Time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, it was 12 o'clock at noon, and the wind brother live broadcasting platform was already popular.

Just because, the wind elder brother live broadcast platform invited a big name - anbai!

"Damn, this, so many people, 20 million?" Once in the studio, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are staring straight.

One side of the kid white Zhao Chengfeng a look, no good airway: "boss, you are the school doorman to teach mathematics, right? This is 200 million, OK? 20 million. What's your level? "


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng took a cold breath, full face of incredible.

Nima, it's 200 million person times. If one person pays a dollar, that's 200 million income.

"My God, I'm rich now." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were red. He was so excited that he didn't want to. When he thought of a lot of silver, he didn't want to sit down.

"Don't be too optimistic, boss."

While smoking, the kid manipulated the computer and said, "what you see now is the background data. How much money you can make in the end depends on the end. Now you can't say anything, but I'm sure it's a myth of the live broadcast platform."

"In the end, it's a star, and its appeal is too strong." Zhao Chengfeng praised it.

The kid nodded his head and said, "yes, Ambrose's reputation is too big. In addition, he disappeared after he quit the music industry some time ago. This time out of the mountain, naturally, a lot of fans flocked to. It's a lot of hard work. "

"Well, it makes sense." Zhao Chengfeng also agrees with this view.

The withdrawal of Ambrose led to the rush of Ambrose's records in the market. At that time, many people were worried that they would never hear Ambrose's songs again.

But now it's different. Anbai is out of the mountain again, and it's still live, which means that anbai may sing two songs to you from time to time. It's still free. How nice.

"That's OK. You stare here. I'll watch the live broadcast." Chong Xiaogui gives two orders, and Zhao Chengfeng goes upstairs. He goes directly into Shangguan Lanxin's past room, lies down on the bed, lands on the live broadcasting platform with his mobile phone, and quickly enters the room.

The room was bustling, with countless fans giving gifts, and the scene was almost chaotic. But anbai did not seem to see the same, in front of the camera quietly singing, the voice is clear and tactful, very pleasant.

"Damn, how about saying I love you in front of so many people?" Zhao Chengfeng holding the mobile phone, thinking again and again, finally sent out the edited text, instant screen capture.

This is evidence.

"No, there are too few rewards. I have to brush them." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of a thing, with anbai reward more than 100000 out, instantly occupied the whole screen.

With the rise of Zhao Chengfeng, many fans also began to offer rewards. The amount is not as big as Zhao Chengfeng's, but a lot of people make a lot out of a little. It's better than a lot of people.

"I can't cheat you out of your money, hum!" Looking at this scene, Zhao Chengfeng showed a satisfied smile.


Just when Zhao Chengfeng was proud, Tian xiner's head flashed.

"Uncle, you can show your love for a female star. You're very capable." Tian Xin'er joked.

"What show love not show love, this is not to show respect for female stars?" Zhao Chengfeng light said, also don't know how to explain.

Tian Xin'er said: "however, uncle, I really admire your ability. You can even invite a big star like anbai to help. It's amazing."

"Ha ha, she and I are friends. We've known each other since we were young. Shouldn't we help each other?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't hide it, he said.


Smell speech, Tian Xin Er more excited, gossip way: "that means that you like anbai for many years, is not every day to send flowers?"

"Do I have to send her flowers?" Zhao Chengfeng curled his mouth, a face of disapproval.

It is estimated that if you tell Tian Xin'er that anbai pursues him, Tian Xin'er will be scared.

"Hee hee, uncle, I just like you to be so strong, pretending to be real." Tian Xin'er joked that she obviously didn't believe Zhao Chengfeng's words.

"Hey, to tell you the truth, if you don't believe it, I can't help it." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile and asked, "by the way, how are your fans recently? Have they gone up yet?"

"Me? I don't know. I haven't paid any specific attention, but there should be thousands of people. " Tian Xin'er doesn't care. He doesn't care about it.

Tian Xin'er's character is like this. She looks at everything very lightly. At the beginning, those Internet sailors said so many ugly words, Tian Xin'er laughed them off. It can be seen how broad-minded the girl is. She must be very broad-minded.

"Awesome, just a few days, there are so many fans, I..."

Zhao Chengfeng did not finish a word, the phone actually rang up, touch out a look, it is actually a kid called. Zhao Chengfeng frowned. What's the situation? Call upstairs downstairs. Have you eaten too much?

"I'll talk to you later. I have something to deal with." To Tian Xin'er back, Zhao Chengfeng went downstairs.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

The kid said calmly, "boss, come and see for yourself. Something's wrong. There are a lot of sprays in Ambrose's studio and even the whole network platform. Basically, there are a lot of sprays in every anchor's room, especially Ambrose's studio. The number of sprays is at least more than 10000 people!"

"Damn, this is aimed at Laozi." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, his brows tightened, and his anger grew heavier.

"Boss, do you want me to get rid of these trash right away? I'm afraid it will have a bad effect on us." The kid asked, his brow twisted into a knot.


After thinking for a moment, Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "if there are interests in the world, there must be disputes. It's just a matter of human nature. Why should we be angry?"

"What's more, if these fans want to spray anbai, they have to pay a reward to get on the wall. Compared with anbai's fans, this kind of spray will drown them every minute. There will be some hype. Let them spray. The more we spray, the more famous our live broadcast platform will be. They will be so angry at that time. "

"Boss, you're still good!"

The kid hears the speech and gives Zhao Chengfeng a thumbs up.

But Zhao Chengfeng said, "don't be idle. Help me find out where these sprays come from and who commands them. We must find out who is behind the scenes and what to do after we find them. No matter what happens to me, you can do it by yourself."


The kid finally laughs. Isn't he the best at this kind of thing? Only in this way is the most exciting!

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