in his cousin's mouth, and what "hooligan", "bastard" and "sex wolf" really matched him very well.

"Damn it

Ye Liangchen, who was just about to follow in, was stunned at this. Paralyzed, listen to this meaning, he Yongfei, this beautiful Narcissus, is mostly spoiled by the guy dressed up by migrant workers.

"Damn it, what a good woman! She's not my share!" Ye Liangchen scolds in the heart way, have a kind of impulse that makes Zhao Chengfeng die suddenly.

He Yongfei is such a gorgeous girl. Besides herself, who else is qualified to sleep?

"Boss, I'd better give you the car and key." Ye Liangchen calms down. When he is about to enter, he is stopped by the security guard and gives ye Liangchen the key to the broken Jetta.

The security guard is not stupid either. Just stop the broken car if you want. After a while, he will leave. What's the matter with giving the key to himself? What if the owner of the car says something is missing?

"What are you doing for me? Take it for yourself. " Looking at the key of the broken car, ye Liangchen was even more angry. Maybe they were rolling on the car.

The key is that I feel dirty when I hold this broken key. When is the age when I still drive a tetragonal broken Jetta? It's better to drive a QQ car out. At least people's QQ car looks lovely.

"This... I..." the security guard is silly. Do you really want to show people the car?


Ye Liangchen's sleeve flicks, does not bird security at all, strides to follow up.

The private room is set on the second floor. It's a private suite. In addition to eating, you can watch TV, sleep and take a bath. It's very luxurious.

"Tut Tut, this private room is good, Xiao Ye. It cost you a lot of money." After entering the private room, Zhao Chengfeng was just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking east and West, and his exclamation was beyond expression.

"Sure enough, it's a bumpkin!"

Ye Liangchen disdained in his heart, but he said with a smile: "I don't use a few money. I think the grade is a little low. I think..."

"Enough grades, enough." Without waiting for ye Liangchen to finish, Zhao Chengfeng interrupted the latter and went straight to he Yongfei and said, "Fei Er, look, my God, this big round bed is so soft. After dinner, we don't have to open another room. Just sleep here..."

He Yongfei was so angry that he stamped his feet. His face was so red that he was bleeding. How could he say such a thing? Isn't that to discredit yourself?

However, he Yongfei can't say anything. If ye Liangchen sees something, it will be troublesome.

"Oh, yes, Xiao Ye." No matter what they thought, Zhao Chengfeng continued to brag: "well, after dinner, you can go. There's no need to return the private room. When I leave with Fei Er, I will return it."


Even if ye Liangchen is well-educated, he can't help it at this moment. Damn, it's just that he robbed his own woman. Now it's good to humiliate himself in front of the goddess.

You robbed Laozi's woman and opened a room to sleep with the woman I like. Are you willing to let Laozi pay you for the room? What a jerk does it take to do such a jerk?

"Well, let's order first. It's noon." Ye Liangchen finally did not get angry, dry cough twice, resolved some embarrassment.

"Well, it's a nice place." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to be bored. He lights a cigarette and slowly smokes it. Although his expression is very rich, he is too calm in his heart.

How many times have you been to the Lane Hotel? How can you not know the inside story?

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