The next morning, Zhao Chengfeng got up early from bed and prepared a nutritious and delicate breakfast for Xia Bingbing. Last night, although there was no "in-depth" communication, there was a substantial breakthrough. In a few days, I'm afraid that day will come.

What's more, Zhao Chengfeng must please his first wife first. Otherwise, how can he support himself to mess around outside?


See the breakfast on the table, with fragrance, for a moment Xia Bingbing fingers, of course, more joy, warm filled in the heart.

"Don't talk. Close your eyes." Zhao Chengfeng said softly.

Xia Bingbing didn't know why, but she closed her eyes obediently. She seemed a little nervous, and even her breath became short.

Zhao Chengfeng comes forward, embraces the waist of the woman YingYing and kisses her head.

It was a long, emotional kiss. It was not until Xia Bingbing's face was red and panting that she stopped.

"You..." Xia Bingbing looked at the man, speechless complex mood, surprise, more moved, but also with a little girl's shame.

Is this the feeling in love? Sure enough, it's different.

"Bingbing, I hope that every morning in the future, I will greet you in this way, and I hope that we can go on like this all our lives." Zhao Chengfeng said softly, looking at the woman's coy face, I really want to hold it in my hand all my life.

Sure enough, Xia Bingbing's heart is melting, but Xia Bingbing still can't understand why Zhao Chengfeng has changed so much.

Is it true that the prodigal son does not change his money?

"Come and eat." Zhao Chengfeng took the woman to sit down, while serving porridge for the woman, he said with a smile: "this thin meat and preserved egg porridge, but I specially called my mother-in-law and asked her that you like this porridge. I specially made it for you. Come and have a taste. Oh, by the way, there are brown sugar buns. It's good for your health to eat two more. "

Xia Bingbing nodded and tasted it gently. It tasted very good. The taste of love flowed in. That kind of feeling was really good.

Having a good breakfast, Xia Bingbing didn't mean to go to work or even change clothes. Sitting in the living room downstairs, looking at Zhao Chengfeng in the kitchen, the woman showed a smile.

Yes, if this kind of life can be stable all the time, how nice it would be. Life has no waves, only plain sweet and stable, this is enough.

"Why don't you go to work?" After Zhao Chengfeng is busy, see Xia Bingbing is still sitting, doubt asks a way.

Xia Bingbing did not directly answer, but asked: "Chengfeng, why do you suddenly treat me so well?"

"Don't I always treat you so well?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, feeling that Xia Bingbing's words were strange.

"It's not the same!"

Xia Bingbing shook his head and said: "this feeling is different. In the past, you may have done it for my good, but most of it was for my body. Today, it's different. I can feel your heart. Your heart is really on me."

"Women, being too smart is not a good thing."

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked, but relaxed again. He said with a bitter smile: "after experiencing life and death, after experiencing human life, I finally understand what I want, and I know how to cherish the people around me, that's all. I'm not great, but I'm not stupid

"As you said, I am a playful person. Yes, I really like many girls, and I have had relations with many of them, and even had children. But I can promise that I can swear to God that my feelings for them are true. That's why I feel sorry for you and want to stay with you more. "

Xia Bingbing's nose was sour and she nearly burst into tears.

"I've gone to work. You can do your own business." After hearing this, Xia Bingbing changed her clothes and left.

"Well, is that anger? Or not angry? " Looking at the woman who left, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't figure it out for a moment. However, Zhao Chengfeng felt that it was still quite difficult for Xia Bingbing to completely accept the woman around her.

It's a long way to go. It's a long way to go.

"Brother Feng has to continue to work hard!" Zhao Chengfeng waves his fist to cheer himself on. He plans to accompany Xia Bingbing in the evening to break a woman's heart.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, at this time, Zhao Chengfeng's waist phone rang, not from others, but from anbai, who is known as a jade girl.

"Hello, beauty, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng very happily picked up the phone, no way, for a while still have to help people do things.

"No, I miss you, OK?" Ann's clear and plaintive voice came, "don't you miss me?"

"Yes, can you not? It's just that I'm not too busy? So... "Zhao Chengfeng smiles insincerely.

"Busy dating other women?"

Without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to finish, anbai interrupted: "I've heard that you've been amazing recently. You've changed women every so often. You've made time to play with me too."


Zhao Chengfeng smell speech, can't stop dry cough, heart said who can think of anbai unexpectedly can say so explicit words? But this is Ambrose, the real Ambrose.

"What did your brother say to you?" Zhao Chengfeng also knew that an Zhicheng's mouth was not safe, but he was not angry. He just said, "I was with other women yesterday, but it was just to help. In fact, she is my sister-in-law. How can I start with her?"


Who knows, the anbai on the other side of the phone said: "don't talk about my sister-in-law. I guess you won't let it go, will you?"

"I'll go!"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng embarrassed unceasingly, this Niang son talks is really enough to damage. But then again, Xia Bingbing doesn't have a sister. Where can I find my sister-in-law?

What's more, can brother Feng dig people's corner?

"Well, don't talk nonsense with you. We agreed before. Today I'll sing for you on the live platform. Later, you'll have dinner with me, and yell" anbai, I love you "in the live room. Otherwise, I won't sing." Ambrose went straight to the subject and said the purpose of the call.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was a little bit confused and said, "don't you eat with me? Why did you add another clause? "

"I don't care!"

Anbai said: "if you don't agree, I'll go to other platforms to sing. I'm so angry with you. If you don't agree again, can you believe that I'll give you a condition to sleep with you? "

"I'll go. It's very fierce."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a waterfall big sweat, busy way: "OK, aunt, I all promise you still can't?"

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