"With Zhao Chengfeng's urine, it's really possible." The more Xia Bingbing thinks about it, the more likely she is. She stares at Zhao Chengfeng and asks, "how? Shouldn't Phil be looking for a boyfriend? Phil is not small this year, either

"It's too small!"

Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, "you and I have been married for less than a year. Why do you get married so early? Moreover, young people should focus on their career. Now that the company is booming, if you are going to fall in love, don't you neglect your work? It's too early to be emotional and rational, public and private. "

"Early? I don't think it's early. "

Xia Bingbing looks at Zhao Chengfeng with great interest. Her delicate mouth is slightly upturned and she says with a smile: "Fei Er is not much younger than you and me. You see how old your son is now. I think Fei Er can start to think about it. Don't you think so?"

"This..." smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng complexion a stiff, Shan smile, don't know how to respond.

"Why don't you talk?" Xia Bingbing urges a way, smile on the face is thicker, but in the heart is more and more angry.

Although Xia Bingbing is insensitive to her feelings, she has been smart since she was a child, and she knows Zhao Chengfeng better. The reason why Zhao Chengfeng said these words today must be that she was thinking of Phil.

What a Zhao Chengfeng! How shameless! I used to lie on the hospital bed with a black face. How ugly it was. I was so sad that I was about to die. Now it's good. As soon as I got out of the hospital and arrived at the company, I came to fight with Phil. This is his sister-in-law. I dare to think about it!

"How to say this question? It varies from person to person. I think it's understandable." Zhao Chengfeng said: "well, it's mainly because the society is complicated and people are separated from each other. What do you say if Fei Er doesn't pick the right person and is bullied?"

Smell speech, Xia Bingbing smile more charming, explain is equal to cover up, to attack Zhao Chengfeng's performance, it is enough to conclude that Zhao Chengfeng must be after he Yongfei!

"So? So Phil doesn't want to get married, right? The society is complicated, which means that there are no good men in the world. Do you want to say that there are no other men to be trusted except Zhao Chengfeng? " Xia Bingbing stares at Zhao Chengfeng and asks every word. At the end of the question, the smile on Xia Bingbing's face suddenly disappears, and the cold air reappears on her pretty face again.

Iceberg beauty is back.

"No, there are other good men besides me." Zhao Chengfeng said in his heart that he must have been seen by Xia Bingbing.

But who is Zhao Chengfeng? How firm and steady is the mind? How can Xia Bingbing be cheated out?

"Then tell me, besides you, there are those good men." Xia Bingbing was surprised to hear that.

With Zhao Chengfeng's cheeky face, shouldn't he stick gold on his own face?

"For example, Bingbing's father and Phil's father are all good men, aren't they?" Zhao Chengfeng solemnly said: "take Xiaotian for example, he must be a great man when he grows up. These men are good."


On hearing this, Xia Bingbing is biting her silver teeth. If it's not in front of Fei Er, Xia Bingbing wants to scold her again. Damned rascal, spare a big circle. Doesn't he still say that he is the most suitable for Fei Er?

A few elders don't talk about it. They are really good men. As for Xiaotian, they don't talk about it. They are still so young. At least they are half of Xia Bingbing's son. You can't say that your son is not a good man.

So the last good man left is Zhao Chengfeng.

"I didn't expect you to be so cheeky!"

Xia Bingbing gave Zhao Chengfeng a white look and said, "listen to what you mean. Is it true that only when Fei Er marries you can she be happy?"

"Cousin, what are you talking about?" He Yongfei blushed and was so ashamed that he wanted to find a way to get in.

Although he Yongfei does have some good feelings for Zhao Chengfeng, he doesn't want to dig his cousin's corner. What kind of system is that?

"It must be!"

Zhao Chengfeng's voice suddenly raised eight degrees, and said: "although in theory I'm not suitable for fei'er, after all, you two are cousins, if you really want to, I'll have to be dumb. I'm not good at anything else, just Lei Feng spirit..."

"I Pooh!"

Xia Bingbing really can't listen any more. If it wasn't for the guy who didn't take advantage of him, he really wanted to give Zhao Chengfeng two strokes. It's shameless. I don't know how to say such shameless words.

Such a beautiful freshman is as beautiful as a fairy, but she is still dumb? It's amazing.

"Brother in law, what do you mean? You mean I'm not good enough for you? " Not only Xia Bingbing, but also he Yongfei.

Well, I'm really sorry that you can say it. Since you don't like it, why did you press yourself to kiss me and say that you want to have sex with yourself?

"No, I didn't mean that..." Zhao Chengfeng knew that he had lost his words and quickly explained: "what I want to elaborate is the last point. In fact, I just want to carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng."

"Anyway, I remember that, hum!"

He Yongfei doesn't listen to these nonsense and hums coldly. Although he is very angry on the surface, he is actually happy now.

The next time Zhao Chengfeng wants to make any excessive demands, won't he be pushed back?

"Come on, Phil, don't be angry with him. It's not worth it." Xia Bingbing has to comfort he Yongfei, then turns around and stares at Zhao Chengfeng.

Xia Bingbing relieved a few words, then took Zhao Chengfeng back to his office, into the office, Xia Bingbing conveniently closed the door.

"Bingbing, has the company been busy recently?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile when he saw that the woman's face was not particularly good.

Xia Bingbing did not answer, but asked: "come on, what's the relationship between you and Phil? I hope you can answer me truthfully. Don't wait for me to tell you what happened. Then you won't have much face. Hum

With that, Xia Bingbing snorted heavily, giving Zhao Chengfeng great pressure.


Zhao Chengfeng's careful liver jumps suddenly. His heart says, no, he Yongfei has told Xia Bingbing about it before he enters he Yongfei's office?

"Can't ah, with Xia Bingbing's temper, if you really know this matter, you can't go all out with yourself, holding scissors all over the world Zhao Chengfeng thinks it's impossible. After all, he Yongfei is also a person who wants face. How can he take the initiative to say such shameful things?


Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "Bingbing, it's too low-level. It doesn't conform to your IQ and temperament at all. What else can I have to do with Feier? Isn't it just about the relationship between brother-in-law and sister-in-law? "

"Yes? I don't look like it. It's like you're thinking about Phil. " Xia Bingbing said with a smile, her bright eyes always staring at Zhao Chengfeng.

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