"That's good. That's good. Let's go and sit down together. We haven't seen each other for many days. We have to have a good chat today." An Zhicheng invited.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but give face. He says that an Zhicheng is an Bai's elder brother, so he has to go!

"Well, I'll follow Ann Shao to have a long experience." With that, Zhao Chengfeng winked at he Yongfei, and they got up together and were ready to go out.

Zhao Chengfeng was full after a hard meal, but he Yongfei and others didn't move their chopsticks much. Although a good table of food was destroyed by Zhao Chengfeng's spittle.

But we don't worry. When we get to the club, we have everything to eat.

When it comes to clubs, they are actually rich people's things. For example, three or five friends with similar interests invest in a villa or something, drink tea, chat and talk about business. It's much quieter and more convenient than outside.

The "convenience" here refers to the convenience in all aspects. For example, some people are fond of whoring and gambling. They feel troublesome and unsafe in bars and hotels outside. But the club is different. It's a private site, and they don't play as they want? Today's rich people, TUT is a comfort.

"Anshao, take my car. My car has already come out. It's inconvenient for you to drive after drinking." When an Zhicheng and the other three came out, ye Liangchen had already actively driven the car out.

Ye Liangchen's car is really up-to-date. BMW 7 series is worth millions. If you change it into cash, you can buy a lot of broken Jettas like Zhao Chengfeng.

"Here, sir, I've given you back your car keys. Your car is parked here in good condition. I didn't touch it." Seeing Zhao Chengfeng coming out, the security guard on one side rushed forward and gave Zhao Chengfeng the key of the car. He ran away as if he was hiding from the plague.

Zhao Chengfeng went to the Jetta, nodded his head with satisfaction, and said sincerely: "the service of the Lane Hotel is good, worthy of being a five-star hotel. The doorkeepers are so conscientious and responsible, cow."

"Chengfeng, this is your car." An Zhicheng frowned slightly, very confused.

With Zhao Chengfeng's ability, he will never be reduced to driving a Jetta. Is there something wrong with him recently?

"Yes, this is my car. What, you can take Xiaoye's car. How high-end his car is." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "my car is not as comfortable as that one."

An Zhicheng didn't even look at ye Liangchen's car, but he was thinking about whether to ask the people below to send a car to Zhao Chengfeng. When the car goes out, it's just playing pig and eating tiger. It's a killer in the Yamen.

Who can think of a person who drives a broken Jetta that he has not known for more than ten years, such as Zhao Chengfeng? Can't you bully him?

"My car is high-end. It's not high-end at all. Brother Feng's car is really awesome. The limited edition Jetta in 1989 is absolutely antique." Ye Liangchen doesn't dare to look down upon Zhao Chengfeng now. If he really looks down upon Zhao Chengfeng, doesn't that mean slapping his face?

With Zhao Chengfeng's ability, it's not necessarily how to deal with himself.

"It's Xiaoye who has a good eye. To tell you the truth, Volkswagen is crying for me not to drive my car. They want to take it back. I haven't agreed. They've given me five million yuan." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and blew it like it was real.

Ye Liangcheng was very cooperative and said: "really, brother Feng, we'd better change the car. I've taken advantage of you. How about that?"

"Well? Do you really want to trade with me? " Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes brightened.

"Yeah, yeah, I haven't driven a limited edition car yet. I want to give it a try." Ye Liangchen said with a smile. He also thought that he didn't know the background of Zhao Chengfeng, but it's not easy to make an Zhicheng pay so much attention to him.

Having offended Zhao Chengfeng before, ye Liangchen also wants to use this car to ease their relationship. Maybe they can help each other in the future. At last, an Zhicheng can't make sense.

"I've got it!"

Zhao Chengfeng pretended to think for a moment, slapped his thigh, and said: "well, to tell you the truth, I really can't bear to give up my car. However, since you have begged me, Xiaoye, I can't help but agree. Others say that I don't know how to take care of the younger generation. Here, take this car. "

Say, Zhao Chengfeng threw car key to ye Liangchen.

Ye Liangchen took it with a smile. He was really numb. In the blink of an eye, millions of dollars were gone. But the 7-series BMW, which had just driven, was reluctant to take his sister to the car shock. He was about to give it away. Ah!

"Brother Feng, this is the key to the car. You put it away." Although the heart does not want to, but ye Liangchen or the car keys to the past.

Playing with the car keys, Zhao Chengfeng muttered: "ah, there are some idiots in the world. It's IQ to trade the latest BMW for the oldest Jetta."

"Bang Dang!"

When ye Liangchen heard this, he couldn't help faltering and smashing on the front of Jetta. He was almost angry and paralyzed. He took advantage of it. Can you stop talking about it?

Do you understand?

"Come on, you boy, can you stop talking nonsense and get on the bus." An Zhicheng can't help but look at Zhao Chengfeng. He says that this guy is as naughty as ever. He is angry with ye Liangchen.

I don't know how ye Liangchen humiliated Zhao Chengfeng just now. Do you feel the retribution now?

"Ah, let's go. Today's luck is really good. After eating and drinking, others are still surprised to give me a car. Ah, this luck is just..." Zhao Chengfeng muttered and started the car, ready to go out.

When we got to the door, the security guard saw that Zhao Chengfeng was driving, and immediately he was dumbfounded.

"My friend, as a security guard, you are very conscientious. I admire you very much. Work hard and make progress every day. You see, I just drove a Jetta, but I just drove a BMW? So, to be a man, you must have a dream, understand? " Zhao Chengfeng put down the window and rushed to the security guard.

Sure enough, when the security guard heard this, he felt that he was full of strength. He even saluted Zhao Chengfeng.

"Well, I appreciate your working attitude. Come on, do well!" With that, Zhao Chengfeng started the car and left.

"I really convinced you. What do you care about as a security guard?" He Yongfei can't help but take a look at Zhao Chengfeng. He also understands why Zhao Chengfeng said so. Isn't it just that the security guard didn't let him stop?

It's too stingy.

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