
Liu Shiyun was speechless again, and suddenly remembered something in his mind. How suddenly his father died, did life give him a chance to prepare? No,

"Shiyun, don't cheat your heart. I know you are a shy girl. However, in front of love, being too reserved can't get any good at last." Seeing Liu Shiyun's expression, song Sisi continued: "Shiyun, a woman, at her best age, meets a man who loves herself and herself at the same time. This is happiness. But if you don't take the initiative, happiness will go with the wind..."

Liu Shiyun doesn't speak any more. He just glances back at Zhao Chengfeng. There are more things and less anger in his eyes.

"In the end, it's sales. This mouth can make the dead alive." With this in mind, Zhao Chengfeng has to admire song Sisi.

As soon as Liu Shiyun left, they were entangled with each other. Zhao Chengfeng is also careless, thought it was in Song Sisi's office, even the door is not locked. After being discovered by Liu Shiyun, he thought, it's over, it's definitely over. Even though Liu Shiyun won't tell Xia Bingbing, he will never make himself better.

But how also did not expect, song Sisi by virtue of three inch eloquence, a few words to coax Liu Shiyun, at this time wind elder brother to no longer take the initiative to attack, that is not a fool?

"Shiyun, I..."

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

Just as Zhao Chengfeng holds Liu Shiyun's shoulder and they embrace each other affectionately, the damned door rings.

"Shiyun, it's time to get off work. Let's go and have dinner together. I'll take your car home later." At this time, Xia Bingbing's voice came from the door.

Listening to Xia Bingbing's voice, Zhao Chengfeng subconsciously shrinks his neck. If he doesn't do anything wrong, Zhao Chengfeng will not be afraid, but he just talked to song Sisi, so he is inevitably a little guilty.

What's more, he was caught by Liu Shiyun. If he accidentally said it, it would be troublesome. For a moment, Zhao Chengfeng looks pitifully at Liu Shiyun.

"Oh, Bingbing, invite Shiyun to dinner. What do you mean if you don't invite me to dinner?" But song Sisi is much more free and easy, came forward to open the door of the office, laughing with Xia Bingbing played a joke.

"Didn't I think you went back to the sales department? In that case, OK, let's go to dinner together. We haven't got together for some days. It happens that we have nothing on hand today. " Xia Bingbing said, did not notice what is wrong.

Zhao Chengfeng has to admire song Sisi's acting skills. If the Academy Award is not awarded to her, the judges are absolutely blind.

"Bingbing, what about me? I'll go to dinner with you. I eat too much and don't waste it. " Zhao Chengfeng also followed with a smile, deliberately downplaying the embarrassment of just now.

Xia Bingbing turned her lips and said, "we'll have dinner together. What are you going to do? What do you mix with our topic? Go out and play by yourself. "

"Aren't you afraid that I'll go out and have sex?" Zhao Chengfeng is a little puzzled. In the past, Xia Bingbing has been very strict with herself. Unexpectedly, people don't care now. What's the situation?


Xia Bingbing rolled her eyes and said, "I don't care about how I love you. Hum!"

With that, Xia Bingbing rushed to Liu Shiyun and song Sisi again and said, "let's go. We're going to have a traffic jam in the rush hour a little later."

"All right." Liu Shiyun nodded, but he didn't tell what he had just seen, and left with the two girls.

"I'll go!"

Looking at Xia Bingbing with two people left, Zhao Chengfeng messy in place, for a while don't know what to say.

"Sir, is brother Feng so dispensable?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, lit a cigarette and took a puff.

At this time, song Sisi went back.

Looking at Song Sisi, who looks like a peach blossom and is full of affection, Zhao Chengfeng has a good choice to have a woman with him.

"Sisi, I know you can't bear me. Come on, they're all gone. Let's go on..." Zhao Chengfeng is going to pull song Sisi.

Song Sisi twisted his waist, easily avoided the past, joked: "you think too much, I just came back to get the bag."

"I'll go, but we didn't get there just now." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly some unhappy, not up and down the feeling is very uncomfortable, hold the waist are a wave of pain.

"Even today, you still want to take good care of your body. Don't squeeze you dry. It's not good if you are malnourished." Song Sisi picked up the satchel, laughed, turned and left.

"Damn it

Looking at the woman's back, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help scolding. He looked down and said, "how can brother Feng be malnourished? Uncle, I dare to look down on brother Feng. Next time I make you unable to get down for half a month, hum! "

Anger turns to anger. After washing a cigarette, Zhao Chengfeng feels bored, so he leaves the company. After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng decides to visit Chen Shuxian.

Thinking about not seeing a woman and Beibei for a long time, Zhao Chengfeng is really worried about it, but because he is busy every day, he ignores it.

However, just got through the phone, but was told that Chen Shuxian is currently on a business trip.

"Why are you on a business trip? And I said, "I'll be with you at night." Zhao Chengfeng holding the phone, extremely depressed.

It's just a coincidence.

"Chengfeng, I miss you too. It's just that the construction of welfare homes is almost complete, and many orphans have been accepted." On the other end of the line, Chen Shuxian comforted: "however, the government suggested that instead of receiving orphans from other places, it would be better to build welfare homes in other places, as a branch of Beihai welfare home. So this time, I come here to talk about cooperation."

"What about Beibei?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, she couldn't get angry. Women don't want to avoid themselves, they just want to do more good deeds.

Referring to Beibei, Chen Shuxian's voice was more loving and proud, saying: "Beibei is obedient now. She takes care of other students in the school, helps sweep the floor and wash dishes, and does some housework as she can. Compared with the past, Beibei is more sensible now, and her academic performance has also increased a lot. "

"Now that Beibei has grown up, we have to seize the time to have a second child. Otherwise, a child is too boring. You see, I'm lonely during your business trip; As soon as I go out, you'll be alone again. " Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, his brain is full of women's warm face.


Chen Shuxian paused and said shyly, "when I'm busy, we'll have a baby."

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