"Ha ha, it seems that you are not so strange to this family."

Taking ye Liangchen's actions and expressions into full view, an Zhicheng finally said: "anyway, you remember, don't provoke Zhao Chengfeng, let alone his friends, brothers and women, otherwise, you will die very ugly, and even involve your family."

"I'm stupid enough to provoke him!" Ye Liangchen couldn't help wiping his forehead with sweat. He said that today is really thanks to an Zhicheng. Otherwise, if he accidentally offends a big man, he can't tell.


On the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng and he Yongfei have just left the club. The insurance company hasn't arrived yet, and the two cars are still stuck together. The Jetta is a good one. The big BMW hit its butt so violently, and it's still firm. There's no big scar.

It's just that a long part of the front of the BMW is embedded in the bottom of the Jetta. I'm afraid I can't drive it out for a while. If I move the Jetta, I'm afraid I have to drag the BMW away.

"What kind of car are you driving? The two good cars are scrapped by you. " He Yongfei couldn't help complaining: "well, we can't go back."

"How can you blame me for what you say?"

Zhao Chengfeng was a little unhappy and said with a black face: "if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have delayed most of my time. Now I even hit the car. In the end, it's all your fault."

"I..." he Yongfei's depressed face, how can he blame himself?

"What are you doing? It's your fault. "

Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly: "in order to help you get rid of Ye Liangchen's entanglement, I'm willing to go out. It's a mental derailment. You don't have a word of thanks. How can you blame me? It's unreasonable. "


He Yongfei really convinced Zhao Chengfeng, never seen such a thick skinned.

"Well, you said you helped me, but now it doesn't play any substantial role. What if ye Liangchen still harasses me after today?" He Yongfei is a little worried.

Ye Liangchen may have nothing to do with Zhao Chengfeng, and he doesn't dare to harass himself openly, but it doesn't mean that ye Liangchen doesn't dare to go to his mother's side to blow the wind in his ears. If he wants to tell Zhao Chengfeng about having children, it's a big trouble.

After today's meal, the trouble has not been solved. Maybe I buried a time bomb for myself.

"If he's a fool, don't worry about disturbing you." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng mouth to stir up a touch of disdain.

"Why?" He Yongfei is puzzled.

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath of his cigarette, then slowly explained, "didn't you just listen to what I said? That boy is keeping female college students outside. You can say that. Your parents can't let you get in touch with him. Once your parents know about this, they will tell ye Liangchen's family, and ye's family will help you clean him up. "

Smell speech, he Yongfei in front of suddenly a bright, yes, how oneself this stubble to forget? How can parents expect their daughter to marry a guy with bad conduct?

"You don't really think that I mean to ridicule him. Let me tell you, I offend you for your sake." The more Zhao Chengfeng said, the more proud he was. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he couldn't say it.

He Yongfei doesn't admit that it's no good. Zhao Chengfeng is really good at pitching people.

"And did you see an Zhicheng just now? I'll bet ye Liangchen is asking about your brother-in-law's background now. He's probably scared to pee now. How dare he disturb you again? " Zhao Chengfeng continued: "don't worry, if ye Liangchen dares to pursue you again, I will break his third leg, so that he can't even support female college students."

He Yongfei was a little embarrassed after listening to this. At the beginning, he felt that Zhao Chengfeng was taking revenge and hitting ye Liangchen in the face. However, he didn't expect that every move of Zhao Chengfeng had deep meaning, but he didn't expect that it was so far away.

"How's it going? Do you admire your brother-in-law for my wisdom? " See he Yongfei face some unnatural, Zhao Chengfeng can not help but more proud, coquettish wipe a hair, like brother sharp.

He Yongfei had no choice but to shake his head. He wanted to express his gratitude. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's expression, he suddenly lost his heart.

"What can I thank you for? Isn't it all right for brother-in-law to help his sister-in-law? " He Yongfei browed and asked.

"It seems to be the same truth."

Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin, thought about it and said, "now I'm going to drive a Bentley to take you back to the company. Do you think my brother-in-law is great?"


He Yongfei rolled his eyes around, glanced around, and said: "if you can drive out, it's a strange thing. Let alone a luxury car, you can't even see a taxi. What a broken villa area?"

"Don't worry so much, just say it. If I drive a Bentley right away, will you think I'm great?" Zhao Chengfeng said.

"If you can drive out, I'll walk backwards." He Yongfei doesn't believe that Zhao Chengfeng can drive a luxury car to return Bentley. Does Bentley really need to drive a Jetta?

It's not that he Yongfei looks down on the people who drive Jetta, but he's just a little annoyed with Zhao Chengfeng. Frankly speaking, he Yongfei has just pitied ye Liangchen. Look at the bullying by Zhao Chengfeng.

"Don't walk backwards. If it's really a traffic jam, I'll drive out later. How about you kiss me?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles and looks at he Yongfei, licking his lips.

The sunshine on he Yongfei is more charming.


He Yongfei's pretty face turned red. He was shy and angry. He was so angry that he just wanted to scold his mother. What a coquettish brother-in-law, he had his own idea. It was so bad.

"Come on, I know you don't dare to bet when I see you like this." Seeing he Yongfei's angry face, Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, "ah, girls nowadays are too timid..."

"Who says I dare not gamble?"

When he Yongfei heard this, he suddenly felt uncomfortable. His chest was erect, and his momentum increased greatly. He snorted: "you can bet on gambling, but we are ahead of you. You can't steal or rob, let alone borrow a car from an acquaintance. Otherwise, you lose! "

"Will I be poor enough to borrow a car?" Zhao Chengfeng said, "you don't trust your brother-in-law very much. By the way, get the kiss ready. I'll be there in ten minutes at most."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng went to the other side of Jiangcheng Avenue.

"Brother in law lecang, hum!" He Yongfei cursed at the back.

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